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Over 1000 Free eLearning Resources

Over 1000 Free eLearning Resources
Free eLearning Resources for eLearning Professionals One of the challenges that I had when I begun my eLearning career was to find useful and effective eLearning resources for eLearning course design and development. I am fun of Free eLearning Resources and of course Free Educational Technology Tools. At the following list you will find over 1000 free eLearning resources that I highly encourage you to share with professionals interested in the eLearning field! Free eLearning Storyboard Templates for eLearning ProfessionalsSeveral eLearning professionals expressed a great interest for Free eLearning Storyboard Templates. Since you did not like the above free eLearning resources... 259 Free Educational Technoloy Tools Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox. Related:  Nuevos

Les quatre piliers de l’apprentissage - Stanislas Dehaene L’enfant est doté d’intuitions profondes en matière de repérage sensoriel du nombre. Avant tout apprentissage formel de la numération, il évalue et anticipe les quantités. Apprendre à compter puis à calculer équivaudrait à tout simplement tirer parti de ces circuits préexistants, et, grâce à leur plasticité, à les recycler. L’apprentissage formel de l’arithmétique se « greffe » sur le « sens du nombre » présent chez l’enfant, et sollicite la même zone cérébrale. Le maître-mot, alors, est la plasticité cérébrale. Les circuits cérébraux : des capacités disponibles dès l’origine Les circuits cérébraux qui sous-tendent les apprentissages ne sont d’ailleurs pas si variés. L’apprentissage de la lecture active une région spécifique, mais il mobilise et active aussi d’autres zones. Différentes zones du cerveau La zone de la lecture recycle un « algorithme » préexistant, celui de la reconnaissance des visages : au scanner, on voit nettement la même zone s’activer. 1. 2. 3. 4. Stanislas Dehaene 1.

Experimenting with English (Part 2) – Activities for learners to do outside the classroom [26 and counting!] In my blog post Experimenting with English: scaffolding learner autonomy, I discussed how I approached helping my learners to use English outside the classroom, drawing on learner autonomy theory and methodology (e.g. Benson, 2011; Oxford, 2003; Smith 2003). Central to that project, alongside the very important element of discussion, was a handout I created for my learners. Here is a screenshot of a sample page, taken from the listening section: Sample page from my Experimenting with English activities handout, listening section. As you can see, the handout consists of a series of activities for learners to try, with space for them to record when they tried it and what they thought of it. In my experience, as I mentioned in the Experimenting with English blog post, simply giving the learners this handout is insufficient. Of course, my learners are busy people and the time they have for out-of-class study is limited. Here are the handouts: This one is for learners who use Edmodo Like this:

40 recursos para trabajar lectura y escritura usando las herramientas TIC. | Ideas Para la Clase DESCRIPCIÓN: Proyecto de Liria Alonso para desarrollar la competencia lectora del alumnado mediante la lectura electrónica de un relato y la búsqueda de pistas en la Web para resolver las cuestiones matemáticas que en él se plantean. TIPO: On-line, imprimibles DESCRIPCIÓN: Da la vuelta al mundo con estos maravillosos cuentos distribuidos en este mapa que se publicó en Educa con TIC: Educa con TIC TIPO: On line DESCRIPCIÓN: Método completo para el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura. DESCRIPCIÓN: Actividades de lecto-escritura. DESCRIPCIÓN: ¿Podrías reconstruir correctamente una frase escrita al reves? DESCRIPCIÓN: Juego de comprensión lectora y vocabulario. TIPO: Flash DESCRIPCIÓN: Lee y señala con los cursores los dibujos correspondientes. DESCRIPCIÓN: Solamente tendrás que sustituir huecos por vocales y los animales recuperarán su nombre ¡Sorpresa!. DESCRIPCIÓN: Debes formas palabras. DESCRIPCIÓN: Juegos de lecto-escritura con 4 niveles comenzando por las vocales. TIPO: On line, imprimibles 1.

Free Stock Photos: 75 Best Sites To Find Awesome Free Images Looking for the perfect stock photo for your blog or website? To help you find them, we’ve compiled a list of 74 terrific sources of high-quality, free photos. Want to use any of the photos in Canva? Before We Get Started: In order to organize the best resources, we’ll use these star ratings: ★★★★ – Near perfect ★★★☆ – Great resource ★★☆☆ – Not perfect, but still worth checking out ★☆☆☆ – Last resort, but better than clipart Alright, let’s go! 01. Wylio is an easy to use Creative Commons image finder. Searchable: Yes Membership Required: Yes Attribution Required: Sometimes Size of Gallery: 112,000,000 High Resolution: Some 123RF is a popular royalty free resource that offers over 35 million images, audio, videos, and vectors for a fee. Searchable: Yes Membership Required: Yes Attribution Required: Yes Size of Gallery: 31,165 High Resolution: No 03. 500px ★★★☆ Search for Creative Commons licensed photos on 500px, a popular photo community with impressive high quality images. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08.

