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Phonevite - Share Your Voice - Community-Based Voice Broadcasting - Phone Tree Service

Phonevite - Share Your Voice - Community-Based Voice Broadcasting - Phone Tree Service

A Developer Dashboard for All Your Tools A Developer Dashboard for All Your Tools Posted by Michael Chletsos on Wed, May 22, 2013 You ever have those really good ideas, create a product or website around it, and no one cares? Fast Data Processing with Spark eBook: $22.99 Formats: $19.54 save 15%! Print + free eBook + free PacktLib access to the book: $60.98 Print cover: $37.99 $37.99 save 38%! To Go proudly announces: ' To Go' - a package containing the software for the well-known open data website This allows other governments and open data communities to quickly install and customize a full open data website and develop it further in partnership with the worldwide community. Although the central components CKAN, Drupal and's custom components have each been open source for several years, few have used them in combination, due to the complexities of set-up.

San Francisco Bay Area Professional Chapter Toyota InfoTechnology Center, U.S.A., Inc. (Toyota-ITC) together with ACM, announces sponsorship of Toyota ACM Quantified-Car Hackathon. Come join this competition to create apps that utilize the API for vehicle data on either iOS or Android platforms. At these events, Toyota-ITC will provide qualified developers with access to Toyota's vehicle data streaming API for the first time in the industry, in the US.The event will be preceded by API roll-out and idea brainstorming sessions (Ideathons).

Movies Featuring the Nmap Security Scanner For reasons unknown, Hollywood has decided that Nmap is the tool to show whenever hacking scenes are needed. At least it is a lot more realistic than silly 3D animation approach used in many previous movies (e.g. "hacking the Gibson" on Hackers, or the much worse portrayals on Swordfish). We always like to see Nmap in the movies, so we have catalogued known instances here. If you catch Nmap in another flick, please mail Fyodor.

[春節企劃] 1/23 有錢人養成計畫杜拜 11 天自由行 $25,360 照片:杜拜帆船酒店 by Jamie (旅知故事 013, 寒假又要到了,與其和小孩在家裡看不特別的特別節目,大吃大喝養三圍,不如飛去杜拜,在杜拜一年最涼爽 (但還有 25 度) 的時候,參觀世界第一高塔、世界最大黃金市集、世界最豪華酒店。去真正「有錢人的世界」開開眼界,不但讓您的馬年有個氣勢非凡的開場,也讓您接下來有見錢思齊、努力奮鬥賺錢的動力。 HackNTU 臺大黑客松年度小聚 - 活動通 Accupass 每一個人心中都有一個英雄,都想要用自己的力量讓這個世界變得更好! Hacker 運用技術做出豐富人們生活的產品; Entrepreneur 建立商業模式讓好產品被大家所用。而當 Hacker 遇上 Entrepreneur 這個世界即將翻轉! 心中住著理想的你,絕對不能錯過這次 HackNTU 的年度小聚!我們為大家邀請到來自矽谷的連續創業家 David Dupouy ( ) 與大家分享從工程師到創業家,進而成為創業圈的推手的心路歷程,與大家一同思考如何讓你的產品成為真正的生意! 阿貝好威的實驗室: Hadoop Cluster 如何使用Ambari 安裝與啟用 Kerberos 圖片來源:自行製作 [2014.02.10 Update] 這篇文章是把KDC、Ambari 以及所有Service裝在一起,但是如果套用在真實full distributed cluster mode 這篇文章在安裝上就會出問題,請參考另一篇安裝Fully Distributed Hadoop Cluster by Ambari on Google Cloud Platform。 接續Security for Hadoop - Data Encryption 這篇文章裡面提到的Kerberos ,如果你的Hadoop Cluster 沒有啟動Kerberos 的認證機制,其實根本是沒有安全防護可言的,所以今天這篇文章就要來分享如何利用Apache Ambari 啟動Kerberos 的認證機制。 測試環境:
