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Cornell University Library

Cornell University Library

Harvard’s Alternative to Google Books In 2004, Google decided to seek out millions of books gathering dust in library stacks, digitize them, and make them available to you at the click of a mouse. All you had to do was notice the advertisements in the margins. But after Google extended its archiving effort from books in the public domain to those under copyright, the U.S.-based Authors Guild filed a class action lawsuit in 2005. Then, while negotiating a settlement, Google decided to sell not merely ads but the books themselves, with or without the specific consent of copyright holders, on the ground that the guild could stand in as their legal representative. Not so fast, said federal judge Denny Chin, as he rejected one Guild-Google settlement after another. In 2010, university librarians met in a national conference and decided to create an alternative called the Digital Public Library of America. “This is a civic-minded engagement,” says Kenny Whitebloom, who manages the library project.

Jornais Antigos Jornal CORREIO BRAZILIENSE de junho de 1808 Diario de Porto Alegre (1827) foi o primeiro jornal gaúcho, impresso por dois desertores franceses da Guerra Cisplatina Jornal brasileiro O UNIVERSAL de 18/05/1836 anuncia recompensa por um escravo fugido O Povo (1838), órgão oficial dos Farrapos, parou de circular quando sua tipografia foi destruída pelas forças imperiais, em Caçapava- 01/09/1838 Jornal ARCHIVO PITORESCO de 01/07/1857 A Sentinella do Sul (1867) foi o primeiro jornal ilustrado do Rio Grande do Sul e revelou o chargista Inácio Weingartner Jornal O FAÍSCA de 1885 Jornal brasileiro A PROVÍNCIA DE MINAS de 07/06/1887 anuncia recompensa por um escravo fugido Para ver mais imagens relacionadas aos escravos, acesse o post Escravidão Jornal A CORJA de 31/07/1898 Para ver mais imagens dos jornais CORREIO BRAZILIENSE e A CORJA acesse o post Repressão à imprensa e à liberdade de expressão Jornal português A VIDA GALANTE de 07/01/1899 Jornal O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO de 19/08/1943

Khan Academy Perseus Digital Library Vintage Guide Free Online MIT Course Materials | Audio/Video Courses | MIT Ope Penn State University's Electronic Classics Series Site: Download Great Literary Works in PDF Penn State's Electronic Classics Series Site PSU's Electronic Classics Site Est. August 1997 From here you can access free files in Adobe®'s Portable Document Format. These files include original work published in hard copy by the Pennsylvania State University and classical works of literature in English. However, you must agree to the following conditions before proceeding: You agree to assume full responsibility for your actions in downloading any and all files from this site. NOTE : These files require the Adobe®Acrobat®Reader. If you would like to be added to the ECS public update mailing list, send us an e-mail at to be notified regularly of updates.

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