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Tangible Media Group

Tangible Media Group

艺术 品 User Interface: „Das Wichtigste ist Weglassen“ | Future futurezone: Wenn Sie einen Blick zehn oder auch 20 Jahre in die Zukunft werfen, wie werden Benutzeroberflächen auf unseren Computern dann aussehen? Werden sie sich stark von heutigen User Interfaces unterscheiden oder geht es künftig nur noch um Details?Peter Purgathofer: Beides. Die Oberflächen „auf unseren Computern“ werden recht ähnlich gestaltet und strukturiert sein, ein bisschen nach dem Motto "never change a winning team". Die Oberflächen auf allen anderen Geräten werden radikal verschieden sein. Auf Tablets sind die Interaktionsformen schon jetzt anders. Welche Trends sehen Sie, die sich künftig durchsetzen könnten? Technisch ist vieles machbar, was gleichzeitig aber nicht immer auch Benutzerfreundlichkeit bedeutet. Wenn man über kommende Interfaces berichtet, wird häufig das „Minority Report“-Beispiel genannt. Apple gelingt es immer wieder, hier Maßstäbe zu setzen, weil sie eine komplett andere Firmenkultur als andere haben.

Tangible Interfaces 123 Inspiration AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE - Lectures Online VANSTIPHOUT, Wouter Blame the Architect: On the relationship between urban planning, architecture, culture and urban violence Series: Evening Lecture Date: 3/2/2011 Time: 18:00:00 Venue: Lecture Hall Running time: 90 mins After the riots in the French banlieues of 2005, fingers were pointed at the architects and planners responsible for the high-rise suburbs as the culprits behind the alienation, the poverty and ultimately the violence erupting around French cities. Just as 20 years earlier in Broadwater Farm, even Le Corbusier himself was blamed for the street fights that took place. Wouter Vanstiphout is part of Crimson Architectural Historians.

Tangible user interface A tangible user interface (TUI) is a user interface in which a person interacts with digital information through the physical environment. The initial name was Graspable User Interface, which is no longer used. Characteristics of tangible user interfaces[edit] Physical representations are computationally coupled to underlying digital information.Physical representations embody mechanisms for interactive control.Physical representations are perceptually coupled to actively mediated digital representations.Physical state of tangibles embodies key aspects of the digital state of a system According to,[1] five basic defining properties of tangible user interfaces are as follows: space-multiplex both input and output;concurrent access and manipulation of interface components;strong specific devices;spatially aware computational devices;spatial re-reconfigurability of devices. Examples[edit] A simple example of tangible UI is the computer mouse. Another example is the Topobo system. See also[edit]

鸡尾酒显微镜摄影 Protest - Urban Design What makes citizens choose a particular form of protest? How does space function as mediator between these citizens and their political acts? Whose power and control drive negotiations between citizens and regimes during protests? Addressing these questions, this exhibition offers a window into how people use, manipulate, claim, and appropriate urban space while advocating for their own values. It should be noted that the exhibit looks at these issues in a socio-spatial context, without any consideration of moral and political narratives. Complementing existing architectural and planning theories that explore the role of built spaces in constructing national identity, the exhibition investigates urban spaces as cultural artifacts within intricate power geometries.

Miguel Chevalier enrobe le Maroc de mosaïques interactives Miguel CHEVALIER Digital Arabesques 2015 Fès par Claude Mossessian sur Vimeo. Sur les tapis interactifs de Miguel Chevalier on a la curieuse impression de marcher sur l'eau à la manière d'un gerris, comme si le monde de couleur qui s’étendait sous nos pieds était liquide, vivant. L’an dernier d’ailleurs, il avait projeté ses Digital Arabesques sur le front de mer de Sharjah. Digital Arabesques est la dernière installation de ce type réalisée par Chevalier après un jardin en fleurs fractales, cet un tapis de lumière dans un chateau italien. Digital Arabesques vient de quitter Fès pour rejoindre Agadir où elle sera exposée jusqu’au 20 mars. Images de l’artiste Retrouvez l’actualité de Miguel Chevalier sur son site.
