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Names for Change - It's just stuff. Until you don't have it.

Names for Change - It's just stuff. Until you don't have it.
Related:  Gamification, Gbl, Education

Gamification, 10 buoni esempi di aziende che giocano Fabio Viola«I giochi a oggi sono il miglior strumento mai inventato per motivare le persone e incollarle a uno schermo: ecco perché le aziende utilizzano sempre più spesso la gamification per aumentare l’engament con i propri utenti/clienti, rafforzare la loyalty al brand, migliorare processi e rendere meno noiosi alcuni compiti». A parlare è Fabio Viola, esperto di gamification, game designer, autore del blog, coordinatore didattico del master in Engagement & Gamification dello IED Milano e membro del comitato scientifico del master in Gamification dell’Università Tor Vergata a Roma. Un guru della materia, insomma, che ci tiene a sgombrare subito il campo dalle definizioni non corrette del termine gamification. A Fabio Viola, che è stato anche ospite di EconomyUpTv (GUARDA LA VIDEOINTERVISTA), abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci dieci casi in cui le aziende hanno utilizzato la gamification con efficacia. Ecco la sua lista. Zombies, Run! English Attack! quant’altro.

Design Embraced GALERÍA Synopsis Synopsis: spawned in late December 2001 out of the strong belief in doing good work, in going beyond the surface, in provoking thought, in touching emotions, in educating and exploring new ways in visual culture. This belief is still shared today by its founder Ovidiu Hrin and the current studio staff. The independent design studio employs talented people working on both cultural and commercial design projects for clients around the globe. Ovidiu Hrin studied communication design and architecture. ------------------------ Synopsis SRL //// Evlia Celebi 5, 300226 Timisoara, Romania ● Telephone: +40 (0) 723 – 15 21 38 ● ovidiu[at] //// ------------------------ Site proudly coded by: Andrei Don Artwork photos taken by: Eugen Radut ● Eugen Neacsu ● Cristian Vaduva ● Daniel Dorobantu

jonathan da costa ADRIFT: Create your own Interactive Fiction ALEE FOROUGHI GALERÍA Microcars They now seem to be a dead-end in transport evolution, as well as motorcycles in the 1950s. Why do we even need them, when you can buy a motorcycle, which is similar to a matter, but with a car seat and a closed cabin? Either of those survived. In the 1970s, when oil prices rose again, new microcar models came in (cycle-cars, as they were called in the USSR), some of those—with electric motors. I like cycle-cars, because they drive the modernism idea to extremity: in a reasonably organized life everything must be in its least. The car, shrinked almost to the size of the human body, turns into a spacesuit, the exoskeleton, almost in clothes. Kids Games - Educational Computer Games Online | TurtleDiary

entradas de arquitectura modular: by zeendo Sep 9
