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47 Excellent Ajax CSS Forms - Noupe Design Blog

47 Excellent Ajax CSS Forms - Noupe Design Blog
Forms needs a solid visual structure, a profound hierarchy of form elements (Fields and Labels), powerful techniques and Functionality (AJAX) to make the form look and work creatively. There is a great bunch of creative, outstanding and individually designed from scratch forms. Thanks to AJAX, we can provide real-time feedback to our users using server-side validation scripts and eliminate the need for redundant validation functions and processing data. Let’s take a look, hopefully you’ll find new ideas you can develop further on your own. You might be interested to check some of the designs that was mentioned in the posts below: Styling Forms 1) Uni Form – an attempt to standardize form markup (xhtml) and css, "modularize" it, to get nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, semantic, accessible and usable forms. 2) CSS-Only, Table-less Forms – A great example of a well designed form using modern css techniques. Demo Styling Form Elements Demo : Form Usability and Accessibility Demo:

30 Fresh AJAX Tutorials And Techniques - Noupe Design Blog Jan 04 2010 By Paul Andrew Using AJAX on websites and applications is pretty much taken for granted nowadays. Users expect it. Form Help without Popups Summary Thrusting new windows upon visitors of your site is frowned upon, as it goes against device independence by assuming a windowed environment. One situation where developers feel that a new window is appropriate is with web forms. If the visitor requires help on a form field, a new window saves the visitor the trouble of having to leave the form, and possibly losing the data they have entered. 30 concepts-clés de l'utilisabilité - Référencement, Design Dans un article intitulé "30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of", Smashing Magazine recense 30 concepts et définitions que toute personne s'intéressant à l'ergonomie et à l'utilisabilité devrait connaître. Ce billet en est une adaptation en français : Le principe des 7±2 éléments Le cerveau humain étant limité dans sa capacité à traiter l'information, celui-ci aborde la complexité en traitant l'information par blocs. Les études menées par George A.

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30 Scripts For Galleries, Slideshows and Lightboxes - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Family photos, vacation snapshots or creative artistic works: whatever images you have to present, you can present them in a variety of ways. On a big screen, in slide shows or in a thumbnails gallery. 16 Design Tools for Prototyping and Wireframing [Design Practice 8. Balsamiq Mockups Balsamiq Mockups (price:$US79, demo available) is an interesting product running on Adobe AIR. Its representation of the interface elements has a refreshing hand-drawn, sketch-like quality to them. This does help promote the degree of changeability of the wireframes, as they look very much like a draft.

TiltViewer XML Gallery An XML gallery will load images that you have uploaded to a web server. Define the images and text for your gallery in an XML file you can create with any text editor. To create an XML gallery, follow these steps: Download and unzip TiltViewer files to a new folder. This is your gallery folder. Copy your images into the 'imgs' folder in your gallery folder. A Simple AJAX Driven Website with jQuery + PHP Introduction AJAX is abbrieviated from Asynchrounous javascript and XML. It's not a new technology, but the implementation of a group of technologies to achieve a seamless interaction between client and server.

HomePage There is no single recommended module text book but reference to these books may be required: Deitel H.M & Deitel P.J. (2009) Visual Basic 2008: How to program Pearson Education Dennis, Wixom & Tegarden (2005) Systems Analysis and Design with UML: An Object Oriented Approach 3rd Ed. Wiley
