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119 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness

119 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness

Does the Mushroom Love Its Plucker? | Adventure Travel Guide You may already know Larry. Remember the guy in the cat-in-the-hat hat selling Indonesian jewelry at Grateful Dead concerts from New England to California? The American guy doing judo moves in that Japanese punk-rock music video back in '86 on Japanese MTV? The guy in the plant store who had just closed a deal to import 10 metric tons of Siberian ginseng from which he was going to make ginseng tea and ginseng beer? The guy passing out questionnaires to hitchhikers everywhere from Texas to Canada for the hitchhiker's guidebook he was working on in the early '80s? The guy who led forest walks during timber-sale protests in the northern Rockies, who knew everything about edible wild mushrooms and other non-timber forest products that he said are sometimes more valuable than the trees they're under? Larry Evans, the botanist, wild-mushroom expert, and entrepreneur, lives in the same city in northwest Montana as I do. English-speaking people traditionally fear and revile mushrooms.

School of Out-of-Body Travel and Lucid Dreaming Psychology of Color [Infographic] Perhaps no choice is as vital to marketing as color. Whether you are selecting the color for a product or for your email marketing campaign, color has tremendous impact on all of us. Subconsciously, we associate different colors with different things. This infographic examines the psychology of color and looks at some common associations of different colors. While color can be appealing to us visually, a lot more is going on behind the scenes than just an aesthetic. Embed This Graphic On Your Site <img src=” alt=”Psychology of Color Infographic” />Infographic by <a title=”WebpageFX” href=” Embed the Psychology of Color Infographic The psychology of color directly plays into consumer behavior. When you are looking at the best visual choice for your next project, this color infographic should be a handy guide. Marketing with Color Psychology

50 Great Works of Video Art That You Can Watch Online There are several reasons why video art is underexposed. Part of it has to do with the hard-to-shake reputation that video art is just too campy and esoteric — an opinion espoused by Jack Donaghy and anyone else who believes that art is exclusively paintings of men on horses. Another reason is the attitude that of a lot of influential, opinionated video artists share: they simply aren’t comfortable offering their wares to just anyone, and would rather sell the things they’ve made on glitzy-looking DVDs to a few collectors and museums, as they would a painting or a sculpture. Still other video artists are concerned that their work might be misidentified as films. This anxiety leads them to seek out venues for their work (warehouse art galleries and hard-to-find back-room viewing rooms) that will grant them the power to have it appreciated on its own terms. But a lot of them can be.

Corriger une photo trop sombre avec Gimp Par mauvais temps, ou tout simplement parce que vous avez fait un mauvais réglage, votre photo est trop sombre. Luminosité, contrastes, niveaux, voyons comment rattraper une photo trop sombre grâce au logiciel Gimp. The Gimp, logiciel gratuit de retouche est un outil complet pour traiter vos photos. Apprenons, en manipulant les niveaux, courbes, saturations et luminosité/contraste, comment rattraper une photo trop sombre. Téléchargez The Gimp, un logiciel libre et gratuit. Après avoir ouvert votre photo sous Gimp, la première chose à faire est de dupliquer votre calque. Allez dans la boite de dialogue intitulée calques, chemins. Les niveaux Les niveaux se présentent sous forme d'histogramme. Ainsi, on va diminuer les valeurs sombres par exemple, et augmenter les valeurs claires pour arriver à une image plus équilibrée. Pour accéder aux niveaux et à votre histogramme, allez dans vos menus déroulants (fichier, édition, sélection etc), dans couleurs, puis niveaux. La photo va s'éclaircir.

Mushroom Hunting in the Yukon And Interview with Langdon Cook | Nature "There were some incidents—a couple of shootings, a murder or two." Foraged wild mushrooms are among a four-star chef's most prized and coveted ingredients. But they are also the fruit of a secretive and sometimes dangerous subculture. In The Mushroom Hunters: On the Trail of an Underground America, author Langdon Cook sets out to shed light on the modern mushroom trade, tracking fungi from patch to picker to buyer and, ultimately, the finest New York City restaurants. Informed by a decade of hobby mushroom picking, and fueled by legends of territorial gun battles, Cook makes for the woods to hunt mushrooms, live and dine with pickers, and discover a hidden way of life in some of the country's most beautiful and wild places. We asked him to share a little of what he found. OUTSIDE: What's the deal with mushrooms? And finding mushrooms in the woods is like a treasure hunt. How did you get into it? It stuck with me—how did they find this many mushrooms in the bush?

Higgs Boson: The Inside Scoop 00:48 20/11/2013

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