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The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Tools for Teachers

The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Tools for Teachers
Word clouds are fun ways to get students thinking creatively about any topic. The problem is that it’s sometimes difficult to find the one that best meets your needs. Lucky for you, we’ve taken the dirty work out of it and compiled The 5 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Educational Tools for Teachers! Utilize these free educational technology tools to get your students’ minds immersed in any new topic. Word It OutAbout Word It OutWord It Out is a word cloud creation tool that is easy to use and gives users many options for customizing their clouds.How to Use Word It OutBegin using Word It Out by clicking the link above. Once you are on the site, click the blue “Create Your Own” button. Free Educational Technology Word Clouds are great ways to get your students thinking about any topic in a new light. When it comes to finding the deeper meaning in a text passage, a word cloud is a simple application that you might have seen as a cute bit of fluff rather than a useful academic tool.

Top 10 FREE Plagiarism Detection Tools for Teachers Editor's note: We have originally written and published this article in November 2013. Thanks to your useful suggestions and our own following of the latest developments in the fast paced field of technology, we have updated this piece in October 2015 in the hope that you will keep finding it useful. Thank you for sharing! The act of taking someone else’s ideas and passing them off as your own defines the concept of “plagiarism”. Are you still undecided about whether or not plagiarism checkers are really necessary in eLearning? Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.

Creator Processing ... Personal $ Svg $20 ✓ Up to $75 merchandises for personal use. Merchandise $ License to use artwork in merchandises (T-Shirt, Mug, poster, etc). Single Use $ License for single-purpose non-merchandising use. Unlimited $ Unlimited personal or commercial use. Custom $TBD Custom license, with terms subject to prior arrangement. Please contact for more information By accepting this license, you agree to the Tagxedo's Terms of Service, and you agree that you have acquired the right to use the source image to create the Tagxedo artwork, and that you indemnify and hold harmless Tagxedo and its employees and officers from any harm are liability that may incur. Please contact if you have any question. The 5 Best Free Cartoon Making Tools for Teachers Toondoo About Toondoo ToonDoo is a comic cartoon creator that allows users to choose from a wide variety of art in order to create completely original cartoons. How to Use ToondooClick the link above to visit ToonDoo’s site. After this, you will be redirected to ToonDoo’s sign in page; sign in with your username and password. At the left of the Creator, you are able to choose characters, backgrounds, props, texts, special effects, clipart, and images from your gallery.

Slide Makeovers: Presentation Design Lessons from Real Slides I was browsing the web the other day and stumbled across a handful of slides that I thought could use a makeover. The slides were cluttered, the main message unclear and visuals weren’t leveraged to make any impact. So I asked my team to redesign them. I thought it would make a fun and insightful exercise, with the objective of demonstrating what not to do when designing presentations. Before we walk through the slide makeovers, there are 2 essential practical presentation design lessons for you to keep in mind: 1. 2. Remember that, and learn from these mistakes: Before: Example 1 Current: As a general rule, never use Clipart. DIY Suggestions: There is no reason to fall back on Clipart because there are so many great alternatives. Slide Makeover: Example 1 Before: Example 2 Current: This slide breaks a cardinal rule of presentation design by featuring two distinct ideas on the same slide. DIY Suggestions: When tempted to put more than one idea on a slide, just say no. Before: Example 3

La récré exercices ludiques et gratuits pour l'enseignement primaire 5 Online Tools Every Teacher Should Try at the Classroom The internet is becoming a tool for more than just researching papers. The tools that are available to instructors and students can mean the difference between success and failure. SkypeSkype is a program that allows free computer to computer voice and video calls. This tool can allow teachers to expand their lessons by speaking directly with people in applicable professions, or even other classrooms around the world. Imagine the difference that it could make in a foreign language class. There are dozens of other tools that are available for teachers to help them create an engaging learning environment for even the most recalcitrant student.

Du post-it au mur collaboratif ! les outils web 2.0 dans le projet personnel et professionnel (PPP) L'idée d'utiliser les outils web2.0 a commencé à germer lorsque nous avons démarré la veille collaborative dans notre groupe MoodleLab sur Diigo Impliquée depuis 5 ans dans le PPP, je constatais qu'il était difficile de mobiliser les étudiants et les enseignants sur ce sujet. Or, l’accompagnement de l‘étudiant dans la réflexion sur son Projet Personnel et Professionnel (PPP) est de plus en plus intégré dans l’ensemble des cursus universitaires. Les outils Web 2.0 permettent de rendre ces activités plus interactives, plus collaboratives, plus ludiques aussi. Focus sur un retour d’expérience à l’IUT de Mulhouse avec des étudiants de 1ère année, avec un parti pris, utiliser au maximum les outils web2.0 Carte conceptuelle récapitulant l'organisation du PPP L’objectif étant de favoriser la créativité et l’imagination, nous avons laissé le libre choix de l’outil aux étudiants.

