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Oregano Has 4 Times The Antioxidant Potency Of Blueberries

Oregano Has 4 Times The Antioxidant Potency Of Blueberries
by KAREN FOSTER Oregano is widely considered as nature’s antibiotic. It is an indispensable spice in Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin American and Italian cuisine, oregano is the must-have ingredient in tomato sauces and pairs well with capers and olives. It may be one reason why people who eat a Mediterranean diet tend to live longer and healthier lives. The oil of the wild oregano plant has been shown to kill unwanted bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites and viruses and is a powerful antihistamine. Oregano is an important culinary and medicinal herb that has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years – with a number of health benefits. It is one of the top five spices in the world with one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scores meaning it will more effectively neutralize free radicals. Oregano typically grows 50 cm tall and has purple leaves around 2 to 3 centimeters in length. Oregano is a rich source of: -fiber -iron -manganese -Cough -Asthma Related:  In Relation to Vitamins & AntioxidantsVitamin InformationHerbs & Plants

Ont i huvudet och migrän? Då kan du ha brist på detta - Alla personer känner till att vi behöver ha vitaminer och mineraler för att kroppen ska fungera som den ska. Ändå är det väldigt många som inte får i sig alla viktiga vitaminer, vilket leder till att man kan drabbas av huvudvärk och migrän. Just migrän är något som väldigt många personer lider av. Det kan komma väldigt plötsligt och kan vara svårt att bli av med. Annons Vitaminerna B6, B9, B12 och D minskar risken för huvudvärk avsevärt mycket. Det finns enligt den välkända läkaren Dr. Man får heller inte glömma att väder och trötthet också kan påverka oss. Saknas dom viktigaste vitaminerna på din tallrik ökar risken för migrän med 300%. Men det finns även olika livsmedelstillsatser som kan ge migrän och huvudvärk. Detta bör du inte äta om du vill undvika migrän: – Ansjovis – Avocado – Banan – Koffein – Lagrad ost – Choklad – Citrusfrukter – Fikon – Sill – Linser – Jordnötter – Ärtor – Processat kött (till exempel korv och skinka) – Russin – Hallon – Röda Plommon – Sardiner – Sojasås – Vin

Magnesium - The Missing Link To Better Health Magnesium – The Missing Link To Better Health Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest tutorials daily – free! 191 image – EatLocalGrown Magnesium is regarded by scientists as essential to life, playing a fundamental role in living cells. Magnesium is a crucially important mineral for optimal health throughout the body. A surprisingly large proportion of people do not get enough magnesium: At least 57% (some say 80%!) Calcium tends to be taken in high quantities – which can cause more harm than good, as it’s very important to have a proper balance between these two minerals. Early signals of magnesium deficiency include: Appetite loss, headaches, nausea, tiredness and weakness. One of the great challenges of testing your own body’s magnesium levels is that only around 1% of the body’s magnesium is in the blood, making the magnesium readings from a serum magnesium blood test inaccurate. Magnesium Links For Further Study: If you enjoyed this page:

15 Medicinal Plants And Herbs From The Cherokee People Photo credit: If you love natural medicine, and you love discovering new plants or herbs to help heal your body naturally, then this article is for you. Some of the best healing plants come to us through traditional Cherokee healers. Using plants to treat common illnesses or injuries has been around for centuries as there were no “doctors” or pharmaceuticals. You are going to be surprised, also, to find that many of the plants the Cherokee healers used are quite common. Want to know more? 1. This common plant was used to stop fevers by making a tea of the leaves and flowers. Continue to Page 2 2. Goldenseal is so popular that it has been harvested almost to extinction. 3. This plant is still quite common and was used to treat most bug bites and stings. 4. For pregnant women who were just days away from giving birth, the Cherokee made a tea from the leaves of partridgeberry plants. Continue to Page 3 5. Modern medicine still uses this plant today! 6. 7. 8. Continue to Page 4 9.

Natural Homemade Magnesium “Chill Pill” Gummies Great For Insomnia, Anxiety, And Stress Posted on: March 5, 2019 at 12:59 pm Last updated: October 15, 2019 at 6:22 pm Experiencing anxiety is more than just feeling butterflies in your stomach. It’s understandable to experience anxiety during temporary stressful or overwhelming seasons of life, but lately, you may have felt like your average day is becoming more than you’re able to handle. The recommended daily intake of magnesium for adults is between 320 and 420 mg, but the average American’s intake is only around 250 mg daily. Since your body stores magnesium mostly in your bones (and some cells), a blood sample isn’t a reliable way to test if your magnesium levels are healthy. Muscle crampsOsteoporosisFatigueMuscle weaknessHigh blood pressureAsthmaIrregular heartbeatDepressionAnxiety A 2017 scientific review conducted by Neil Bernard Boyle, Clare Lawton and Lousie Dye of the University of Leeds found that there is plenty of evidence to go around that magnesium can be beneficial for anxiety. Other Benefits of Magnesium

