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¡Descarga la Guía! Ya puedes descargar la Guía del programa Tras la Pista de los Dineros Públicos , una hoja de ruta interactiva para que los periodistas colombianos puedan investigar, a profundidad, el manejo de los recursos de las regalías y las temporadas de lluvias. El documento también se refiere al papel que juega el periodismo en las sociedades democráticas; las leyes, decretos, normas y fuentes que son cruciales para seguirle la pista a los contratos públicos y los consejos prácticos para que desde el periodismo de investigación exploremos los temas que nos brindan los dineros estatales. La publicación surgió a manera de resultado del proyecto que convocó a cientos de periodistas regionales a través de su curso virtual y de sus talleres, y fue presentada oficialmente en el marco de nuestro VI Encuentro de Periodismo de Investigación por Catalina Perdomo y Daniel Suárez Pérez. La guía, además, destaca la importancia del papel que juega el periodismo de investigación en las sociedades democráticas.

Beautiful web-based timeline software How sensor journalism can help us create data, improve our storytelling Data journalism, meet sensor journalism. You two should talk. What’s sensor journalism? I’ll get to that. But first, let me tell you a story about bugs — and a pair of gadgets that sat for months in a box under John Keefe’s bed. Keefe, senior editor for data news and journalism technology at WNYC in New York, said by phone that he had bought the Arduino microcontroller and Raspberry Pi with great excitement, played with them for a weekend, and then boxed them up. Keefe learned that when the soil eight inches down reaches 64 degrees for a few days, cicadas emerge to fill summer nights with their songs. A few days later, at an internal WNYC hackathon, Keefe presented the idea of building a cicada sensor. The Cicada Tracker has taken off from there: WNYC is now planning a pair of hack days: one where more than 250 volunteers will build sensors and another where New York schoolchildren will make even more cicada trackers. But that’s part of sensor journalism’s appeal: It’s cool. Our results.

Insumisión en macondo Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software European Journalism Centre (EJC) My next ebook: the Data Journalism Heist In the next couple of months I will begin publishing my next ebook: Data Journalism Heist . Data Journalism Heist is designed to be a relatively short introduction to data journalism skills , demonstrating basic techniques for finding data, spotting possible stories and turning them around to a deadline. Based on a workshop, the emphasis is on building confidence through speed and brevity , rather than headline-grabbing spectacular investigations or difficult datasets (I’m hoping to write a separate ebook on the latter at some point). If you’re interested in finding out about the book, please sign up on the book’s Leanpub page . Meanwhile, I’m looking for translators for Scraping for Journalists – get in touch if you’re interested. Selected Tools A Big Article About Wee Things This article was co-published with Source. The scene is total chaos: a woman and all her purse's contents in middair as she trips over a child's toy, a man hastily trying to gather his spilled laundry, a screaming child weaving through the crowd. Somewhere, in the midst of it all, is the person you've been looking for: wearing a red and white striped shirt, black rimmed glasses and a lopsided cap. There he is! There's Waldo. Many of us have fond memories of Waldo. And that's what this post is about: wee things. Waldo, and the eternal search for him, can actually tell us quite a lot about design. Wee Things In Space Probably the most immediate definition of wee things are things that are physically small: little things on a page. These visual forms work because they serve as extensions of our mind – they are cognitive tools that complement our own mental abilities. Make Comparisons Tiny sequences of graphics, also known as small multiples, are great ways to help our brains compare.

Help Me Investigate | A network helping people investigate questions in the public interest Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles New Map of Twitterverse Finds 6 Types of Networks | UMD Right Now :: University of Maryland COLLEGE PARK, Md. – People tweet about anything and everything, but a new Twitter analysis coauthored by University of Maryland computer scientist Ben Shneiderman shows much of this conversation falls into six distinct patterns or networks. The study analyzed tens of thousands of Twitter conversations over the past four years to reveal a "topographical map" of these patterns—each showing identifiable contours—based on the topic being discussed, the information and influencers driving the conversation and the social network structures of the participants. These six networks are: Shneiderman, a widely recognized pioneer in human-computer interaction and information visualization, co-authored the comprehensive new study with Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Internet Project, Marc A. This work is the first of its kind according to Shneiderman, who also holds an appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