Les Pages, le moteur de recherche pour les enfants. Le portail Les Pages Juniors propose une sélection de sites destinée au jeune public. Cette sélection est opérée par une équipe de professionnels de la gestion de l’information et édité par Profil Technology spécialiste des solutions de filtrage de contenu. Des milliers de sites sécurisés Plusieurs milliers de sites (plus de 15 000) réactualisés en permanence et correspondant aux centres d’intérêt des juniors sont accessibles. Différents modes de navigation sont proposés : directement par saisie comme pour un moteur de recherche classique. Des univers variés sont proposés pour répondre au mieux aux centres d’intérêt de chacun : Scolaire/ Sport/ Jeux/ Musique/ Environnement/ Arts et culture/ Actualités et société. Dans chaque univers, des questions (dont les réponses se trouvent dans les sites sélectionnés) sont posées, encourageant ainsi les jeunes internautes à développer leurs compétences de recherche sur Internet. Qu’est-ce qu’une liste blanche ? Comment se fait la notation d’un site ?

321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology Jacob Lund/ Summary: Would you be interested in the ultimate list of free tools for teachers? At the following post you will find 324 Free Tools for Teachers separated in 18 educational technology categories. Enjoy! Free Educational Technology for Teachers Do you support Free Technology for Teachers? I am a great supporter of Free Educational Technology. 19 Free Tools To Create Infographics For Teachers amCharts Visual Editor This editor allows you to use amCharts as a web service. 19 Free Text To Speech Tools For Teachers AnnouncifyListen to your web. Listen Text-to-Speech Voices with the Right Authoring Tool Vendor Find, choose and compare the top eLearning Authoring Tool Companies featuring Text-to Speech Voices! 21 Free Digital Storytelling Tools For Teachers AnimotoUnlimited Videos For Educators. 15 Free Podcast Tools For Teachers 28 Free Survey, Polls, and Quizzes Tools For Teachers addpollThe easiest way to create polls, surveys and html forms... on the web.

Flipper ou non, ou quand le TBI améliore les résultats des élèves! Lorsque mars est arrivé, en 2012, et que j’ai pensé quitter mon poste de conseiller pédagogique en TIC pour retourner sur le plancher des pupitres, j’avais la tête pleine d’idées. Certaines farfelues et d’autres que j’avais lu. Parmi celles-ci, les grands avantages de la classe inversée, que j’ai dernièrement explorée et dont je vous fais part de mes propres découvertes… La classe inversée Lorsqu’un enseignant traditionnel enseigne, il démontre certaines notions, soit par lui, ou avec des techniques de découvertes dirigées. La classe inversée, c’est d’envoyer le jeune à la maison avec un clip vidéo expliquant la notion et un devoir. Frustration d’une méthode qui génère encore 20% d’échecs… Mes résultats ont été différents que les statistiques, car je n’avais pas 44% d’échec en math (car j’ai appliqué cette méthode avec les mathématiques dans un premier temps), mais tout près. -Pierre Poulin et François Bourdon , Comment j’ai « flippé » au début. Extrait :

The 5 Best Free Audio Tools for Teachers Introducing audio into the classroom is a great way to switch it up and keep students actively involved in learning. In today’s tech savvy classrooms there are a multitude of ways in which you can incorporate audio into the learning process. In this article we’ll give you the 5 Best Free Audio Tools for Teachers and elaborate on how they can be used. Vocaroo About VocarooVocaroo is a simple and free online program that requires no sign up for users. It is an audio recording app that allows users to record themselves online and save the recording immediately afterwards for use anywhere. Free Educational Technology Introducing audio into the classroom is a very effective way to ensure students are staying engaged. Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.

Twine - Graphisme et audio-visuel Twine est un petit logiciel tout simple qui permet de créer des histoires interactives du type « dont vous êtes le héros ». En quelques clics, votre histoire est créée et vous pouvez l’exporter tout aussi facilement en format HTML. Que ce soit pour l’utilisation en salle de classe pour la conception de récits, pour le développement de scénarios eLearning, ou encore pour exprimer votre créativité, ce logiciel rapide de prise en main vous permettra de créer efficacement une histoire. Basé sur le moteur wiki TiniWiki et sur l’application de conception d’histoires en mode textuel pur Twee, Twine offre une interface graphique facile à utiliser. Les fonctionnalités sont relativement restreintes. En ce qui a trait aux fonctions d’exportation, c’est relativement simple, le menu Story nous donne l’option Build Story, option qui nous permet d’enregistrer en format HTML le récit rapidement et le visionner dans notre navigateur internet préféré. Vous souhaitez mettre à jour la notice ?

The 5 Best Free Rubric Making Tools for Teachers Rubrics are generally something that makes the life of an educator easier. Rather than adding an arbitrary grade to an assignment, with rubrics educators are able to determine exactly where a student’s work excelled beyond expectations and exactly where it lacked quality. Although they are highly valuable tools, creating rubrics can be a difficult and time consuming process. Editor's note: We have originally written and published this article in January 2014. Annenberg LearnerAbout Annenberg Learner: Annenberg Learner is a tool that allows teachers to specify the appearance of their rubric and the criteria on which students will be graded. Free Educational Technology Now that you have the 5 best free Rubric making tools for teachers, there’s no reason not to utilize them in order to make grading every assignment easier! Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.
