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True Twitter Conversation - Flock

True Twitter Conversation - Flock

Twittermania: 140+ More Twitter Tools! Various Twitter-related tools and plugins have been multiplying fast over since we did our big Twitter Toolbox and 8 awesome Firefox plugins for Twitter earlier. When we say fast, we "mean 140+ new tools" fast, and we probably missed some, too. You know what this means: now you have to arm yourself with dozens of shiny widgets you probably don't need, but you can't resist them anyway. Posting Enhancement Paratweet :: A practical twitter tool for live experiences Nurph. Chatting in Twitter? Get a Room. Twitter and Archaeology Now I know Twitter is not everybody's cup of tea, but I was poking around today and discovered some very interesting projects in Twitter. If you've been interested in seeing what different archaeological groups are up to on Twitter, or contemplating running a Twitter feed for your own group, this blog is for you. It took me several hours, but I found a lot of professional archaeologists and students who were tweeting about archaeology; and I also found a lot of creative use of Twitter by organizations, archaeological sites, museum, magazines—even a handful of CRM firms to get news out about their organizations. Each of the following links should take you to a Twitter page, where you can cruise at your own pace and see what others are doing. If I missed your organization's Twitter feed (and I very well might have, searching Twitter has a needle-in-haystack quality), add it in a comment and I'll add it to the list. Specific Archaeology Projects Archaeology News Servers CRM Firms Museums

Tweepi v2.0 :: a geekier, faster way to bulk add quality followers :: Tweepi Filter Tweeps - Advanced Twitter Search Twitter Unfollower Tracker :: Twitter App :: Who Unfollowed Me? 40+ usuarios de Twitter para aprender una lengua extranjera « Sociología Contemporánea En este blog insistimos frecuentemente sobre el uso de aplicaciones web con fines educativos. El caso de Twitter, enfocado en el campo de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras, es otro claro ejemplo. Así pues, nos dimos a la tarea de recopilar más de 40 usuarios de Twitter que podrían ayudarnos a reforzar el aprendizaje de un idioma. Español @spanishblog. @HolaQueTalUK. @blogdelengua Alberto Bustos es un blogger cuya principal pasión radica todo lo que tenga que ver con la palabra. Italiano @learnitalian. @italianlanguage. Ruso @russianlanguage. Francés @frenchlanguage Aprende langue française con útiles recursos. Japonés @japanesepod101. @LearnKanji. Alemán @germanlanguage. @germanheit. Esperanto @GoEsperanto. Chino @EcuaChina. @Chinese_Courses Lecciones de chino con profesores profesionales desde Beijing. Comunidades @lenguajero. Comentarios

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