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Life is Just Peachy - 18"doll

Life is Just Peachy - 18"doll
Life is Just Peachy – 18” doll Crochet + knitting patterns DNBO = Do Not Break Off The pattern includes pants, a top and the messenger bag which are crocheted and the hat and cape which are knitted. The crochet involves sc, sl st, dc and hdc. I used Bernat Super Value yarns and various hooks. The knitting was done with 5.5mm needles Pants: with Brown Bernat Super Value (WW) and 6mm hook Legs… do not break off after 2nd leg Ch 20 and join… work 8 rows of 20 dc. Torso: Align the two leg parts with the join areas to the back… join with sc in 6 stitches then begin to work around torso section… ch 1 dc in 9 dc, (2 dc in next, dc in next,) twice, 2dc in next, 2 tr in next, 3 Tr in crotch join, 2 Tr in next, (2 dc in next, dc in next,) tree times, then dc to first DC in row. Torso row 2: dc around… at this point I have 41 dc but that is just a ballpark number. Work 3 more rows of dc – work 2 decreases at the back on the last dc row. Work a row of sc around an elastic waistband. Sleeves: Rows 1-3: knit

Black and White & Red all over. 18" doll Black and White & Red all over… 18” doll Pants… 3 colours of WW yarn an 5.5mm hook 1st Leg Ch 18 with black yarn. Rows 1-3: dc evenly, Row 4: inc by one . Row 5: dc evenly. Rows 6-8: work in dc w/ inc on 6 and 8. break off red. Rows 9-10: dc w/ inc on row 10 2nd leg… w/ black yarn ch 18 and join. Row 1: dc evenly. secure but DNBO black. Row 2: work evenly in dc. secure but DNBO white.. Your Torso rows begin and end at Centre Front. T Row 1: Align the two legs and join with 6 sc, ch 1. It might be helpful here to go to the back to Mark out your increase stitches. Dc to your first marker… work [2dc, 1dc, 2dc, 1dc, 2dc,] over the five stitches, work 1 TR into the CB join, work [ ] again then continue in dc to beginning of row being sure to put stitch in sc-joined stitch on this side, join. Row T2-T4: work evenly in dc. Row T5: work dc but work 1 decrease on each side of back (2 decreases) . Row T6: work dc but work 1 decrease on each side of front (2 decreases) . Top… w/ red ch 41 Row 10: as row 9. Front…

Peggy - 18" doll skater Peggy…18” doll This is as close as I can get to her costume for the 1968 Olympics. There should be a titch more yellow in the lemon/lime yarn but colours change over the decades Bernat Satin yarn,- “Soft Fern” Bernat Merry Christmas glimmer yarn (very small amount) and a small amount of white SportWeight yarn. 4.5mm & hook and an elastic waistband. The Collar Fold a strand of glimmer yarn (about 26 inches long) in half twice – you have 4 strands at this point. Row 2: work 1 sc in every sc and over each ch. while working over the chains try to get one strand of the glimmer yarn as well. Costume… working from collar down Row 3: work *dc in 1, 2dc in next* to end. Row 4: dc in 5, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 11, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 10, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 11, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 6. (59 dc) Row 5: dc in 7, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 13, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 112, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 13, 2 dc in next 2, dc in 6. (67 dc) Row 6: dc in 9, sk 15, dc in 18, sk 15, dc in 10. (37 dc) Sleeves… Panty…

s Knits and Crochet: Boho Doll Top A retro styled halter complete with flowers and fringe. What you need: Worsted weight acrylic yarn Size H (5 mm) hook Yarn needle Scissors Halter: Row 1: Chain 20, sc back across chain, chain 1, turn -19 st Rows 2-3: sc across, chain 1, turn -19 st Row 4: sc 1, sc 2tog, sc 13, sc2tog, sc -17 st Row 5: sc -17st Row 6: sc 1, sc2tog, sc 11, sc2tog, sc -15 st Rows 7-11: sc -15 st Row 12: sc, sc2tog, sc 9, sc2tog, sc -13 st Row 13: sc, sc2tog, sc 7, sc2tog, sc - 11 st Row 14: sc, sc2tog, sc 5, sc2tog, sc -9 st Finish off and weave in ends. Cut twelve 12-18 inch long strands of yarn. Thread three strands through each corner of the halter. Braid. Flowers: Make 4 Chain 2 *dc, sl st, in second chain from hook Repeat from * 4 more times Break yarn, leave long tail to sew onto top. With yarn needle stitch between each petal. Finishing touches: Sew three flowers to halter. Cut twenty pieces of yarn about 4-5 inches long. One at a time add these pieces to the bottom of the halter like fringe. Headband: Sew flower onto chain.

