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Urban Explorers Network

Urban Explorers Network

100 Items to Disappear First 100 Items to Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Water Filters/Purifiers 3. Portable Toilets 4. From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks. 1. eric holubow: urban exploration photographer Stolen Camera Finder - auto/ search the more reliable "drag & drop" feature is only supported in chrome and firefox <div id="searchbox-noscript"><form action="/search" method="get"><fieldset><input class="search-textfield" name="serial" type="search" value="enter a serial number" /><input name="searchType" type="hidden" value="NOSCRIPT" /><input class="search-submit" type="submit" value="Search" /></fieldset></form></div><div id="noscript-intro"><div class='intro'>use the serial number stored in your photos to search the web for other photos taken with the same camera</div></div> drag & drop photo here use the serial number stored in your photos to search the web for other photos taken with the same camera Searching fail Problem extracting serial number. Try Jeffrey's exif viewer to see if it contains a serial number. If it still doesn't work, please email the photo to us so we can fix the problem. Sorry, something broke! No exif data found. The does not write serial information in the exif.

Abandoned Places Survival Topics - Your Online Survival Kit Infiltration CS 178 - Digital Photography Course materials Course schedule (click here for the lecture notes) Course description (meeting time, units, prereqs, etc.) Course outline (textbooks, coursework, grading policies, etc.) Archive of class business (the "What's new?" Healing herbs reference database Nine Degrees Below Photography Primitive Living Skills: Earth Skills & Nature Awareness articles, journals, schools, and classes. Primitive Living as Metaphor Primitive living is a metaphor we participate in and act out. Life is simplified down to the bare essentials: physical and mental well-being, shelter, warmth, clothing, water, and food. We go on an expedition to meet those needs with little more than our bare hands. In our quest we learn to observe, to think, to reach inside ourselves for new resources for dealing with challenging and unfamiliar situations. In a story we can only join a quest in our imaginations. --Thomas J. Primitive Living / Philosophical Articles by Thomas J. The New Era of Self-SufficiencyA Brain in a Box on a ShelfCultural EvolutionQuest for FreedomPrimitive Living as MetaphorMaking Grass RopesTire SandalsThe Atlatl and DartArtifacts & EthicsThe Art of NothingBear SummerNature as WallpaperSome Thoughts on Awareness Thomas J. Other Articles and Items of Interest Eat Bugs!

Disaster Preparedness All Text, Graphics, Animations, Video, and Commentary on this website was created by, and is the intellectual property of All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is punishable by up to a $500,000 fine or 5 years imprisonment for a first offense, and up to a $1,000,000 fine or up to 10 years imprisonment for subsequent offenses under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). Requests for use of this material should be forwarded to ParaCord Survival/Rescue Belt The project described on this page is relatively easy, yet produces a usable and effective survival/rescue belt. My Paracord Survival/Rescue Belt concept is based on extremely fast cord removal if needed. If you ever find yourself in need of a rescue line, you can get about 50 feet of line within seconds from this belt. Note: My pictures show the belt very short so it'll fit on your screen! Now, simply start unraveling cord... it'll spool out as fast as you can pull it.
