Fallout Urban Exploration eric holubow: urban exploration photographer Violinist in the Metro - Interesting Discoveries - Ego Dialogues My First Eight Drains My First Eight Drainsby drainer-wannabe Ninjalicious Meters below the busy streets above, a hidden concrete utopia snakes its way from the downtown core out beyond the suburbs. Concrete pipes conduct our urban stormwater to strange fringe areas known as forests, meadows, riverbanks and seashores — a gallery of horrors collectively known as nature. In these unholy "natural" areas, the ground is covered with neither cement nor asphalt, and rainwater is allowed to fall directly onto the ground and soak into the earth at its own pace. 1. 2. 3. The grimy entrance to The Great Ajax Drain leads into a low-ceilinged rectangular section. In an abstract way, I already knew from my book-learnin' that the entire urban/suburban world was laced with exploration-ready caves, but this realization only really hit home as Persephone and I took a complete tour of the subdivisions of northern Ajax from 3m below. 4. 5. 6. Both Limbo's entrance and its small side tunnels require some bodily contortion. 7.
Urban Exploration-More than a walk in the park « The Thicketeer Yesterday I made mention of one of my favorite subjects, Urban Exploration. For those of you who were intrigued, this is the post that will answer some of your questions and (hopefully) give you some new ones. I cant really recall where I first heard about urban exploration (to be abbreviated as UE from now on). I was probably playing around on google on one of my more restless days, searching for things like “adventure” and “explore”. The first step for me was a specific google search. Does that not sound freaking AWESOME? At this point my interest level went from “Hey, this is neat” to “OHMYGOD, how do I do this?” Urban Exploration, as I understand it, is quite a simple concept. There is a strong code of ethics behind UE that follows some other organization’s motto quite closely. I could go on for days about UE, but I wont, because that would be cruel. Neat, huh? Now to pepper you with links and resources. UE on Wikipedia- Go explore now!
Infiltration What you talk about when you talk about not having time to read | I Will Dare “In today’s installment, we hear from three MinnPost staffers who have time to read,” From MinnPost’s Book Club Club post. Nothing sends me through the roof like seeing that phrase “have time to read.” It bothers me more than “it is what it is” and improper use of begs the question combined. I hate “have time to read” for two reasons. You never, ever hear or read about someone insinuating people who watch American Idol (or Glee or Lost or Dr. Sure, I realize that reading an entire book is something of a time commitment. Also, I refuse to believe people don’t “have time to read.” It’s not that you don’t have time to read. Second, it’s nothing more than a lame excuse for not reading books. And yes, I realize you mean that you don’t make time to read books when you say you don’t have time. Sometimes I just hear, “I’m not very smart.” Instead of saying you don’t have time to read, say you don’t make time to read books. So let’s stop being condescending pricks, okay?
Güterbahn – Tramperwiki Mit der Güterbahn kann man sich unter Umständen auch als Mensch fortbewegen – indem man vom Lokführer mitgenommen wird oder eben als blinder Passagier reist. Ersteres ist z. B. in Teilen Russlands bekannte Praxis, das sogenannte train hopping oder freighthopping (engl.) vor allem aus den USA. „train hopping“ Das sogenannte train hopping, freighthopping oder hoboing (engl.) ist die Fortbewegung als blinder Passagier auf Güterzügen. Das Aufspringen auf Güterzüge ist in Europa nicht verbreitet und man verliert relativ gesehen mehr Zeit mit dem Auf- und Umsteigen, Finden des Zuges usw., da z. Geschichte In den USA gibt es sogenannte Hobos, die auf Güterzüge aufspringen, um so kostenlos durch das Land zu reisen. Seit einigen Jahren erlebt das train hopping in den USA eine Renaissance. Ausrüstung Es ist vorteilhaft, einen Gehörschutz dabei zu haben. Sicherheit Der Aufenthalt in und auf Güterbahnanlagen verlangt dir viel Sicherheitsbewusstsein ab. Zug finden Bahnhöfe Signale Ausweichstellen Kreuzungen
Zone-Tour : Database of Urban Exploration Abandoned Places Graduation Thoughts: Advice to the Young Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine. Don't worry about the future. Do one thing every day that scares you. Sing. Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Floss. Don't waste your time on jealousy. Remember compliments you receive. Keep your old love letters. Stretch. Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. Get plenty of calcium. Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Enjoy your body. Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. Read the directions, even if you don't follow them. Do not read beauty magazines. Get to know your parents. Be nice to your siblings. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Travel.