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The areas of nutrition and disease prevention are full of incompetence. We have been wrongly advised to avoid saturated fat and cholesterol, despite no evidence of harm. Here are the top 9 biggest myths about dietary fat and cholesterol. 1. Back in 60s and 70s, many prominent scientists believed that saturated fat was the main cause of heart disease, by raising the “bad” cholesterol in the blood. This idea was the cornerstone of the low-fat diet. Because of a few bad studies and misguided political decisions, this diet was recommended to all Americans in the year 1977 (1). However, there wasn’t a single study on this diet at the time. This experiment didn’t turn out very well and we are still suffering the consequences. The diabetes epidemic followed soon after. Of course, a graph like this doesn’t prove anything. Even though there was little evidence at the time, the low-fat diet has actually been thoroughly studied in the past few years and decades. Advertisement 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Chemo Drugs For Life Or Raw Milk? Ulcerative Colitis Cured? Below you can watch the full interview to hear Doug’s journey firsthand and learn how he cured himself with raw milk, fermented foods, and a high fat diet. (If you’re more of a reader, see the write-up underneath!) Doug went from pharmaceuticals, to steroids, to chemotherapy drugs, and then even faced surgery to remove his large intestine. Today he is completely symptom-free and has been for 2 years. How He Got Sick Doug was once like any other teenager eating a “SAD” (Standard American Diet). One fateful night, Doug got into a fist fight in the midst of defending someone very close to him. My fears were confirmed when Doug told me what happened next. This time he went straight to the emergency room and was greeted with a shocking, “Prep him for surgery. A nurse stepped in moments before surgery and begged the team to save his hand. The IV antibiotics saved his fingers but came at a costly price. Then one day, he came down with a flu unlike any other. The Diagnosis Let’s Play A Game 1. 2.

Vitamin D supplements - healthy or harmful? Worries over vitamin D, once known as “the sunshine vitamin,” have turned hundreds of millions of people into patients with worse, not better, health. The latest, and likely the final, analyses of the studies performed on treating people with vitamin D supplements has shown that this multiple billion-dollar business does not work. The authors, after thoroughly examining the results of nearly a quarter-million people from 46 major randomized trials, conclude: “Our findings suggest that vitamin D supplementation with or without calcium does not reduce skeletal or non-skeletal outcomes in unselected community-dwelling individuals by more than 15%. Future trials with similar designs are unlikely to alter these conclusions.” Vitamin D supplements are so powerless that the benefits of supplements can only be seen at the extremes of need, such as with institutionalized elderly women (and even then the benefits are with a combination of vitamin D and calcium, not vitamin D alone).

Diet Sodas May Contribute to Weight Gain and Diabetes Risk, Data Suggest More bad news, diet soda drinkers: data presented recently at the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Scientific Sessions suggest that diet drinks may actually contribute to weight gain and that the artificial sweeteners in them could potentially contribute Type 2 diabetes. In one study, researchers from the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, looked at aggregate data from 474 older adults in the San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging, or SALSA. At the time of enrollment and at three follow-up exams thereafter, all participants reported their diet soda intake and were measured for height, weight and waist circumference. The researchers wanted to track any association between diet soda drinking and body fat over time. What they found was that all participants saw their waistlines expand, but those who reported drinking diet soda had 70% greater increases in waistline growth than non-drinkers 9.5 years later.

By 2025 Half of all US Children Will Have Autism and Monsanto is to Blame Dave Mihalovic, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times The overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food is causing glyphosate toxicity and it is now being considered as the single most important factor in development of autism and other chronic disease. At a recent panel discussion about GMOs, a senior scientist has stated that one in two children will be autistic by 2025. Glyphosate does induce disease and is a “textbook example of exogenous semiotic entropy.” Autism is now a disorder that is officially being linked to several causes involving synergistic toxicity specifically between vaccines, our food, the environment and some degree of genetic susceptibility. Common psyche drugs and vaccines require the Cytochrome P450 gene 2D6 in order to be metabolized. 2D6 refers to the most major metabolic liver enzyme. Glyphosate also suppresses specific amino acids that represent up to 35% of a plant’s dry mass. “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic,” she stated. Dr. Dr.

The 5 Surprising & Less-Known Reasons You’re Packing On Extra Weight Obesity has become a massive issue in the United States. How big of an issue you ask? It’s reported that 1 out of 3 Americans today are obese. In her article, Americans Are Huge: 5 Surprising Reasons Why We May Be Getting Fatter, author Martha Rosenberg notes that the weight of the average American increased by 24 pounds in the four decades between 1960 and 2000, the likes of which she believes is associated with 5 key factors. However these factors may be surprising to most considering that none of the factors mention the most commonly discussed cause of weight-gain, calories. While calories are definitely a crucial part of the equation, there are a number of other environmental and lifestyle factors that are likely to play a much more significant role, mainly because most people don’t realize they’re affected by them, and therefore fail to address them. #1 Antibiotics In Food & Medicine The US uses nearly 30 million pounds of antibiotics each year to raise food animals.

