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Real-time website data for front-line action takers

Real-time website data for front-line action takers

TalkMap Debate TalkMap Debate is a discussion platform which aims at improving the interactions you have with your stakeholders and community! TalkMap Debate is private, if you want to login click here or if you want more information you can contact us. A tool to enhance the quality of your discussions You’re looking for a place to start rich and engaging discussions or debates. Engage people through interactions People interact directly with each other, not with the whole community. No longer lose the thread Visualize messages according to their importance and/or themes so you can understand faster what is going on. Discuss the way you want In live mode or asynchronous, so you can experience immediate reactions or give more room to reflection according to the context. Have the tools to foster rich discussions Tagging and clustering, relationship between messages, vote, etc to emphasize people’s contribution. Discuss from where you want On our web platform, from your email, or even on your website.

TraceWatch Web Stats - FREE Advanced Traffic Analysis Countly | Mobile Analytics Estimated reading time in web design Written by Brian Cray on April 9th, 2010 Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox is like a living web design bible for me. In case you don't know Mr. Nielsen, he's considered one of the top web usability experts in the world, and his Alertbox is filled with extremely well-researched articles on how people use the Web. Users don't read (more than 18%) About 2 years ago Jakob Nielsen wrote an "Alertbox" titled How little do users read?. Since I reread this article a few days ago, I've been more sensitive to my own reading habits on the Web. How to increase time on page? Then I thought, what strategies can I apply to increase that number from 18%? My solution is to set user expectations upfront with an estimated reading time for my articles. Implementation of estimated reading time with PHP I developed a PHP snippet that basically divides word count by 200 (avg. words per minute) to output minutes and use the remainder to calculate seconds. <? Making light of your website's usability Results

Flip-Flop Refashion: Part 1 (Braided Straps) Summer is great. And warm. And full of outdoor activities and trips to the pool and random walks around the neighborhood. I love it. And my shoe of choice for these warmer months?? So, I saw a tutorial for this flip-flop makeover (great work Mother Huddle), floating around the web…….and the wheels started turning. I decided to just string all of the ideas together and create a whole series. First up? A quick and easy flip flop…….made with some braided knit fabric scraps, using the 5 strand braiding technique, shown here. These soft braided straps streeeeeetch the perfect amount, right around the back of my heel……..keeping the flip-flop snug and in place. I added little loops of fabric to the sides, to keep the braided straps in place. These little sandals are so light, they’re soft and stretchy, and my favorite part……..they’re inexpensive. ($2.50 to be exact) These flip-flops make me think of the beach……and make me miss GA. I guess I better find a sandy spot at the lake. And that’s it. Enjoy.

Analyzing interactions in Twitter. The case of an exploratory seminar | is it just me In this post I’ll explore the social interactions in Twitter that were made by participants and supervisors of an exploratory seminar as well as the external experts that joined the discussion. The seminar was designed to let students explore the power of Social Media in a real world scenario with the goal to enable participants to value the strengths and weaknesses of such tools in a co-operative working context. Therefore, one key requirement in the learning design was for students to communicate and collaborate with nothing else than Social Media tools. In accordance to the rationales of constructivist learning theory (Jonassen, 1999), students should actively create their own knowledge about the practical use of Social Media tools in realistic scenarios. For the analyses shown in this article we used Artefact-Actor-Networks (Reinhardt, Moi & Varlemann, 2009, AANs) for obtaining and storing data from Twitter and Gephi for calculating metrics and visualizing the resulting networks.

Mint: A Fresh Look at your Site QUOjs - Micro JavaScript Library Check Out Tagxedo, A Ridiculously Cool Word Cloud Generator There’s a new word cloud generator in Web town, and it’s a pure delight if you’re into visualization technology, words or better yet, both. Its hard-to-remember name is Tagxedo and it was built by developer Hardy Leung and released just a couple of days ago. Leung says the inspiration for the app is Wordle, a word cloud generation tool we’ve covered once or twice in the past. Well, good news for Leung: even Wordle creator Jonathan Feinberg, who recently left his regular job at IBM Research to go work on Google Books, says Tagxedo is not so much an alternative as the next generation of Wordle, and a “leap forward” in both the layout algorithms and the design of the tweaking interface. I concur – Tagxedo’s downright amazing. You can use the app to create visually stunning word clouds like the ones I embedded in this post by inserting words (e.g. speeches, news articles, letters, slogans, themes, and so on). The app was built in Silverlight, and in case you were wondering why, Leung says:

PeerIndex Outil territorial interactif d'information spacialisée Cet outil est le résultat d’une expérimentation menée conjointement par le Pays Portes de Gascogne, la Communauté de Communes de la Lomagne Gersoise, le CESBIO, le cabinet aida et l'association Arbre et Paysages 32, d ans le cadre du Pôle d'expérimentation et d’Application des Technologies Spatiales - PATS. L'expérimentation visait l'analyse des apports possibles des techniques satellitaires dans la gestion publique des territoires ruraux et l'appropriation par les acteurs locaux, publics ou privés, de ces techniques afin de développer certaines réflexions autour des enjeux de plus en plus sensibles. Cet outil s’adresse principalement aux élus locaux qui représentent le maillon principal dans la gestion de l’espace au niveau local. Une base de données cartographique et statistique regroupe l’essentiel des informations nécessaires aux différentes actions et démarches qui animent leur quotidien.

des promesses toujours des promesses ; au final c'est toujours au pauvre ingénieur de prod de tester by uglycharly Feb 1

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