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Killing Kennedy - Unsupported

Killing Kennedy - Unsupported

10 Basic Principles of Visual Design – Prototypr Yesterday I was listening to a podcast and heard someone who was about to ask a question saying something along the lines of "..long time fan, first time caller…" and for some reason that got me thinking about Medium. I've been consuming content here for a long time but have never contributed myself with my 2 cents. Today is the day this changes. As my introduction I decided to write about something close to my heart, Visual Design (aka graphic design), more specifically the basic principles I learned to use which I consider essentials for me to perform my job well. I want to keep this article short, for that reason I will try to be brief in each of these principles, for the ones that deserve a bit more depth I might dedicate a full length article in the future. Ok, ready? #1 Point, Line & Shape These are the most basic building blocks of any design, no matter what it is. If you connect two points you'll get a line. #2 Color Imagine the traffic lights for instance. #3 Typography #4 Space

Combine son + webdesign quali + Scrollytelling by vndrski Nov 2
