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Old Finnish People With Things On Their Heads

Old Finnish People With Things On Their Heads
Almost a year ago I discovered this photo series at Kiasma – The Museum of Modern Art in Helsinki, Finland. Photographers, Karoline Hjorth and Riitta Ikonen came up with something truly peculiar and special, in their photo series Eyes As Big As Plates. Their subjects are old, super serious and Finnish, all while wearing ridiculous “organic” head pieces and attire…need I say more? Images via VisualNews and Riitta Ikonen.

19 Wild Costumes From European Pagan Rituals Still Practiced Today EmailEmail Halloween is just around the corner, and while the usual Hallmark-holiday-style costumes are plenty of fun, there are also options for those of us that want something a little wilder. Photographer Charles Freger has traveled through 19 European nations to gather pictures of impressive costumes from pagan rituals that have survived to this day. The series, entitled “Wilder Mann,” inspires images of an older, wilder and more tribal Europe filled with wild beasts, bonfires and pagan gods. Website:

Où trouver des photos gratuites et de qualité pour vos créations ? Un nouveau mouvement de partage a vu le jour sur le web depuis quelques mois : les designers et photographes s’organisent pour mettre à disposition des photos gratuites, libres de droits et de qualité pour vos créations. Traditionnellement en agence, les photos pour illustrer nos maquettes et un projet finalisé proviennent de banques d’images comme IStock, Fotolia, Shutterstock ou encore Getty Image pour ne citer qu’elles. Les banques de photos libres de droits et gratuites existent-elle depuis belle lurette, comme le site par exemple. Au-delà de ces méthodes « classiques », une sorte de tendance d’entraide entre créatifs du web voit ouvrir de nouveau sites, proposant des photos gratuites de toutes beautés. Évidement, ici, pas de moteur de recherche multi-critères, pas de séries de photos, pas de portraits… Non, sur ces sites vous trouverez des photos originales pour illustrer vos sites web. Unsplash Gratisography Le site vient tout juste de voir le jour. Little Visual Dotspin

Sometimes a Wild God | Coyopa :: lightning in the blood Sometimes a wild god comes to the table. He is awkward and does not know the ways Of porcelain, of fork and mustard and silver. His voice makes vinegar from wine. When the wild god arrives at the door, You will probably fear him. He reminds you of something dark That you might have dreamt, Or the secret you do not wish to be shared. He will not ring the doorbell; Instead he scrapes with his fingers Leaving blood on the paintwork, Though primroses grow In circles round his feet. You do not want to let him in. The dog barks. The wild god stands in your kitchen. ‘I haven’t much,’ you say And give him the worst of your food. When your wife calls down, You close the door and Tell her it’s fine. The wild god asks for whiskey And you pour a glass for him, Then a glass for yourself. Oh, limitless space. You cough again, Expectorate the snakes and Water down the whiskey, Wondering how you got so old And where your passion went. The wild god reaches into a bag Made of moles and nightingale-skin.

HDR Photoshop effect The most important is first step, it is a base of HDR Photoshop effect. Use command image > adjustment > shadow/highlight and set up values: shadows amount: 50%, tonal width 45%, radius 41 px; High-light amount 83%, tonal width 76%, radius 1120px; Duplicate layer "base" and set up its layer blending to Color Dodge. This blending gives picture strong colors and cause that light areas turn into pure white. Do the same thing as in the second step, but layer blending is set up to Linear Burn now. Fourth step is easy, it profits from third step. Now it's time to adjust picture look, try to experiment with layer opacity. Set up foreground color to white and use command select > color range with fuzziness set up around 100. The last step colorize picture into red tones. I use some other adjustmenst to achieve HDR look. You needn't do manually all this steps again and again, much easier is to use HDR Photoshop action, which do the all work for you.

21st century Gypsies: New Age Travellers adopt horse drawn-caravans and a love of Facebook (as long as it's solar powered) By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 11:35 GMT, 30 September 2012 | Updated: 10:12 GMT, 1 October 2012 They were the inner-city youth who, fuelled by punk spirit, anarchist philosophy and a hate of Margaret Thatcher, clambered aboard a fleet of battered old vehicles to shun the trappings of the modern world for a life of nomadic freedom. And while today's new-age travellers appears to have taken the philosophy even further, preferring to use traditional horse-drawn caravans instead of gas-guzzling vans, they also appear to be embracing the modern technology like mobile phones, laptops and even Facebook. During the late 1980s and 1990s stories about the travellers were commonplace - illegal raves, clashes with the police, drug busts and fury at the criminal justice act. Photographer Iain McKell took his first pictures of new-age travellers 25 years ago. And while little has been written about the New Age travellers in the past decade, the movement has far from fizzled out.

Apprendre la photo, le blog | America Could End Homelessness in One Year by Doing This If America really cared about solving the problem of homelessness among it’s citizenry, here’s an idea that would work. Oh- and that opening line references the fact that as far back as 2011 empty houses in America outnumbered homeless families by five times, according to Amnesty International. Anyway, let’s say the problem with homeless people in America was a result of not enough housing. Then, this idea would work. Did you know that you can make houses out of plastic bottles? By filling them with sand, and molding them together with mud or cement, the walls created are actually bullet proof, fire proof, and will maintain an comfortable indoor temperature of 64 degrees in the summer time. And it’s not like there is any shortage on used plastic bottles out there. “The United States uses 129.6 Million plastic bottles per day which is 47.3 Billion plastic bottles per year. To build a two bedroom, 1200 square foot home, it takes about 14,000 bottles.

