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Processing Hour of Code

Processing Hour of Code

Related:  CODING

Teaching Coding (For Teachers who Can't Code) According to a recent study by, the vast majority of schools in the US do not provide a rigorous computer science curriculum ( One skill that is critically ignored in schools is the actual coding of computers, with many computer science skills focusing instead on office skills like using Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. In fact, 90% of American schools don’t even discuss computer programming! While office skills are necessary, this neglect is a dangerous position for America’s students to be in. Welcome, Inventors! App Inventor is a free, cloud-based service that allows you to make your own mobile apps using a blocks based programming language. You access App Inventor using a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). With these beginner-friendly tutorials, you will learn the basics of programming apps for Android devices. You will need: A Mac or Windows computer (see system requirements)An internet connection

L’ora del codice a scuola: opportunità e idee di Andrea Patassini Dal 7 al 13 dicembre si rinnova l’appuntamento con le iniziative proposte nell’ambito della Settimana per l’educazione all’informatica. Evento cardine la cosiddetta Ora del codice, ovvero l’occasione per avvicinare studenti, insegnanti ed educatori ai concetti basilari della programmazione.

Teachers talk about TKP The TEACHERS resource section of the TKP site is organized as follows: General Topics for teachers on this site include the following: what we teach (i.e. which languages, software, IDEs, etc..),where we teach (i.e. links to events),who teaches (list of trained TKP teachers by location)how to teach the using the Intention Method (i.e. list of general teaching tips for all of our courseware) In addition we are adding teaching resources for each recipe (or lesson unit) to this site. App per il coding, guida alle migliori Le app per il coding consentono di imparare a programmare in modo pratico, divertente e spesso anche gratuito. Niente teoria, il coding si “studia” mettendosi in gioco – è proprio il caso di dirlo – davanti a un computer o allo schermo di un tablet. Internet, come ormai per la maggior parte di cose che facciamo durante le nostre giornate, offre molte opportunità: sono centinaia, infatti, le risorse disponibili in rete per avvicinarsi alla programmazione e al pensiero computazionale. Ecco una lista di siti e app per il coding – gratis o a pagamento – per principianti e “programmatori” più esperti.

the Hour of Code is coming On Monday, October 14, 2013, announced the “Hour of Code," a campaign to introduce 10 million students to one hour of Computer Science. Live stream of the announcement Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey Among Those Joining Campaign Cody Roby – Cercatori di energia Descrizione Cercatori di energia è un gioco da tavolo della serie CodyRoby per due o più giocatori/squadre. I giocatori (o le squadre) usano le carte Cody per muovere i propri robot lungo un percorso alla ricerca della stazione di ricarica di energia. Simon Haughton's website: LOGO Programming I'm going to admit that the fourth lesson I do on LOGO is complicated - the understanding of the programming commands that is required is of a high level and any mistake made (even the tiniest one) will result in either commands not being executed properly or error messages popping up on screen. It is, however, a lesson which the children rose to the challenge of today and which they were extremely impressed with when they saw what on-screen patterns they had managed to produce by its end. The age-old saying "you only get out what you put in" was certainly true today! Last time, I showed the children how to use the REPEAT command to draw regular polygons and stars so the natural progression was therefore to teach them how to create procedures this time. I explained a procedure as simply being a set of commands which are given a name, which when typed are run (done/executed).

12 Sites That Will Teach You Coding for Free There was a time when knowing how to program was for the geekiest of geeks. That’s not exactly the case today. As most entrepreneurs, freelancers and marketers will tell you, learning how to program can help you succeed. Teach Kids Programming with These 7 iOS Apps Learning how to code is now more important than ever before. Technology is going to play a big role in our lives in upcoming decades. It is a very good idea to teach young kids foundations of good coding for the future. These 7 iPhone and iPad apps make it easier to teach young children some coding without boring them: Hopscotch: teaches kids to code with simple building blocks.

Coding for technophobes: how to teach the new computing curriculum The ICT curriculum is changing. For a start, it has a new name: computing. The hope is that the new curriculum will equip children with the skills they need to become active participants of this fast-paced digital world. Some teachers are understandably apprehensive about teaching skills such as computer programming, which will become increasingly important for pupils. Kodable Teaches Kids To Code Before They Learn To Read Preschool and kindergarten are recommended times for kids to learn a new language, while they’re still in the process of learning their first one. So Grechen Huebner and her cofounder, Jon Mattingly, created an app that teaches kids to program - before they’ve even learned how to read. The idea behind the iPad app, Kodable, is just that simple: create an app to make programming a child’s second language as early as possible in the child’s life. Kodable is designed for children between the ages of five and seven, but Huebner said it’s been tested and enjoyed by kids as young as three. “One of my favorite moments was when this three-year-old boy was playing it and literally screaming, he was so excited,” she said. “He already got the concept.

Can These iPad Apps Teach Your Kid to Code? - Lauren Goode - Product Reviews The pillars of elementary education in the U.S. — reading, writing, math — have remained the same for a long time. Now another skill set is increasingly coming into focus: Computer programming. This week, I tested two new mobile apps, Kodable and Hopscotch, that are aimed at teaching young children the basic skills necessary for computer programming. Both are for iOS — specifically, for iPad — although Kodable plans to introduce an Android version of the app. And both are free to download, but Kodable does include advanced levels that cost $1.99 to access. What is programming, exactly?
