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Learn English If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English. Murder Winks Directions: The students stand in a circle, and one of them will be the "murderer". This student will "murder" other students by winking at them. To choose the murderer, you can either a) have them close their eyes, walk around the circle, tapping one student on the back, or b) put one square of paper for each student in a hat, writing "murderer" on one piece and "innocent" on all the others; the students silently choose a piece of paper to determine who is the murderer. Now the game begins. If the murderer "winks" at a student who is looking back at him/her, then the student is "dead" and must sit down. As more and more people "die" and the group gets smaller, it gets very difficult to be the murderer without getting caught. Students will want to play this game over and over.

Time4English A German woman in Darmstadt found a wallet containing €1000. She refused to give it back to the owner unless she was given a €120 reward. She got the reward, but the pensioner who owned it tipped off the police and the woman was arrested. Police said: "It was a bit stupid. tipped off - told Volunteers were cleaning rubbish from the top of Britain's highest mountain when they found a piano. puzzled = don't know how as to = about instrument = piano ended up at = got to German police are stunned by the theft of an entire roller-coaster. stunned - very surprised Big Dipper - name of a kind of roller-coaster Six-year-old Maximiliano Arellano, from Mexico City, has been studying medicine on his own at home. Maximiliano Arellano = boy's name on his own = alone / by himself prodigy = child genius / child who is many years ahead of other children his/her age enable = allow

EFL / ESOL / ESL Educational Songs and Activities: Song Lyrics for Teaching English as a Second Language These EFL/ESOL/ESL lyrics are available from a variety of albums: Songs that Teach Conversational English and English Vocabulary Action Songs Around the World – Jack Hartmann Can You Move Like Me? – Caroline and Danny Circle of Friends – Ron Brown Family Dance – Dr. – Music with Mar. – Jay Cleveland Jump for Numbers 0-10 – Ron Brown Jump, Jump, Jump – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín Stand Up – Skip West We Walk – Music with Mar. Alphabet The ABC Rap – The Gum Rappers Letter Blender – Music Movement & Magination Letter Sounds A to Z – Jack Hartmann Who Knows the Alphabet Sounds? – ABC's & Much More Animals African Safari – Diana Colson Baboon Baby – Diana Colson Do You Know These Sounds? – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín Doing the Flamingo Walk – Diana Colson Elephants – Diana Colson Giraffe – Diana Colson Lion Pride – Diana Colson Mosquito – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín My Fish – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín My Pet Turtle – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín Please Say Cheese (Animal Names and Movements) – Dr.

ESL Games, Quizzes and Classroom ESL Activities Free ESL Games and Quiz Corner Welcome to our 'Free ESL Games and Quiz Corner'. Here you'll find interactive games, ESL classroom activities and games, online quizzes and hundreds of printable quiz questions in graded sets, including many sample question sets from our ESL board game Word Up. You'll also find excerpts from articles and books on using games in language learning plus links to many other ESL games and activity resources online. For TeachersMost of the classroom games and activities may be used with students of any level except for absolute beginners. English (ESL) Literacy and Vocabulary Exercises Online beginning English exercises numbers 0 - 10readnumber names, zero to ten:read spell A - a, B - b, C - c ...readthings in the classroom:read spellcolors:read spelldaily activitiesread spell months:read spellfamily:read spellvegetables:read spellfruit:read spellclothing:read spell places around the neighborhoodread spell rooms in a houseread spell accessories:read spell farm animals:read spellfast foodread spell intermediate and advanced English exercises kitchen equipment:read spell transportationread spell things in an office:read spell kinds of moviesread spell wild animals:read spell tools:read spellsea creatures:read spellspace:read spell San Francisco tourist places:read spell the Earthread spell insectsread spell fabric patternsread spell punctuation marks:read spell Greetings teachers of English as a second language (ESL), You should note, however, that although the game-like element adds some excitement, the simplicity of these exercises makes them somewhat monotonous. Cheers, Kurt

EFL ESL Teaching Activities, Lessons, Games, Worksheets, Ideas We hope you enjoy using this free resource site for English teachers. Whether you are looking for teaching activities, worksheets, lessons, games, ideas or articles, you've certainly come to the right place. The pages at are designed to direct you quickly and easily to the ESL/EFL teaching resource you are looking for. You will find lots of new teaching ideas and activities to keep your classes imaginative and interesting. The teaching pages within this site are filled with quality resources and exciting teaching ideas. The teaching resources we offer you cover a broad range of topics that are designed to get your students using English in an effective and meaningful way. provides hundreds of resources for both the ESL and EFL teaching environment, and we are growing every day. Give us a +1 if you like this page

Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website Sentence Examples Learning basic English Learn English lessons books exercise free DUST Restaurant English: Ordering Food Time: 1 hour Focus: The purpose of this lesson is to give false beginners the skills to order food in a restaurant. This lesson follows a simple format of an introduction and discussion, followed by a role-play activity. Preparation: The teacher will need to print off and photocopy four sheets: restaurant menus, the waiters' activity sheet, the customers' activity sheet, and the role-play prompts. Introduction: Tell the students that they will be ordering food from restaurants today. Usually, the student will say something very basic, "Hamburger." If the student gives a more sophisticated answer, then I write it on the board and then we begin to discuss other ways of ordering food. Discussion: The purpose of the above demonstration is a lesson in pragmatic competence. As a class we briefly discuss ways to order food: I'll have a hamburger, please. Role-play Activity: Now, comes the real focus of the class: a role-play activity to practice ordering food.. Restaurant Cloze Activity Target Language:

Differentiation: setting learning objectives and outcomes Schools will use different systems for setting objectives, but it's expected that pupils will know – by being told or by seeing these displayed on the board – what the learning objectives are. I would strongly advise that pupils copy down these learning objectives, or stick them into their books so that they can refer to them both during and after the lesson. When setting your learning objectives you need to be clear about what you expect the learning outcomes to be. Having said this, it will have already become pretty evident to you that not all pupils will be able to access the knowledge/skills/understanding you are trying to impart in your lessons to the same level, and because of this your outcomes need to be differentiated. What is differentiation? So what is actually meant by the term ‘differentiation’? Teachers who only group according to ability are limiting the learning of many pupils in their classes, particularly those with special educational needs. Starter activities
