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The Great Energy Challenge

The Great Energy Challenge

Lawrence Hall of Science - 24/7 Science How fast does the wind blow? What makes things sticky? Where do insects live and plants grow? What is the best way to clean up the environment? How do humans measure up in the animal kingdom? So many questions—and so many ways to find answers! Bridge Builders How Fast Is the Wind Gooo! Filling Without Spilling Parachute Drop Crystals Bird Beaks Sticky Situations Oil Spill How Old is Your Penny? Measure Yourself Where Do Plants Grow? Bug Hunt! Afterschool KidzScience AfterSchool KidzScience™ kits are designed specifically for children in grades 3 - 5 in out-of-school settings. Check Out Science Check Out Science makes doing science with your family easy, no scientific expertise necessary. Explore Your World You don't have to trek through a rainforest, blast off for space, or dive to the deep sea to explore your world. Roadside Heritage Roadside Heritage is an informal science educational project with its origins in the stunning landscape of the Eastern Sierra along the 395 scenic byway. Save Sam! Mr.

Battery Recycling - Cost-Effective and Safe Disposal Banking for Solar Investment - Lit. Review The growth rate of the solar industry (amongst other renewables) needs to be accelerated in order to meet the energy demands and Kyoto protocol targets required for the world. Government incentives for renewables in several countries, such as Europe, U.S.A. and Canada, will help increase the demand for these technologies. However, the market for residential applications, such as residential rooftop grid-tied solar photovoltaics (PV), cannot grow at the required rates without the appropriate accessibility to financing. Kadra09 20:20, 4 June 2009 (UTC) Energy Policy EconPapers QED Working Papers Canadian Journal of Economics International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics Energy Economics John Deutsch International Executive Programs, Discussion Papers and Publications Power Finance and Risk [edit] Searches [edit] RETScreen See RETScreen info at Solar photovoltaic software RETScreen is a decision support tool provided by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). Escrow Discount Rate

I Love That Teaching Idea! - StumbleUpon Plasma gasification Process[edit] A plasma torch uses an inert gas such as steam. The electrodes vary from copper or tungsten to hafnium or zirconium, along with various other alloys. Feedstocks[edit] The feedstock for plasma waste treatment is most often municipal solid waste, organic waste, or both. Yields[edit] Pure highly calorific synthetic gas consists of Carbon monoxide (CO), H2, CH, etc.. Plasma processing of waste is ecologically clean. The production of ecologically clean synthetic gas is the standard goal. Metals resulting from plasma pyrolysis can be recovered from the slag and eventually sold as a commodity. Equipment[edit] Gasification reactors operate at negative pressure[1] and recovers both[10] gaseous and solid resources. Advantages[edit] The main advantages of plasma technologies for waste treatment are: Disadvantages[edit] Main disadvantages of plasma technologies for waste treatment are: Commercialization[edit] Military Use[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

MIT NSE Nuclear Information Hub | Information about the incident at the Fukushima Nuclear Plants in Japan hosted by :: Maintained by the students of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT Science Made Simple :: Think you can lift your leg? Science made Simple’s Zoe gives it a go Human beings have a centre of balance around the belly button. You can usually stay balanced as long as the imaginary vertical line down from your belly button falls between the area that you are balancing on – usually your feet! When you lift your leg, the top half of your body needs to lean slightly the other way so that this line falls onto the one foot that is balancing you. Because the wall is in the way you can’t move your upper body to counterbalance your leg. So what…? High jumpers need to move their centre of balance over a pole to win medals. Topics:

Ontario: Teeming With Right Opportunities - Express Healthcare Ontario: Teeming With Right Opportunities Canada courts business groups from across the world wherein Ontario emerges as a very attractive investment destination. Viveka Roychowdhary gives a rundown on this growing phenomenon Ranked in 2011 by The Economist Intelligence Unit as numero uno in the G7 as the best place to invest and do business through to 2014, Canada has been aggressively courting business groups from across the world. And in contrast to the meltdown of financial systems in the US and a seemingly prolonged crisis in the Eurozone, Canada could seem like a relatively ‘safe haven’. Of Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories, almost 60 per cent of global businesses base their head offices in Ontario, considered the heart of Canada’s banking system. The city is a mere two hour flight from major US pulse points like Chicago, New York and Boston and this proximity to the $17 trillion North American market, accessible through the NAFTA, is a primary draw. Medtech Focus

Planting A Pineapple — Tickled Red - StumbleUpon Did y’all know that you can take this and turn it into… This? And that this will eventually produce… This? Yes, I’m talking about turning your average, ordinary grocery store pineapple into a tropical showpiece within your home. Planting a Pineapple 1. 2. 3. In 24 months (sounds better than two years) it will look like this. You will have an actual, large, utterly delicious pineapple in 24-36 months. The thought of growing my own pineapple always makes me smile and giggle just a little bit. Now what am I supposed to do with all of this leftover pineapple? I see something sweet coming soon. While you’re waiting for me to make something yummy with the leftovers, go ahead and plant a pineapple. Be adventurous plant a pineapple. Hugs, Tickled Red *Please bear in mind that I am not a hortoculturist. Tagged as: Gardening, Pineapple, Tropical Fruit

Energy Charter: 1994 Treaty The Energy Charter Treaty provides a multilateral framework for energy cooperation that is unique under international law. It is designed to promote energy security through the operation of more open and competitive energy markets, while respecting the principles of sustainable development and sovereignty over energy resources. The Energy Charter Treaty was signed in December 1994 and entered into legal force in April 1998. To date the Treaty has been signed or acceded to by fifty-two states, the European Community and Euratom (the total number of its Signatories is therefore fifty-four). The Treaty's provisions focus on four broad areas: The Treaty was developed on the basis of a political declaration, the 1991 Energy Charter, but while this Declaration signalled the political intent to strengthen international energy ties, the 1994 Treaty is a legally binding multilateral agreement. Status of Ratification of the Energy Charter Treaty

Your Lungs & Respiratory System Listen Time for Talk Your lungs are important for breathing . . . and also for talking! The amount of air you blow out from your lungs determines how loud a sound will be and how long you can make the sound. Experiment with different sounds and the air it takes to make them — when you giggle, you let out your breath in short bits, but when you burp, you let swallowed air in your stomach out in one long one! Love Your Lungs Your lungs are amazing. Keeping your lungs looking and feeling healthy is a smart idea, and the best way to keep your lungs pink and healthy is not to smoke. Finally, cigarette smoke can damage the cells of the lungs so much that the healthy cells go away, only to be replaced by cancer cells. You can also show your love for your lungs by exercising! Reviewed by: Yamini Durani, MD Date reviewed: October 2012 Originally reviewed by: Laura Inselman, MD

Yale Environment 360: Opinion, Analysis, Reporting & Debate
