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Homemade Shampoo

Pretty Natural Itchy Scalp Soothe || Skin Deep® Cosmetics Database Ingredients from packaging: Distilled water, apple cider vinegar, rosemary extract, rosemary essential oil, tea tree essential oil, sage essential oil, lemongrass essential oil. Directions from packaging: Shake well and spray scalp generously as needed. Warnings from packaging: For external use only; Keep out of reach of children. About the ratings EWG provides information on personal care product ingredients from the published scientific literature, to supplement incomplete data available from companies and the government.

Homemade Toothpaste The basis of homemade toothpaste is baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Either one in huge doses can be dangerous, so DO NOT INGEST! Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a mild abrasive and has anti-bacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide helps by break down bacterial films with its foaming action. I used a 3% solution, but anything you can find at a local drug store should be ok. Vegetable-base glycerin liquid lends a nice consistency and sweetness, but is completely optional. I definitely recommend using some kind of flavoring. Basic Ratio: 6 parts baking soda : 1 part vegetable based glycerin : 1 part hydrogen peroxide solution : flavor to taste This makes a nice paste. Most over the counter hydrogen peroxide solutions are not suitable for ingestion.

One Day, One Deal™ Can you help me with something? It’s kind of embarrassing. So first off, I have no idea how it happened, but I got this virus thing on my computer and it’s really messing me up. What? Anyway, I normally don’t look at anything like this so I have no idea how I got this, okay? So you can fix it? Just for future reference, so I can block it or something, do you know which site gave me the virus? Wear this shirt: If you’re an adorable IT gal solving networking issues and looking cute doing it. Don’t wear this shirt: If you’re one of those surly IT types who’s only trying to make life regret choosing you. This shirt tells the world: “Why yes, I do have very large stack variables. We call this color: Alt-Ctrl-Grass Back to top

Living, Laughing, Loving, Learning: Homemade Bodywash We are becoming more "Hippie" by the day it seems. Truly, it is not all my fault. Andy contributes too. I may have been known as "Captain Planet" back in college, for starting the campus recycling drive, and for harping on my roommates constantly to turn off the lights, and tv, and water. But I married my equal. Andy was the one who pushed through and actually made the homemade laundry detergent. Ever since then he has been talking about making our own body wash. So, Andy occasionally does a search for homemade organic body wash. 1/2 gallon distilled water Minerals, colors and scents as desired Melt 2 cups grated soap in 1/2 gallon distilled water (we doubled the recipe which is why it looks like so much more then 1/2 gallon in the pot) Along with 2TBSP of Vegetable Glycerin oil Add scent or color if desired, which it wasn't for us - the simpler the better for poor Canaan's skin! Mix well. We poured it into mason jars and let it cool. One gallon distilled water - $1 Total spent - $10.20

Best Dandruff Shampoo Reviews - Itchy Flaky Scalp Products & Shampoos Reviews For Dandruff Shampoos: Best Dandruff Shampoos: There are a lot of dandruff shampoos including Nizoral, Head and Shoulders, Ag Dandruff Shampoo as well T Gel and other Tar Shampoos. And of course there are name brand Dandruff Treatment shampoos including Redken Dandruff as well American Crew Itchy Flakes Shampoo. Based on 1400 people surveyed the very best in treating that itchy flaky scalp was ZincPlex. It was hands down the winner for just about every scalp problem including seborrheic dermatitis ( a condition that is considered to be extreme dandruff. The advantages that it has is that it does not have a usage time. Can be used as often as you like! Order Zinc Plex Here! Sitemap

Homemade Boombox Collection I made all of these boomboxes. I was first inspired to make boomboxes by the character Radio Raheem from the movie Do The Right Thing. My first one was bigger and heavier than it needed to be and used a pair of overpriced speakers that were lacking in highs. Since then I have figured out that car speakers work well as they are light and are usually co-axial or have full-range response. First Boombox- 6 1/2" speakers, Dayton T-amp custom wooden box. Too big, lacks highs. I will definitely be making more of these in the future. Some sites I used for parts:Parts Express- Where I bought the drivers and amps

Criticism of religion Criticism of religion is criticism of the concepts, doctrines, validity, and/or practices of religion, including associated political and social implications.[1] Critics often consider religion to be outdated, harmful to the individual, harmful to society, an impediment to the progress of science, a source of immoral acts or customs, and a political tool for social control. History[edit] The 1st century BCE Roman poet, Titus Lucretius Carus, in his work De Rerum Natura, wrote: "But 'tis that same religion oftener far / Hath bred the foul impieties of men:"[2] A philosopher of the Epicurean school, Lucretius believed the world was composed solely of matter and void, and that all phenomena could be understood as resulting from purely natural causes. Niccolò Machiavelli, at the beginning of the 16th century said: "We Italians are irreligious and corrupt above others... because the church and her representatives have set us the worst example Criticism of religious concepts[edit]

How to Make Rosemary Mint Shampoo and Body Wash for Men and Women Do you want your body to smell like rosemary-minty fresh after taking a bath? Why not try rosemary mint shampoo and body wash? And if there’s no retailer selling this product near your place, don’t worry you can make your own. It’s simple to do. Making your own rosemary mint shampoo and body wash is so easy. Read Heide’s complete post as she reveals how she made her rosemary mint shampoo and body wash combo in simple steps. To get to the full article, check the link below… How to Make Rosemary Mint Shampoo and Body Wash Sponsored Links If you like this post, Share it with your friends!

Homemade outdoor wood stove pictures from home & garden photos on webshots Webshots is introducing Smile, the next evolution of photo sharing: Upload and share as many photos as you want Create a dynamic photo stream to share with close friends and family Save a permanent archive of your family's photos

The Humble Indie Bundle #2 (pay what you want for five awesome indie games) How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Beautiful Hair and Skin You may want to start stashing apple cider vinegar in the medicine cabinet as well as the kitchen cupboard. This staple ingredient can do more than dress salads and make pickles—it’s also a fabulous all-in-one beauty product for all of you natural beauties on a budget. When used in your beauty regimen, apple cider vinegar can help you get pretty from head to toe. Be sure to get the good stuff. For Hair Apple cider vinegar removes clumpy residue and gunk in hair from product buildup. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse 1 part apple cider vinegar1 part water Directions: To revive your hair to its days of smoothness, mix the apple cider vinegar and water together. For Skin This simple vinegar can help improve your overall complexion. Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner 1 part apple cider vinegar2 parts water A good toner can moisturize, refresh and purify skin. You can also infuse your apple cider vinegar hair rinse or facial toner with fresh herbs for added nutrients and a pleasant scent.