You Can Eat To Make Your Brain Grow – Here Is How You Do It “Can we change your human brain in just 15 minutes together? Sure, because there is something I know about you, you all eat food.” This remark comes from psychiatrist Dr. Drew Ramsey during a talk he gave for Revitalize, a live chat sector of “We can start making a change, giving you a more resilient, happier, smarter brain starting with your next meal, starting with your very first bite. That is the simple and delicious scientific truth. Our brain is a powerhouse of bio-chemical, electric impulses firing rapidly between your two ears. Forgetting Our Vitamins & Minerals Drew Ramsey, M.D. is the author of the book, “50 Shades of Kale”, a sure-fired way to introduce the superfood kale into your diet using creative and delicious recipes. Take zinc for example, a nutrient which is responsible for over 300 bio-chemical reactions in the brain. The top diseases around the world today include mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Whether Labeled Organic, Non-GMO or Conventional, Here Are 12 Reasons To Avoid Any Kind of Soy Natasha Longo, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Soy has become a major source of toxicity for human beings, especially in the last three decades. Not only is more than 99% of soy genetically modified, but sources labeled organic or non-GMO are often exposed to the same problems as conventional soy. If you consume processed foods, soy is almost impossible to avoid. With the exception of wheat, there are few foods that are causing as many health problems as soy in the food supply. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Any ingredient listed as soybean or soy on any product ingredient list has a 93% chance of being GMO if it is not listed as organic. 10. 11. 12. About the Author Natasha Longo has a master’s degree in nutrition and is a certified fitness and nutritional counselor. ~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with the buttons below… Tags: featured, food, full-image, gmo, health, soy

Maximizing Nutrition and Elimination of Heavy Metals Comes From Blending, Not Juicing Dr. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Soluble dietary fibers promote metabolic benefits on body weight and glucose control. The study appearing in the British Medical Journal and appearing online in Havard School of Public Health investigated how individual fruits and fruit juice affected glucose. They estimated substitution effects of individual fruits for fruit juice in relation to risk of type 2 diabetes and found that a greater consumption of specific whole fruits, particularly blueberries, grapes, and apples, was significantly associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, whereas greater consumption of fruit juice was associated with a higher risk. Fiber slows down the release of glucose into your blood stream, preventing blood sugar (glucose) spikes. A mass of animal and human data has linked increased fibre intake to metabolic benefits including weight loss, and the prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Intestinal Glucose Fruit Juice or Blending? About the Author

Amazing Ashwagandha: The Plant for Stress Reduction, Cancer Prevention, and More Christina Sarich | Naturalsociety | May 15th, 2013 In this world, every little thing that can help us reduce our stress levels and their effects on the body is of utmost importance. After all, stress is a primary factor in the development in illness and disease. One such herbal solution known as Ashwagandha, also called Indian Ginseng, Winter Cherry or Withania somnifera, is so powerful that it can not only slow the aging process, but is also a wonderful force against oxidative stress, cell death, and mutation. Further, the plant helps to lower cortisol levels, one of the worst stress hormones. Stress has been linked to all sorts of physical diseases, including heart disease, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which means it adapts to support the body in whatever way it is needed. Ashwagandha also stabilizes blood sugar levels so that you don’t crave sweets and simple carbohydrates, a great benefit to those who are watching their weight. LiveStrong

Natural Healing Remedies: 10 Foods That Fight Inflammation And Pain Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Some of the best healing remedies to overcome inflammation also taste fabulous which can’t really be stated about prescription medications. Moreover, foods won’t cause the nasty side effects common to most pain medications. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with the buttons below… Tags: featured, full-image, healing remedies, health, nutrition Category: Body, Community, Earth, Food, Healthcare, Natural Health, Resources, Self, Society

Are Eggs Safe to Eat Again? An article this week in the British Medical Journal finds that one egg per day is not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease or stroke. That is good news for the egg industry and egg lovers--but it also contradicts several other studies. Eggs by rarvesen In 2008, the American Heart Association's journal Circulation reported that just one egg a day increased the risk of heart failure in a group of doctors studied. Heart disease isn't the only health concern associated with eating eggs. Eggs also have a link to ovarian cancer, says an article in Cancer Epidemiology , Biomarkers & Prevention , and the culprit is not necessarily cholesterol. "It seems possible that eating eggs regularly is causally linked to the occurrence of a proportion of cancers of the ovary, perhaps as many as 40 percent, among women who eat at least 1 egg a week," wrote the authors. Commercial egg production is unethical by Martha Rosenberg click here=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1

Prevent - Soy Lecithin: How It Negatively Affects Your Health And Why You Need To Avoid It Soy Lecithin has been lingering around our food supply for over a century. It is an ingredient in literally hundreds of proceesed foods, and also sold as an over the counter health food supplement. Scientists claim it benefits our cardiovascular health, metabolism, memory, cognitive function, liver function, and even physical and athletic perfomance. However, most people don't realize what soy lecithin actually is, and why the dangers of ingesting this additive far exceed its benefits. Lecithin is an emulsifying substance that is found in the cells of all living organisms. The French scientist Maurice Gobley discovered lecithin in 1805 and named it "lekithos" after the Greek word for "egg yolk." Out of the Dumps Soybean lecithin comes from sludge left after crude soy oil goes through a "degumming" process. Today lecithin is ubiquitous in the processed food supply. In theory, lecithin manufacture eliminates all soy proteins, making it hypoallergenic. The Making of a Wonder Food

Is This Oil the Worst Possible Oil You Can Eat? Soybean Oil: One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods By Dr. Mercola Processed food is perhaps the most damaging aspect of most people’s diet, contributing to poor health and chronic disease. One of the primary culprits is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the dangers of which I touch on in virtually every article on diet I write. The second culprit is partially hydrogenated soybean oil. These two ingredients, either alone or in combination, can be found in virtually all processed foods and one can make a compelling argument that the reliance on these two foods is a primary contributing factor for most of the degenerative diseases attacking Americans today. Part of the problem with partially hydrogenated soybean oil is the trans fat it contains. As the negative health effects from trans fats have been identified and recognized, the agricultural- and food industry have scrambled to come up with new alternatives. Why Hydrogenate? The Health Hazards of Soybeans Read the full article
