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Optimo Type Foundry Reduce, Reuse, Diffuse: Make Your Own Flash Diffuser from an Old Film Container Harsh, unflattering flash got you down? Grab an old roll of film and make it all better. Follow Flickr user natuurplaat’s lead, and turn an old film canister into a flash diffuser! Keep reading and we’ll show you how to make your very own little piece of genius. Film Canister Flash Diffuser Thanks to reader Jeff Gamble for the tip! p.s. The Ingredient list Camera with a pop-up flashWhite film container — We got free used ones by sweet-talking the clerk at our local photo lab.RulerX-acto knife Step 1: Measure your flash Measure the width of your flash so you’ll know how wide to make the cut in your film container. Step 2: Cut the film container Using a sharp blade, carefully cut a notch in the side of the film container (take the lid off first). Step 3: Slide it on Slide the film container onto your flash, and put the lid on to hold it in place. Step 4: Go take pictures! Get out there and shoot! Take photos as you would normally. Before: Shiny & Pasty After: Lovely & Pleasant Want some more ideas?

How To Motivate Yourself: 3 Steps Backed By Science You make goals… but then you procrastinate. You write a to-do list… but then you don’t follow through. And this happens again and again and again. Seriously, what’s the problem? Why are we so good at thinking of what to do but so terrible at actually doing those things? The problem is you’re skipping an essential step. The Mistake Every Productivity System Makes Productivity systems rarely take emotions into account. We can’t ignore our emotions. And we can’t fight our feelings. Via The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking: …when experimental subjects are told of an unhappy event, but then instructed to try not to feel sad about it, they end up feeling worse than people who are informed of the event, but given no instructions about how to feel. So what does the unavoidable power of feelings mean for motivation? In their book Switch, Chip and Dan Heath say that emotions are an essential part of executing any plan: Focus on emotions. 1) Get Positive It’s optimism.

Daily Type Specimen Grilli Type | Independent Swiss Font Foundry Basics of Photography: Your Camera’s Manual Settings Maybe I misread this, or maybe I'm a pedant, but... "When you press the shutter button on your camera and take a picture, the aperture blades take a specific amount of time to close. This amount of time is known as your shutter speed" not exactly correct. On my cameras (Nikons) the aperture closes at the same speed (really fast) no matter what your shutter speed—or if you're shooting "wide open" (at the largest aperture the lens supports) the aperture doesn't do anything at all when you trigger the shutter release. What changes when you adjust the shutter speed is (surprise) the shutter. On my camera, the shutter consists of two curtains, like a stage. Flagged

This 15-Minute Activity Will Make You More Successful At Work Letterform Archive Commercial Type Street Dance Illustration Street Dance IllustrationReviewed by Denny Tang on Feb 2Rating: Preview of final results Stock images used in this tutorial These are the stock photos that were used in this Photoshop tutorial. Step 1 – Open the city skyline photo Start by opening the photo with the city skyline. Step 2 – Create a photocopy effect with the threshold tool Choose Image > Adjustments > Threshold and adjust the setting to get a clean Use the brush tool to erase the clouds so that the sky is all white. Finally, choose Image > Adjustments > Invert to invert the layer. Step 3 – Create a water reflection Press Ctrl+J or choose Layer > Duplicate to duplicate the layer. First, activate the transform tool by pressing Ctrl+T or choosing Edit > Free Transform. Select the rectangular marquee tool and create a selection from the top to the horizon of the city skyline. Press delete or choose Edit > Clear to clear the selected.

5 Ways to Make Your To-Do Lists More Effective To-do lists seem pretty straightforward: A list of all of the tasks you plan to accomplish during any given day or week. And, really, there are few things more satisfying than drawing lines through each entry. Progress! But, many times, they balloon to unrealistic levels, and we end up feeling overwhelmed and ineffective. 1. When you take a few minutes to write your to-do list the night before, you can hit the ground running the next morning, Pozen advises. 2. Everything that goes on your daily to-do list should fit two criteria: It should be something important that you need to do--versus that which doesn’t really need to be done or which can be delegated to someone else--and something that needs to be done on that day. “When people don’t take control, they go through their days passively. 3. Whether it’s five minutes or two hours, include an estimate of how long it will take to complete, recommends Omar Kilani, cofounder of popular to-do list app Remember The Milk. 4. 5.