Top 11 Disruptive E-Learning Technologies For 2013 | Learnnovators - Bringing INNOVATION to LEARNING “Disruptors are innovators, but not all innovators are disruptors — in the same way that a square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares.” ~ Forbes Magazine e-Learning is dynamically evolving, thanks to the incredible achievements in highly powerful and intelligent tools and technologies that are rapidly emerging. These developments have expanded the possibilities of taking e-learning to great heights more than ever. These advancements that have the potential to not just play a pivotal role, but drastically transform the learning domain are termed ‘disruptive’ due to the following reasons: • They fundamentally change the conventional landscape • They produce something new and more efficient These disruptive technologies are re-shaping the learning and education landscape. Today, when we are half way through the year, we have many exciting things on our list of disruptive e-learning technologies. • ProgrammableWeb: • APIHub:

Quadro Europeo per le Lingue | Associazione Il Nostro Pianeta Il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue La classica tripartizione dei livelli di L2 (principiante/intermedio/avanzato) è stata sostituita da alcuni anni dai risultati di un immenso lavoro elaborato in seno al Consiglio d’Europa, il cosiddetto Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue (QCER), conosciuto anche come Framework. Il QCER ha suddiviso il percorso dell’apprendimento linguistico in sei livelli, descritti in modo rigoroso e oggettivo, tenendo conto delle quattro abilità (ascoltare, leggere, parlare, scrivere) e di molti altri parametri. Questi livelli misurano la competenza linguistica in senso ampio (non solo la padronanza della morfosintassi e del lessico) e sono validi in riferimento a qualunque lingua straniera. In estrema sintesi, i livelli sono i seguenti: Elementare A1 Livello di contatto - Breakthrough A2 Livello di sopravvivenza - Waystage Intermedio B1 Livello soglia - Threshold level B2 Livello progresso - Vantage

65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. With many kids at home due to COVID-19, maintaining the same level of physical... The recent ongoing pandemic has schools reimagining how they celebrate their... With the school year coming to a close, providing closure for students is... Delivering quality education to students through eLearning can be difficult.... Interactive Whiteboard Games & Activities

Gamification In Application Software Training | Learnnovators - Bringing INNOVATION to LEARNING “The future of eLearning cannot be boring courses lacking engagement or emotional response…the future of eLearning must include games and gamification.” ~ Karl Kapp The revolution has begun! It is not just a fancy buzzword anymore. You guessed it right! Education Gamification is evolving into various forms and learning contexts. We are especially impressed with two computer application learning games that are freely available in the market today. The first one on our list is ‘Ribbon Hero 2’, one of the best examples of application software gamification. The game starts with Clippy – the familiar Clip character – requesting your help to update his (or her?) Here are the features that help make this game powerful: • Short and relevant challenges (tasks) that are highly engaging and stimulating • Immediate feedback that helps keep the learner motivated • The freedom offered to the learner to complete tasks in his/her own way Currently this is a standalone application. - Santhosh Kumar

Foreign Language Teaching Methods About the Site Foreign Language Teaching Methods focuses on 12 different aspects of language teaching, each taught by a different expert instructor. The site contains video footage from an actual methods course held at the University of Texas at Austin. This flexible resource is designed to be used by foreign language teachers as a component of a classroom methods course or as a stand-alone course for independent learners. “While I was taking this course, I was already changing what I was doing and I can already see the difference. ” - Verónica, beginning language teacher (Spanish) “I loved having a different teacher [for each module]. - Sarah, beginning language teacher (ESL) “People have so many different creative ideas you can draw from and use for your own class.” - Judith beginning language teacher (German) “The more different languages and different types of approaches we saw, the better understanding of teaching languages I got.” - Elena, beginning language teacher (Russian)

7 sitios para encontrar películas y otros videos libres (licencia Creative Commons) Ya compartimos un listado de sitios para encontrar música libre para usar en videos, podcasts, eventos y más, así que hoy es el turno del material en video para fines similares. Aunque hace poco también publicamos un listado de sitios con películas gratuitas en Internet, varias libres, ampliamos la lista con otros portales que albergan no solo filmes sino también videos caseros, documentales y otras piezas animadas con alguna de las seis derivaciones de la licencia Creative Commons actual: Atribución (CC BY); Atribución-Compartir igual (CC BY-SA); Atribución-Sin obras derivadas (CC BY-ND); Atribución-No Comercial (CC BY-NC); Atribución-No Comercial-Compartir igual (CC BY-NC-SA) y Atribución-No Comercial-Sin obras derivadas (CC BY-NC-ND). Aquí están los sitios, por cierto, nos ha sido de gran ayuda un listado similar de MakeTeachEasier: 1. Flickr 2. 3. 4. El más grande archivo de la web recoge también cientos de miles de obras en video, entre ellas, las que tienen licencias CC. 5. 6. 7.