Taking B12 Energy Vitamins May Cause Lung Cancer - The Atlantic Energy. If you’re not taking vitamin B12, forget about having energy. As The Dr. Oz Show has recommended, “End your energy crisis with Vitamin B12.” The nice thing about sublingual pills is “you don’t need a doctor, you don’t need a prescription.” And don’t get me started on metabolism. These are the sort of vague marketing claims that have propelled the cobalt-based compounds sold as B12 into American hearts and minds and blood in ever-growing quantities. Nonetheless around 50 percent of people in the United States take some form of “dietary supplement” product, and among the most common are B vitamins. This is a heavy claim about a very common substance, so it’s worth spending a minute on the methodology. The researchers then watched as people died and contracted diseases in ensuing years—and the vitamin group raised concerns. The largest increase in cancer risk was in the lung. Lung-cancer risk among men who took 20 milligrams of B6 daily for years was twice that of men who didn’t.

Top 7 Surprising Reasons Why Coriander was so Popular in All Ancient and Modern Civilizations - Tiptop Home Remedies Mostly people use coriander for cooking, but also many of them don’t know other ways how to use it for improving their health. When it comes to the health benefits of coriander (also known as cilantro), it also includes various treatments for high cholesterol levels, inflammation of the skin and other disorders, anemia, menstrual cycle disorders, smallpox, blood sugar disorders, as well as certain benefits in eye care. This herb is full of Magnesium, Vitamins B, A and C and also Iron. Also very important essential oils are present in it. Almost all parts of this plant are used, the seeds, leaves, stems, essential oil, and roots, they can help with some digestive problems, coughs, bronchitis, also joint pain and rheumatism. 1) Coriander is a great source of powerful antioxidants, so it can fight successfully certain oxidative damage. 3) It is very good and beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Do you eat coriander or use it while cooking?

Sprawdź czy nie cierpisz na niedobór witaminy B12 – objawy, przyczyny, leczenie Być może cierpisz na niedobór witaminy B12, nawet o tym nie wiedząc? Okazuje się, że niedobór tej witaminy może przypominać objawy wielu innych chorób, stąd trudno niekiedy określić co tak naprawdę nam dolega. Najczęściej niedobór witaminy B12 ujawnia się w postaci anemii, ale zdarza się, że w niektórych przypadkach brak tej witaminy często przypominać może choroby psychiczne. Koniecznie dowiedz się w jaki sposób rozpoznać oznaki niedoboru witaminy B12 w organizmie oraz jakie są jego przyczyny. Braki w organizmie odpowiedniej ilości witaminy B12 powoduje, że doskwierać nam mogą różnorakie problemy ze strony układu krwiotwórczego, pokarmowego, nerwowego, a nawet pojawiają się objawy bardzo podobne jak przy chorobach psychicznych. Przyczyny niedoboru witaminy B12 Najczęstszą przyczyną niedobór witaminy B12 jest po prostu jej brak w naszej codziennej diecie (np. stosowanie diety wegetariańskiej). Niedobór witaminy B12 zauważyć można u osób, które: Niedobór witaminy B12 a przyjmowanie leków

How to Stop Losing and Start Getting More Magnesium - The Real Positive Experience There is a nutrient which is actually a weapon against almost most illnesses and diseases. In addition, you should know that around half of Americans are actually unaware that they are deficient in this powerful nutrient. Magnesium takes part in hundreds of functions in the human’s body. As a matter of fact, The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine published a study according to which this deficiency makes you twice as likely to die in comparison to other people. In addition, it accounts for a long list of diseases and symptoms, which are easily treated with the help of this nutrient. This nutrient is an antidote to stress, and it’s the most potent relaxation mineral in the world which can immensely improve your sleep. Intrigued? The Importance of This Mineral This powerful relaxation mineral is actually magnesium. You should know that this mineral is responsible for more than 300 enzyme reactions. Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency More About Magnesium Deficiency Stop Losing Magnesium

Oregano Herbal Medicine, Health Benefits, Preparation, Side Effects Oregano as used as herbal medicine has its earliest beginnings even in early Egyptian times and has been traditionally used as herbal remedy for skin burns, cuts and bruises. Because of the minty flavor of oregano, it is also used as herbal remedy for sore throat, asthma, colds, coughs and flu. Antiseptic and fungicide. Oregano leaves and flowers are used to treat cuts and burns. Oregano contains thymol, a crystalline substance that has antiseptic and fungicide properties. Respiratory and stomach ailments. Treatment for Colds, Fever and Indigestion. Antioxidant Oregano is known to have antioxidant properties that can protects against damaging agents. Relaxant. Pain reliever. Source of fiber. Source of Vitamins and minerals. Sinus Inhalant. Acne and pimple treatment. Arthritis, swelling and muscle pains. Dandruff and lice control. Oregano oil helps cure infections of fingernails. Asthma attach prevention.