MY DOLL BEST FRIEND: Halloween Witchy Tutu Outfit At Poundworld I found these stripy leg warmers and a Halloween 'Terrifying Tutu Costume' which is really just a cute double layer net skirt and is not that terrifying at all! So here's what I made for witchy Gotz Julia for £2. What you will need: A Terrifying Tutu Costume (or another black tutu) Stripy leg warmers Needle Black thread Scissors Cut the leg warmer (keeping the ruffled edge) to approximately 10"/ 25cm. For the witchy tutu, first carefully cut off the bow. Now find the seam on the elasticated waistband of the skirt. Stitch the loose elastic to the inside of the skirt as in the first photo below. The skirt waistband now fits your doll and is nice and secure. For the hairband, take the 2 pieces of bow from earlier. Here's the finished result from behind. This is your witchy tutu creation from the front. Thanks for reading!

Crocheted Sweater For 18" Dolls Crocheted Doll and Teddy Bear Sweater Pattern for 18 inch sizes Don't be afraid to try this sweater if you haven't crocheted in years! This is a beginners pattern. For those that like to have their own copy with color picture, I do have this pattern packaged for sale. Crocheted Sweaters for Dolls! ch=chain st=stitch sl st=slip stitch sc=single crochet hdc=half double crochet Back (make one) Row1: chain 25,hdc in 3rd st from hook, hdc across ch2 , turn. Row2-6: hdc across, ch2 , turn. Row7: hdc across, turn. Row8: sl st in 4 sts, ch2, hdc in 17 stc (The hdc in 17 may not be correct, so just hdc until you have 4 st left), ch2, turn. Row9-14: hdc across,ch2,turn. Row15: hdc across, turn. Row 16: sl st in 3 sts, sc, hdc in 9 (or to match the other side of 3 sts), sc in 10, ss in 11, 12, 13th - fasten off. Front: (make two, do the reverse on the second one) Row1: ch15, hdc in 3rd st from hook, hdc across, ch2, turn. Row2-6: hdc across, ch2, turn. Row8: sl st in 4,ch2, hdc in 8, decrease and ch2, turn.

Crocheted Doll Set - 18", AG Doll Sweater 1: Ch 45 loosely. Turn and dc in 3rd ch from hook and next 4 ch, double corner in next ch, *dc in next 9 ch, double corner in next ch*. Repeat between * twice more, dc in next 6 ch - 8 dc on each front, 13 dc on each sleeve and on back. 2: Ch 2, turn. FP around next dc, skip 2 dc, shell in next dc, skip 2 dc, FP around next dc, *single corner in next corner sp, FP around next dc, (skip 2 dc, shell in next dc, skip 2 dc, FP round next dc) twice.* Repeat between * twice more, single corner in next corner sp, FP around next dc, skip 2 dc, shell in next dc, skip 2 dc, FP around next dc, dc in top of turning ch. 3: Ch 2, turn. 4: Ch 2, turn. 5: Ch 2, turn. 6: Ch 2, turn. 7: Ch 2, turn. 8: Ch 2, turn. 9: Ch 2, turn. Cut yarn and fasten off. Divide for sleeves: 1: With right side facing, join yarn with sl st to first corner sp, sl st into next dc, Ch 2, dc in next 3dc (FP, shell) four times, FP, dc in next 4 dc. 6: Ch 2, turn. 7: Ch 2, turn. 8: Ch 2, turn. 9: Ch 1, turn. 10-11: Ch 1, turn.
