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Epic Crispy Quinoa Burgers Topped with Sweet Potato Fries, Beer Caramelized Onions + Gruyere

Epic Crispy Quinoa Burgers Topped with Sweet Potato Fries, Beer Caramelized Onions + Gruyere
Where do I even begin? These burgers have so much going on. Hence the longest name I have ever posted and will hopefully ever post….hopefully! I am going to get so much flack for that title, but I don’t even care. These burgers are one hundred percent worth it and really it is not like there is a food blogging rule that does not allow long titles. Some people find them obnoxious, but some people probably say the same thing about me, so I guess it kind of fits. Oh and if you can believe it, I actually left something out. Alright, let’s just start with the main idea for these quinoa burgers. I wanted to create a quinoa burger that would actually rival the typical beef burger. I know you are thinking it’s just not possible, and trust me, I totally thought the same thing. So I started with that base, but swapped the regular quinoa with red quinoa, took out the buffalo sauce and added some seasonings and cheese. From here my idea of an epic burger just grew and grew. The fried egg. Ingredients

Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes To Go Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes – Cook just once, and you get a delicious breakfast for the entire month! Thank you to everyone who has been asking over the years… The official Chocolate Covered Katie Cookbook is finally available – and based on your feedback, every single recipe in the book comes with complete nutrition facts including calories, total fat, carbohydrates, protein, and Weight Watchers points plus! The breakfast cupcakes are: Quick to makePortable and non-messyEasy to eat at a desk… or pack in a lunchbox! Just throw a couple into your bag, perhaps along with a container of peanut butter and some fresh fruit, and you’re good to go with a balanced breakfast. Never skip breakfast again. Cook once, and you don’t have to worry about breakfast for a month! These customizable “breakfast” baked oatmeal cupcakes are great on-the-go fuel for those days when you have zero time in the morning to prepare a big meal. Print This Recipe 4.95/5 Ingredients Total Time: 25m Yield: 24-25 Instructions

13 comfort foods that burn fat They're called "comfort" foods for a reason—they bring back warm memories, tickle your taste buds, and soothe your soul. Though some comfort foods are deep-fried, covered in cheese, or packed with sugar, some can actually help you lose weight. Beat the battle of the bulge with the following cozy eats. Best Superfoods for Weight Loss Hot chocolate Cocoa is packed with antioxidants, which reduce your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes your body to cling to belly fat. Try this recipe: Mexican Hot Chocolate Collard greens A single serving of this hearty veggie adds up to a mere 46 calories. Try this recipe: Collard Salad with Roasted Tomatoes, Bacon, and Mushrooms Chicken noodle soup "People who eat a broth- or vegetable-based soup before their meal consume fewer calories overall," says Rania Batayneh, nutritionist and author of The One One One Diet. Try this recipe: Chicken Stock and Chicken Noodle Soup Coffee Your old friend joe can boost more than your mood. Pot roast

eats and beats: Edible Christmas Gifts- Dulce de Leche Brownies Hola! We're baking brownies from scratch and putting in some unexpected latin flavor, just for fun! This time we're borrowing from the very talented Mr. David Lebovitz. Normally I wouldn't have changed one of his recipes, but I accidentally read one of the ingredients incorrectly and I think it came out better than when I did it as instructed. First... ................................Dulce de Leche Ingredients 1 14-ounce can of sweetened condensed milk Directions Preheat the oven to 425° F (220° C). Pour one can (400 gr/14 ounces) of sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated milk) into a glass pie plate or shallow baking dish. Set the pie plate within a larger pan, such as a roasting pan, and add hot water until it reaches halfway up the side of the pie plate. Cover the pie plate snugly with aluminum foil and bake for 1 to 1¼ hours. Once the Dulce de Leche is nicely browned and caramelized, remove from the oven and let cool. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. And now for the...

The Anti Diet Ok, so this is the blog post I get asked for again & again. I’m not going to give you some faddy diet that will help you lose a stone, only to find it again next month. Why? Because it’s a waste of both of our time & it’s bad for you. Instead, I will give you my tips, rules & advice to living your life, & losing weight along the way. 1. I’m going to go out on a limb here & say that as you’re reading my blog, you like the internet. That’s your goal. 2. 3. 4. You should start eating at around a 3 or a 4. If you wait until 2 or 1, your body will go into starvation mode which means when you do finally eat, your body will hold on to every bit of fat it can get it’s hands on incase you decide to starve it again. If you accidentally get to this level of hunger, take it slow. If you’re actively trying to lose weight, stop at 5. You’ll soon train your body to eat what’s just right for you. 5. Sweets/Candy Your body’s lacking Chromium, carbon phosphorus, sulphur, Tryptophan. Bread You need nitrogen.
