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Robert Wright on optimism

Robert Wright on optimism
Related:  Inner Search

The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen Authoritarian followers Mind Control Subliminals By Dick Sutphen Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion The Three Brain Phases How Revivalist Preachers Work Voice Roll Technique Six Conversion Techniques 1. keeping agreements 2.physical and mental fatigue 3. increase the tension 4. Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. I'm Dick Sutphen and this tape is a studio-recorded, expanded version of a talk I delivered at the World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although I've been interviewed about the subject on many local and regional radio and TV talk shows, large-scale mass communication appears to be blocked, since it could result in suspicion or investigation of the very media presenting it or the sponsors that support the media. Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. In talking about this subject, I am talking about my own business. The Birth of Conversion Charles J.

Are You Wasting Your Time Reading About Personal Development? - by Dumb... - StumbleUpon Walk into any bookstore, and you’ll see shelves full of books about personal development. You’ll know the titles of some classics, even if you’ve never read them: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , Getting Things Done … and loads more. You’ve probably read some of these books, or at least come across major personal development ideas in magazines or online. You might even spend time every day reading personal development blogs and books, or listening to audio. But … are you wasting your time? Just Reading Won’t Get You FarWhen you want something to change in your life, it’s tempting to look for a quick fix. Can they really deliver? Yes – but only with a bit of work from you. The problem is, many of us find that simply reading about personal development gives us a little boost. Have you fallen into this trap? The problem is, you might never find it. That might seem like such a no-brainer. The thing is, whenever you change, you’re also giving something up. To help yourself take action:

Cooperative In short, a coop can be defined as "a jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods or the supplying of services, operated by its members for their mutual benefit, typically organized by consumers or farmers."[4] Cooperative businesses are typically more economically resilient than many other forms of enterprise, with twice the number of co-operatives (80%) surviving their first five years compared with other business ownership models (41%).[5] Cooperatives frequently have social goals which they aim to accomplish by investing a proportion of trading profits back into their communities. As an example of this, in 2013, retail co-operatives in the UK invested 6.9% of their pre-tax profits in the communities in which they trade as compared with 2.4% for other rival supermarkets.[6] The International Co-operative Alliance was the first international association formed by the cooperative movement. It includes the World Council of Credit Unions. Origins[edit]

Census: Fewer people do without indoor plumbing McMeans, 73, who lives about 40 miles southwest of the state capital Montgomery, is one of a shrinking number of people who still have no indoor plumbing, no hot and cold water, no bath or shower, according to Census 2000 data. Most are elderly, poor and living in rural areas. Nationwide, about 50,000 fewer households lacked complete plumbing in 2000 than in 1990, dropping from 721,693 homes (0.78%), to 670,986 homes (0.64%). Alaska led the nation in both counts, with 13,489 homes in 1990 without complete plumbing, or 7.1%, and 14,003 in 2000, or 6.3%. By region, the South had the highest rate without toilets and tubs. Alabama's Black Belt, the south-central region known for its dark soil and impoverished history, is slowly casting off its rustic inconveniences along with much of the rural South. McMeans said he wants to finish building an indoor bathroom and run the outside water lines through it. "They got some rattlesnakes back there," McMeans said.

Self-organization Self-organization occurs in a variety of physical, chemical, biological, robotic, social and cognitive systems. Common examples include crystallization, the emergence of convection patterns in a liquid heated from below, chemical oscillators, swarming in groups of animals, and the way neural networks learn to recognize complex patterns. Overview[edit] The most robust and unambiguous examples[1] of self-organizing systems are from the physics of non-equilibrium processes. Self-organization is also relevant in chemistry, where it has often been taken as being synonymous with self-assembly. Self-organization usually relies on three basic ingredients:[3] Strong dynamical non-linearity, often though not necessarily involving positive and negative feedbackBalance of exploitation and explorationMultiple interactions Principles of self-organization[edit] History of the idea[edit] Sadi Carnot and Rudolf Clausius discovered the Second Law of Thermodynamics in the 19th century. Developing views[edit]

Five Manifestos for the Creative Life by Kirstin Butler How a numbered list can start a personal revolution. Some days everyone needs a little extra encouragement. The words or lines or colors don’t want to come, or worse, we don’t even want to sit down to create. That’s when we turn to these inspiring manifestos, any one of which is guaranteed to give our uncooperative creativity a sharp kick in the pants. We’ve long been fans of the amazing work of Frederick Terral, the creative visionary behind design studio Right Brain Terrain. You may not be a Picasso or Mozart but you don’t have to be. We can’t imagine more sound advice. Guidelines to get you from Point A to finished product, The Cult of Done Manifesto was written by tech guru Bre Pettis (of MakerBot fame) in collaboration with writer Kio Stark in 20 minutes, “because we only had 20 minutes to get it done.” Pretending you know what you’re doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you’re doing even if you don’t and do it.”