KatzEye Focusing Screen for the Pentax K100D, K110D, K100D Super, K200D, K-x, and K-r The KatzEye™ focusing screen for the Pentax K100D, K100D Super, K110D, K200D, K-r & K-x is a laser matte with a horizontal split prism circle and a microprism collar, very similar to the one you would find in many classic SLRs. The split prism with microprism ring is a great combination for focusing in a variety of situations. The screen will have NO effect on the functioning of the autofocus sensors of the camera and it is a direct replacement for the original. Viewfinder Markings The standard KatzEye™ screen for the Pentax K100D/K110D/K200D/K-r/K-x does not have the focus area brackets marked like the original screen - we prefer the clean look on the screen. Metering Information The KatzEye™ focusing screen for the Pentax K100D/K110D/K200D/K-r/K-x shows no significant effect on metering. The “Plus” Prism The KatzEye™ focusing screen for the Pentax K100D/K110D/K200D/K-r/K-x is available exclusively in the KatzEye™ “Plus” version. Installation Brightness Enhancement Composition Aids

These Street Art Chalk Outlines Of Drones Are Appearing Around The World The drone war takes place in the shadows. As citizens, we have little idea of what killing is going on in our name, though recent leaks help paint a picture. To dramatize both the reality and the lack of disclosure, British artist James Bridle has been chalking outlines on city street with his project Drone Shadows. The work looks like the markings for murder victims--which is part of the point--though they depict the overflying aerial vehicles. Bridle drew the first outline in London in early 2012, and has since followed up with further drawings in Istanbul, Brighton, Washington D.C., Brisbane, Australia, Sao Paolo, Detroit and elsewhere. "In order to understand the world around us, we sometimes need to draw it out," he says. To encourage others to follow his lead, he's created a detailed Drone Shadow Handbook, with instructions about making your own markings.

effet de zoom et travelling en postprod avec Premiere CS5 sur Tuto Dans ce tutoriel gratuit Adobe Première Pro, vous allez apprendre à créer un effet de Zoom et de Travelling sur une vidéo fixe. Cette technique est très utile pour les Timelapses. Ce tuto est destiné aux débutants. Nous verrons ensemble, de manières simple, toutes les étapes pour arriver a ce résultat. Jetez un oeil à ces autres tuto Premiere CS5 Pour vous faire un avis, voici un extrait de quelques secondes. Reevolt , Formateur Toutes les formations de Reevolt Témoignage des clients de Reevolt formation précise même s'il manque un peu de profondeur, j'ai appris des choses même si le coté théorique plombe un peu la formation. D'autres tuto de Reevolt Notes attribuées par les utilisateurs (6 votes) Note moyenne des utilisateurs Votez pour ce tuto Les avis / Questions des utilisateurs (6) Donnez votre avis ou posez une question au formateur. Vous souhaitez commenter ce tuto vidéo ?

Etats-Unis : des photos des années 30 et 40 en couleurs Revivre l’histoire Américaine des années 1930 et 1940 en couleur, c’est ce que propose la bibliothèque du Congrès américain, à travers une série de clichés prises à cette époque. Le Flickr de la bibliothèque dévoile une collection de photographies de la Grande dépression et de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une époque dont les photos couleurs sont plutôt rares. Des photographes travaillant pour la FSA (Farm Security Administration) et l’OWI (Office of War Information) ont pris ces 16 000 images entre 1939 et 1944 qui "dépeignent la vie aux Etats-Unis, avec un accent sur les zones rurales et le travail agricole" explique le site. Elles viennent compléter les photographies en noir et blanc plus connues des photographes FSA/OWI, réalisées au cours de la même période. La bibliothèque conserve les clichés originaux mais offre les copies numériques, afin d’assurer une large disponibilité. Des photos restaurées, datant des années 1800

Comment choisir son flash ? La photographie au flash est une pratique ardue, souvent délaissée par les photographes. Mal maîtrisé, le flash écrase les perspectives et donne des résultats décevants. Pourtant, il peut se révéler extraordinaire, quel que soit le genre photographique dans lequel vous exercez ! Que vous utilisiez le flash d'appoint de votre appareil ou un flash de reportage plus conséquent, les possibilités qu'offre ce petit éclair de lumière sont immenses… Le flash embarqué : un gadget ou un incontournable ? Pour commencer, intéressons-nous aux flashes d’appoint embarqués dans certains appareils. Le petit flash d’appoint du Canon EOS 600D et le bouton permettant de le déployer : ne sous-estimez pas ses possibilités ! Cependant, tous les reflex n’en sont pas systématiquement équipés. Les reflex professionnels Canon EOS 1D Mark IV et Nikon D3x sont dépourvus de flash d’appoint. Tous les COI (Compacts à Objectifs interchangeables) ne disposent pas d’un petit flash d’appoint. Compatibilité sans fil
