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How Do I Get a PLN?

How Do I Get a PLN?
What is a PLN? Will Richardson was the first person to clearly explain to me about six or seven years ago what a PLN was. Back then, PLN stood for Professional, or Personal Learning Network. A better label today, one that might quiet the nitpickers, is Personalized Learning Network -- the shift in nuance maintains that participants are both personal and professional learners. Each individual educator becomes a potential source of information. PLNs Develop Thought Leaders Many early adopters of the PLN have gone on to become thought leaders in education, not surprising given that PLNs seem to promote a great deal of reflection and collaboration. Barriers to Mass Adoption There are three deterrents to educators using PLNs as a tool for learning and professional development (PD): The PLN is a mindset, not the outcome of a workshop or the PD offered annually by many school districts. We must remember that lifelong learning requires effort. PLNs Are Collaboration What Can PLNs Do for You?

Wiki:Main Page Instructor: Howard Rheingold Stanford Winter Quarter 2014 Mondays, 11:15-2:05, Room TBA Course Description: Today’s personal, social, political, economic worlds are all affected by digital media and networked publics. Viral videos, uprisings from Cairo to Wall Street, free search engines, abundant inaccuracy and sophisticated disinformation online, indelible and searchable digital footprints, laptops in lecture halls and BlackBerries at the dinner table, twenty-something social media billionaires, massive online university courses -- it’s hard to find an aspect of daily life around the world that is not being transformed by the tweets, blogs, wikis, apps, movements, likes and plusses, tags, text messages, and comments two billion Internet users and six billion mobile phone subscriptions emit. Learning Outcomes: Diligent students will: Cultivate an ability to discern, analyze, and exert control over the way they deploy their attention.Learn to use social media tools for collaborative work.

Connectivism: Connecting with George Siemens | Educational Discourse See on – Educational Discourse George Siemens, a main proponent of connectivism and a social media strategist with the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) at Athabasca… Kelly Christopherson‘s insight: I’ve been doing a great deal of reading and thinking about digital citizenship. One of the main ideas that I keep thinking about is that digital citizenship, and to an even larger degree citizenship, it is about connections. See on If you enjoyed this article, Get email updates (It’s Free) Michael Hyatt | Intentional Leadership Background – Development Impact and You The Development Impact and You toolkit has been specially designed for practitioners to dive straight into action. Yet the tools presented here are grounded in existing theories and practices of innovation, design, and business development. This section offers a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the main pillars underlying the theory and management of social innovation and for each of these topics we have provided references for further reading. 1. Innovation is sometimes written about as an almost magical process. Although every real innovation is a complex story of loops and jumps, there are various stages that most innovations pass through. The seven stages are: Opportunities & challenges: These include all the initiating factors like a crisis, new evidence, inspirations etc. which highlight the need for change. Generating ideas: Most of the ideas you come up with at first won’t work. Developing & testing: New ideas are always helped by robust criticism. Further reading on the stages of innovation:

IS UNIT WEB SITE - IPTS - JRC - EC Starting date: May 2009 Duration: 18 months Client: European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, Unit Jean Monet, partnerships and relations with agencies (EAC A3) Objective: It is acknowledged by policymakers and researchers that a fundamental transformation of education and training throughout Europe is needed, not only to maintain existing levels of education and training in the population, but also to develop the new skills and competences required if Europe is to remain competitive and grasp new opportunities. To direct policy action appropriately, a methodologically sound approach is needed, outlining possible visions of a European knowledge society in 2020 and indicating emergent novel competences and ways of acquiring them. Key findings: The central future learning paradigm is characterised by lifelong and life-wide learning and shaped by the ubiquity of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Key challenges: Consultation and Dissemination Activities

What does an instructional designer do? In the past few months, I’ve been asked by a number of different people what an instructional designer does and how to get into the field. I love instructional design because it is a field where I am constantly learning and I have a great variety in what I do. I use so many different skills—writing, web design, graphics, collaboration, planning, plus of course how people learn. Since this question has come up more than once, I thought it would be useful to collect all the information I have emailed people privately and post it here. This will be a series of posts over the week or so. I have about five pages of emails to revise for this format, so it’s waaay too long to put into one post. So without further ado, here’s the first installation: What does an instructional designer do? I’m emphasizing “experiences” here deliberately, even though that isn’t always how others would describe the job. How do we do that? Update: Other Posts in this Series Free Subscription

Instructional Design Instructional Design Scaffolding helps to build a framework for the learners What is Instructional Design? Instructional Design is defined as “a systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion” (Reiser, Dempsey, 2007). In addition, it may be thought of as a framework for developing modules or lessons that (Merrill, Drake, Lacy, Pratt, 1996): increase and enhance the possibility of learning makes the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing, encourages the engagement of learners so that they learn faster and gain deeper levels of understanding In a nutshell, instructional design can be thought of as a process for creating effective and efficient learning processes. While other models are aimed at specific learning processes, such as van Merriënboer's 4C/ID model, which is used when the learners must master complex problem solving. Differences Between Instructional Design and Instructional System Design 1.

Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education on eelretsenseeritav ja rahvusvahelise toimetuskolleegiumiga avatud juurdepääsuga ajakiri, mis avaldab eestikeelseid akadeemilisi originaaluurimusi ja teaduspõhiseid kaastöid kasvatusteadustest, haridusest ja õpetajakoolitusest kogu selle mitmekülgsuses. Ajakirja antakse välja Tartu Ülikooli ja Tallinna Ülikooli koostöös, Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse väljaandena ning avaldatakse avatud publitseerimise platvormil OJS (Open Journal Systems). Ilmumissagedus on kaks numbrit aastas (mais ja novembris ). Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. The journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) and will be published in collaboration with the University of Tartu and Tallinn University by the University of Tartu Press. The journal will be published twice a year (in May and November ). Announcements No 2(1) (2014) Table of Contents Eessõna / Preface Artiklid / Articles Raamatututvustus / Book review

for Education All of our RISE Award recipients are working with diverse student populations to increase access and interest in Computer Science. Google is proud to partner with the following organizations: 2014 North America Award Recipients Carver School of Technology | The GAETT Program | Atlanta, Georgia The GAETT Program will serve as an afterschool enrichment program to increase the number of African American females from underserved communities participating in STEM programs in metro Atlanta. URBAN Teens eXploring Technology | Los Angeles, CA URBAN Teens eXploring Technology (URBAN TxT) encourages inner city teen males to become catalysts of change in their communities. DiscoverE | Alberta, Canada DiscoverE is a non-profit initiative at the University of Alberta focused on delivering high-impact camps, workshops, and clubs. Globaloria | New York, New York HER Ideas in Motion | Cleveland, Ohio Institute for Computing Education (ICE) at Georgia Tech | Project Rise Up 4 CS | Atlanta, Georgia

Kuidas tekst arvutisse saada Lõik Alguses oli lõik. Lõik (ingl.k. paragraph) on jupp teksti, mis arvutis lõpetatakse vajutades ENTER-klahvile. Nii, nüüd oleme uue lõigu alguses. Nimelt nii ja ainult nii? Arvatavasti juhtub üsna tihti, et pärast dokumendi prooviversiooni valmimist tuleb välja, et tekst sai pisut liiga väike või suur, keegi soovitab selle teil hoopis kolme lõiku jooksutada ja siis tuleb reklaamipealik, kes selgitab et ‘meie majas kasutatakse ju hoopis toda teist kirjatüüpi’. Aga taandrida? Nagu mainitud, kannatab hästivoolav lõik välja enamuse võimalikest katsumustest ja laseb ennast vormida vastavalt keskkonnale. Word’is on üleval, teksti kohal joonlaud ehk ruler, kus on ära märgitud lehekülje ning lõigu servad (ingl k. margin) ja, kui neid on määratud, siis ka tabulaatorid, veerud (ingl k. column) jms. Tabu-misasi? Tabulaator ehk tabu ei tähenda sedapuhku sugugi midagi keelatut. Kuidas tabu joondab? Miks ma ei kasutanud komakoha-tabut? Tabu pole alati veel tabel Julmal viisil poolitamine Kriipsud

Academic Success - Penn State Division of Undergraduate Studies Study Skills Many students think that being a good student means just showing up for classes, taking a few notes, reading the textbooks, and studying right before the tests. However, learning, like many other activities, involves a complex set of skills that require practice. For example, if you wanted to become a good basketball player, you would have to learn how to dribble, pass, shoot, rebound, be a team player, etc., and you would have to practice these individual skills over and over in order to improve them. Similarly, studying involves learning a complex set of skills, such as note taking, test taking, etc., that must be practiced in order for you to become a good student. Reading Comprehension Do you read page after page of your textbooks and then realize that you have no idea what you've read? Reading Comprehension Note Taking Because so much material is covered in college courses, you won't be able to remember everything unless you know how to take good notes in class. Writing

Creativity on the Run: 18 Apps that Support the Creative Process "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice. Let us begin by shifting emphasis from finding the right answer to creating school cultures that encourage risk-taking and embrace ambiguity. The Idea Catcher We can start by using note-taking apps to encourage observation and reflection. Useful apps are those that encourage the recording of our thought flow and merge text with features such as voice recording, video, sketching and photography. Recommended apps: Tricking the Muse A strategy often used to help generate ideas is brainstorming. Brainstorming Electronic brainstorming provides a dedicated online space for asynchronous collaboration. It is helpful to provide time to brainstorm alone, before coming together as a group. Let's Get Visual Not all ideas will emerge from a digital screen.

5 Tools To Help Create A Paperless Book Club This post was co-written by Corey Holmer and Jamie Trow A class set of novels, binders, poster boards, and enough post-it notes to wallpaper a school…. all supplies associated with a traditional middle school book club model. With the addition of iPads, Google Apps, and other educational technology, the age of the “traditional” book club requires a change. Digital book clubs allow for connected, flexible, and customized literacy instruction that engages all learners. From reading digital novels, to participating in online discussions, and annotating text with categorical tags to expressing ideas through transliteracy (multi-media tools), students will interact with the text, the teacher, and each other while receiving nearly instant, trackable feedback on their work. Guidelines and Best Practices Before launching your student-led book clubs, you’ll need to establish a structure: meeting guidelines, assessment practices, behavior expectations, and upcoming assignments. Book Selection