101 Timeless Lessons Life Teaches post written by: Angel Chernoff Email Take everything you’ve ever learned – all the crazy experiences and lessons – and place it all in a box labeled “Thank you.” What has life taught you? Think about all the things you would love to tell yourself if you could travel back in time to give your younger self some advice about life. This is what our sister site, Everyday Life Lessons, is all about. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.In life, you usually get what you ask for, but it rarely comes in the package you think it’s supposed to come in.Never let one bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.Just because today is a terrible day doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be the best day of your life. Photo by: Hartwig HKD If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

Critical Thinking Worksite: Introduction I. Just What is Critical Thinking? When you hear "critical thinking", it is natural to think of criticism---that is, of unpleasant episodes involving your parents or your boss. We can say a bit more about how it is intended to enhance your critical thinking ability. II. When your beliefs are at stake, it's time to think critically. At this worksite, we concentrate on argument analysis. Argument Identification: The first step in argument analysis is knowing that you are in the presence of an argument. In the next three sections, we develop each of these stages, exercising your mastery of them element by element.

The Art of Loving Yourself Letting Go of Attachment “Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities.” ~Dalai Lama Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Lori Deschene of Tiny Buddha. If there’s one thing we all have in common it’s that we want to feel happy; and on the other side of that coin, we want to avoid hurting. We pin our happiness to people, circumstances, and things and hold onto them for dear life. We attach to feelings as if they define us, and ironically, not just positive ones. In trying to hold on to what’s familiar, we limit our ability to experience joy in the present. When you stop trying to grasp, own, and control the world around you, you give it the freedom to fulfill you without the power to destroy you. It’s no simple undertaking to let go of attachment—not a one-time decision, like pulling off a band-aid. The best approach is to start simple, at the beginning, and work your way to Zen. Experiencing Without Attachment Call yourself out.

5-Step Action Guide to Shine Your Light in 2010 5-Step Action Guide to Shine Your Light in 2010 Have you ever wondered why it seems so easy for some people to make major changes in their life while others sit back as passive observers wondering what happened? They begin to wonder where their life went wrong. They say things such as, “Why are bad things always happening to me?” Taking action is the first step to living an empowered life and who doesn’t want that? As you read through the 5 steps that follow, slow down and take your time. Try to find the time to answer the questions in a written format rather than answering them in your mind. Step One: Choose what you want. The first step is deciding what you want. While exploring your questions in step one, be playful. “The first principle of success is desire – knowing what you want. Coaching questions: What did you love to do as a child? Step Two: Set an Intention. I am often asked, “What does it mean to set an intention?” —Sandy Forster What is your intention for today? —Sigmund Freud

Cosmopolitanism Cosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community, based on a shared morality. A person who adheres to the idea of cosmopolitanism in any of its forms is called a cosmopolitan or cosmopolite. A cosmopolitan community might be based on an inclusive morality, a shared economic relationship, or a political structure that encompasses different nations. In a cosmopolitan community individuals from different places (e.g. nation-states) form relationships of mutual respect. As an example, Kwame Anthony Appiah suggests the possibility of a cosmopolitan community in which individuals from varying locations (physical, economic, etc.) enter relationships of mutual respect despite their differing beliefs (religious, political, etc.).[1] Various cities and locales, past or present, have or are defined as "cosmopolitan"; that does not necessarily mean that all or most of their inhabitants consciously embrace the above philosophy. Etymology[edit] Definitions[edit]

How to Meditate Note: These instructions are drawn from the vipassana traditions of Mahasi Sayadaw and Chao Khun Bhavanapirama Thera. It is assumed the reader is familiar with the article, What is Vipassana? Contents This article offers step-by-step instructions for nine insight meditation exercises, as well as a detailed explanation of mindful eating, hints on dealing with problems such as wandering mind, sleepiness, disturbing mental images, unpleasant emotions, and more. The following exercises are not necessarily listed in order of difficulty. To start, choose one or two exercises and practice them daily. If there's something you don't understand at first, please don't let that daunt you. Although these Buddhist meditation exercises come from the traditions of the Burmese teacher Mahasi Sayadaw and the Thai teacher Chao Khun Bhavanapirama Thera, you don't have to be a Buddhist to practice them. [Note: This information is not meant to substitute for the guidance of a qualified instructor. Clothing Pain

100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness 1. Connect with nature – Go for a walk in the forest, jungle, field of daisies, or wherever you feel like getting a connection with nature. It is possible to feel at deep sense of peace and oneness when you attempt to connect with nature. As you learn to connect and appreciate nature, you allow your consciousness to rise up. 2. – Exercise and dancing will raise your consciousness by promoting healthy brainwave patterns, healthy neurotransmitter levels, and great circulation throughout your nervous system. 3. - Whether you are an advanced meditator or a beginner, the benefits are tremendous and will allow you to tap into your highest state of conscious functioning if you stick around long enough. 4. - Find only friends that align with who you are, your beliefs, and your values – they will make you more conscious. 5. – If you have the intention to raise your consciousness and state of awareness, you are on the right track. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - There are many ways to become more intelligent.
