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Costumes by Gwen van den Eijnde Artist Gwen van den Eijnde of France creates these sculptural costumes for his performances as bizarre fantasy characters. Created using a range of materials including paper, wooden piano keys, plastic bags and toothpicks, the Baroque-inspired pieces feature pleated ruffs and dramatic headpieces. More fashion on Dezeen » Here's some more information from van den Eijnde: By means of sculptural costumes that I create piece after piece, I turn into fantasy beings during performances. The human body is the central point of my stylistic research. My costumes are constructed during a long process, organised in different stages: At first they are shaped with a “toile”, a prototype of the costume made out of cotton, pleated paper and cardboard. I try to transform the body into a kind of sculpture, by composing with different volumes. The photographs document the creative process and show the different stages of modelling the costume’s silhouette. See also:

مواقع الصور المجانية ، أكثر من 40 مصدر للصور المجانية عالية الجودة كثيراً ما نحتاج إلى الصور في نشاطنا على شبكة الانترنت، فسواءً كنت مدون او صاحب موقع فسوف تحتاج إلى صور كي تظيفها إلى تدويناتك وتجمل بها صفحات موقعك، أو كنت مفسبكاً نشيطاً، فستحتاج إلى صور معبرة تكمل بها جمال عباراتك وإيصال أفكارك، أما إن كنت مصمماً مبدعاً فغالباً ستحتاج إلى الكثير من الصور كي تأخذ منها أجزاء وتعدل في أجزاء أخرى. السؤال المهم هنا: كيف نحصل على الصور المناسبة، هل نبحث عنها في قوقل ؟ أم نجلبها من فليكر ؟ في اعتقادي أن قوقل هو أسوأ طريقة لجلب الصور لأنك في الغالب تنتهك حقوق أصحاب الصور دون أن تشعر، لأن هذه الصورة التي تجلبها في الأصل قام بتصويرها شخص لديه كاميرا اشتراها بثمن غير قليل، أو مصمم أخذت من وقته ساعات حتى أنجزها، لم تولد هذه الصورة من تلقاء نفسها بدون تعب او جهد او تكلفة، إذاً فهذه الصورة لها صاحب ، فهل يأذن هذا الصاحب لأي شخص أن يستخدم هذه الصورة بدون أي مقابل ، أم هنالك بعض الشروط واللوازم ، أو ربما هو لا يأذن بأي حال من الأحوال أن تستخدم صورته. إنها مسألة تتعلق بالحقوق ، والحقوق أمر عظيم. أولاً: مواقع الصور المجانية التي لا تشترط الإشارة إلى المصدر morgueFile

Cine Online | Peliculas Online | Cine Gratis | Estrenos en linea Inspiration 30 Examples of Packaging Designs that Scream “Buy Me!” Let’s get one thing straight. Packaging design is very important, whether you like to admit it or not. continue reading 45 Creative Gig Poster Designs If you didn’t know by now, gig poster collecting started out in the 60′s and the tradition is still going strong today. continue reading 30 Beautiful Photographs of Cities from Around the World Cities are incredible. continue reading 21 Quotes That Will Change the Way You See Education The moment you become aware of your existence, you start learning. continue reading 33 Clean, Minimalist, and Simple Interior Design Websites Clean websites usually demonstrate a perfect use of colors, typography, illustrations, and space. continue reading 25 Beautiful Vintage Style Business Card Designs Good design never goes out of fashion. continue reading 30+ Vibrant and Flashy Illustrations By TechnoDrome1 Former Source Magazine intern named Joshua Williams aka Technodrome has been making a name for himself.

Double Exposure Photography: 50+ Examples and Tutorials Double Exposure, or Multiple Exposure, is a photographic technique that combines 2 different images into a single image. The technique has been practiced for several years, and it became particularly famous recently, due to the fact that graphic editor like Photoshop can help to create the identical effect. (Image Source: Elena iPhoneography) With double exposure technique, you can create certain effect like ghost image, mirror image, or simply merging a bright moon into the dark, lonely sky. Sounds theoretical? Aisles In The Sky. Barrier Of Clouds. Between Heaven And Earth. Brad Jeff Fight. Construction. English x Name. Factory In The Sky. Feelin Dizzy. Ferndale Cemetery. Gather My Strength. Gueishan. Hideaway Hands. I Love You. In Her Course. Mirrored Downtown. Oh Sheet!. Old Man Texted. Pandora. Pathway // Ladders. Piano Peace. Power Mix. Power Station In The Sky. Rainy Night. Ratz. Ribbed Sky. Roller Coaster. Scenic Detour. Sittin’ Tall. Standing In The Cloud Parking Lot. Tree Map.

Kirsten Becken Messenger Adictos: La web de los adictos al messenger, msn messe News Our work has a side effect that we did not anticipate when we started TCH in 2004. From the start, we were clear that we do not want to follow or predict trends – we trust our own instincts and feature what we feel deserves to be featured. Plain and simple. But what we did not envision is that we seem to be creating trends. We have created a trend of success for the creatives, designers, architects, artists, brands and entrepreneurs we have featured on our pages. Each week we receive excited emails from the individuals and brands we have featured reporting massive spikes in traffic on their websites, and avalanches of international enquires from agencies, retailers and other potential clients wanting to get their hands on their work. Most of them also report being inundated with enquiries from the other international media - major magazines and newspapers who rely on The Cool Hunter and other great blogs to find content for their pages. “The Coolhunter effect” is incredible!
