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Brand Intelligence Group

Brand Intelligence Group

CHOOSE FOREVER Designed with the LEO BURNETT Department of Design Team: Alisa Wolfson, Peter Ty, Casey Martin, Kelly Dorsey, Andy Luce Retail Ticket — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Outfield — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD with DOD team Letterhead — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD RETARDED mag. Pep es un chico que siempre me ha fascinado por su extrañeza y su simpleza mezclada con una inocencia inquietante. Cuando levanta la mirada de manera burlona te das cuenta de que algo oculta que tiene mucho valor. A mi me gusta pensar que fue algo que descubrió en el pequeño pueblo de 5.000 habitantes donde pasó su infancia y parte de la juventud, apartado de todo y dedicándose a jugar a los videojuegos, a las muñecas y a las peleas a lo gladiador con palos del campo. Ya más adolescente mientras se fumaba sus porrillos no paraba de dibujar lo abstracto y las heroínas a las que diseñaba sus estilismos. En su infancia, era objeto de burla de los chicos por blanco, porque claro ahí en canarias parecía recién salido de la tumba, en comparación con los demás, y quizás, esa era la sensación que él tenía al amanecer todos los días en aquel lugar, así que decidió irse a las palmas a hacer el bachillerato de Artes.

Smartphone Notebook Version 2 / The Nothing Design Group The Nothing Design Group est un regroupement de designers coréens. Leur but est de coupler la conception avec la fonction. Il signe la version 2 de leur Smartphone Notebook. Mitsuko Nagone Photography Article collected from Fubiz™. Visit source. Mitsuko Nagone, a Japanese photographer, tried with her series New Self, New to Self to ‘create herself artistically instead of finding an identity.

KLP serigrafia Muestra de trabajos en serigrafía textil realizados por KLP empleando tintas base agua ecológicas y de fabricación nacional con efectos especiales para fondos claros, sin tacto, con relieve, corrosivas y fluor, la ... Serigrafía KLP Este es un listado que iremos ampliando dónde se explica qué tinta de serigrafía es adecuada para cada material que queramos estampar. Tejidos 100% algodón colores claros Tintas acuosas textiles (Lacas, base ... Wines Of The World / Lavernia & Cienfuegos Le studio espagnol Lavernia & Cienfuegos a conçu ces étiquettes de bouteilles de vin pour une chaîne de supermarchés belge. Article précédent Article suivant Top 100 des plus belles affiches de festivals français 2013 Né sur feu Fm-r en 2012, le Top 100 des plus belles affiches de festivals français revient en 2013 sur Konbini. Se basant sur trois critères (originalité, idée et sens, performance graphique), voici donc le classement de 265 affiches de l’année écoulée. Clairement, le niveau s’est élevé. Et c’est tant mieux ! Il est bien entendu question de dissocier illustration (art) et communication (stratégie). Comme tout palmarès, cela reste subjectif (même si passionné et travaillé), mais cela ouvre le débat et permet une vue d’ensemble de la création graphique autour des festivals en 2013.

Alejandro Castro · Graphic & Web Design · Madrid Lulo the Boston Terrier Go back Graphic and identity design for Lulo, my dog. This is a small personal project of creating a fashion brand inspired by dogs, man's best friend. Finding Light in Unfamiliar Places "Radiant Floor Lamp" At first glance, designer Steve Faletti's "Radiant Floor Lamp" appeared to be another ingenious use for the apartment radiator, whose distinctive steel tubes have been seemingly wrapped in a luminous skin that sets the wall alight. Upon further inspection, however, it is apparent that the fluted cage is actually a row of bent fluorescent bulbs, faux pressure wheel in tow, and that the entire assemblage is in fact powered by the nearest wall outlet. The lamp is part of serious of one-offs with which Faletti tries to "give new meaning and form" to the vagrant and ephemeral light we tend to take for granted. Another piece cleverly affixes a light bulb to the end of a water spout, while a third humorously reimagines the Furbee (RIP) as an interactive (and furry) night light. Faletti hopes his cheeky creations help in "exploring our relationship to the objects and technologies that provide us with ample and ubiquitous interior light."

Exclusives - haute The fashion development vector, which direction for the next autumn-winter season designers set in their prêt-à-porter collections today, continues to strive for gender unification. As always, fashion mirrors the mood of the society. Paraphrasing and sometimes exaggerating them, it creates the most accessible way of aesthetic... read more Every year, on the eve of Christmas celebrations, Paris hosts an unusual exhibition of Christmas trees created by hands of famous fashion designers, beauty masters and gastronomic brands. To Wine, Cheese and Good Design How does one measure the success of a design? One could say a good design has the ability to capture the expressions of an elusive experience and distill them into a tangible object. It articulates the form, function, and sentiment of something that escapes simple description, while carrying on a life of its own. Stephanie and Bruce Tharp of Chicago-based studio MATERIOUS were approached with the challenge of designing a functional object that both serves and embodies Newton Vineyard, an eco-conscious vineyard in the Napa Valley renowned for its line of unfiltered wines. Inspired by their visit to Newton, the duo designed a functional wine tray that evokes the philosophy as well as the physical mountainside topography of the vineyard. “The Puzzle” wine tray, named after Newton’s icon blend, combines 10 removable puzzle pieces that can be popped out to serve as coasters or smaller, individual serving trays for fruits, nuts, cheese and other wine-paired snacks.
