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Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm

Rational Rose A UML visual modeling and application development solution The IBM® Rational Rose® product family is designed for Unified Modeling Language (UML) based development of applications. Architects, analysts, software and database designers, and systems developers can use this family of products to produce visual models of software architectures, databases, application requirements and reusable assets, as well as formulate management-level communications. Product editions : Rational Rose Developer for Java: Model-driven software for Java and Java EE implementation environments. Rational Rose Developer for UNIX: Software for developing UNIX and Linux® based applications. Rational Rose Developer for Visual Studio: Model-driven software for Microsoft® Visual Studio languages. Rational Rose Enterprise: A visual modeling tool for application development, data modeling, web services design, business modeling, legacy application extension and component-based modeling. MoreLess

pitfalls Department of Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192-0249 cay\ Copyright (C) Cay S. What is a pitfall? C++ code that compiles links runs does something different than you expect Example: if (-0.5 <= x <= 0.5) return 0; Pitfall: This expression doesnot test the mathematical condition -1.5 <= x <= 1.5 Instead, it first computes -0.5 <= x, which is 0 or 1, and then compares the result with 0.5. Moral: Even though C++ now has a bool type, Booleans are still freely convertible to int. Since bool->int is allowed as a conversion, the compiler cannot check the validity of expressions. Constructor pitfalls int main() { string a("Hello"); string b(); string c = string("World"); // ... return 0; } string b(); This expression does not construct an object b of type string. Moral: Remember to omit the ( ) when invoking the default constructor. The C feature of declaring a function in a local scope is worthless since it lies about the true scope. a = 36; a = Array<double>(36);

Poseidon Now Poseidon for UML is based on our Poseidon for DSLs platform. It is a great UML tool with a complete set of diagrams (class, package, use case, state, component, activity and sequence diagrams) and excellent user interface. We provide magnificent improvements in stability, scalability, performance, reliability and customization. We believe this tool has the best user interface in the industry. At the same time, it is an example of what is possible with our DSL platform. UML now is just one of the conceivable DSLs possible with the Poseidon for DSLs platform. Purity The new Poseidon for UML totally focuses on the productivity of the modeler. When you start the new Poseidon for UML, you are consumed by the large drawing area. Scalability The entire architecture is built to support full scalability. But just the same Poseidon for UML takes great care to also support huge models. Performance A key to productivity is performance. Flexibility Have you heard of DSLs? Tool chain integration

Pure JavaScript HTML Parser Recently I was having a little bit of fun and decided to go about writing a pure JavaScript HTML parser. Some might remember my one project, env.js, which ported the native browser JavaScript features to the server-side (powered by Rhino). One thing that was lacking from that project was an HTML parser (it parsed strict XML only). I’ve been toying with the ability to port env.js to other platforms (Spidermonkey derivatives and the ECMAScript 4 Reference Implementation) and if I were to do so I would need an HTML parser. I did some digging to see what people had previously built, but the landscape was pretty bleak. (I also contemplated porting the HTML 5 parser, wholesale, but that seemed like a herculean effort.) However, the result is one that I’m quite pleased with. htmlparser.js: 4 Libraries in One! There were four pieces of functionality that I wanted to implement with this library: A SAX-style API Handles tag, text, and comments with callbacks. XML Serializer DOM Builder

Objecteering Modeling: UML, BPMN, EA, requirements, business rules, dictionaries, SysML, DSL, ... Produce correct, consistent, relevant and complete models that are shared by everyone in your organization. Extensive coverage of necessary models Objecteering provides integral support of complete UML2 standard modeling, BPMN modeling for business processes integrated with UML, models dedicated to enterprise architecture (EA), models for technical systems (SysML), and models dedicated to requirements, goals, dictionary terms and business rules. Powerful, user-friendly editing tools Each type of model is supported by a model explorer, model graphical editors, a graphical traceability editor, specific consistency checks, and dedicated services, such as documentation and code generation. Objecteering – The guarantee of high-quality models All your models are stored in a centralized or distributed repository, and their consistency is permanently managed. Java, JSF 2, PrimeFaces, Ajax, jQuery, Spring, Hibernate, REST, Hadoop, and GWT Training, Tutorials, Consulting, Books, & Resources Enterprise Architect Top 10 Front-End Development Frameworks (Editor’s note: purely for reasons of length and readability, this article is the first of two parts. This one focuses on the Bootstrap family, more will be profiled in the second part.) As the Web matures and the range of mobile devices we use to access it rapidly grows, our jobs as web designers and developers get considerably more complicated. A decade ago things were much simpler. Soon, more people will be accessing the Web on their mobile and alternate devices than on a desktop computer. One of the primary strategies we use when we deal with unknown viewport size is the so-called responsive web design. The technique of responsive web design is to serve a single HTML document to all devices by applying different style sheets based on the screen size in order to provide the most optimized layout for that device. This is where front-end development frameworks come into play. In brief, if you are serious in today’s web development then using frameworks is a must and not an option. 1.

MagicDraw Take Your HTML Tables to a New Level with JavaScript Frameworks Take Your HTML Tables to a New Level with JavaScript Frameworks With basic HTML tables, the structure and the way the table are presented inherits the native html style. And if you like to change it then you need to change the underlying HTML code or spend time in adding attributes to all tables tags, in order to style it with CSS . But what if you want to make the tables more interesting, more dynamic, more visual appealing without spending so much time. Solutions Based on jQuery Flexigrid Flexigrid is a lightweight plug-in for jQuery that converts an ordinary HTML table into an extremely flexible and feature-rich datagrid (or Flexigrid). tablesorter tablesorter is a jQuery plug-in for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. TableRowCheckboxToggle TableEditor TableEditor provides flexible in place editing of HTML tables. ingrid CSV2Table

Together Caliber® Requirements management Caliber gathers, refines and organizes requirements to align with software development that meets the needs of the business. So you deliver the right software faster. Ensure success and save money by making sure you're developing the software the business needs. Caliber » Silk Test™ Automating functional tests Silk Test is the fastest, most reliable, efficient and scalable test automation solution for development, quality and business teams, delivering quality software faster. Master the automation of complex technologies for your most critical applications. Silk Test » Silk Performer CloudBurst™ Performance Testing in the Cloud Silk Performer CloudBurst delivers performance testing across all the latest technologies, including mobile. Silk Performer CloudBurst » Silk Performer™ Application performance testing Silk Performer is an efficient, cost-effective way to ensure your mission-critical applications meet performance expectations and service-level requirements.

Efficient Implementation of the Levenshtein-Algorithm, Fault-tolerant Search Technology, Error-tolerant Search Technologies

Muy simple y práctico! Gracias por la información by crisalca Oct 31

Testé la version community.
Excellent produit qui respecte le standard UML et est finalement assez simpl d'emploi. by h.olivaw Apr 24
