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PressDoc · Dynamic & Interactive Social Media Releases

PressDoc · Dynamic & Interactive Social Media Releases

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime? The defendant was an immense man, well over 300 pounds, but in the gravity of his sorrow and shame he seemed larger still. He hunched forward in the sturdy wooden armchair that barely contained him, sobbing softly into tissue after tissue, a leg bouncing nervously under the table. In the first pew of spectators sat his wife, looking stricken, absently twisting her wedding band. The room was a sepulcher. Witnesses spoke softly of events so painful that many lost their composure. When a hospital emergency room nurse described how the defendant had behaved after the police first brought him in, she wept. The charge in the courtroom was manslaughter, brought by the Commonwealth of Virginia. It was an inexplicable, inexcusable mistake, but was it a crime? At one point, during a recess, Harrison rose unsteadily to his feet, turned to leave the courtroom and saw, as if for the first time, that there were people witnessing his disgrace. The trial would last three days.

ISSUU - You Publish Sanders Says: The interesting thing about the Map Wars of 2009 December 07, 2009 One of my first jobs was a sales position at an early stage cellular phone company in Dallas . It was the mid-80's and cell phones were brand new, mostly installed in cars. Coverage was very spotty, but coverage maps promised eventual service. The portable phones were housed in Haliburton briefcases and required a weight belt (and an external antenna) to operate. The entire service was expensive and iffy. I worked for a Southwestern Bell Mobile System dealer, so we had little to no initial competition. We countered with The Map. The lesson to be learned is simple: Your most valuable customers need the last mile to work. Over the last few weeks, AT&T and Verizon have stepped up their public battles to win the coverage feature debate. 1. 2. Always look to learn lessons from fierce market battles. Comments

Promote Your App with Pitchpigeon What we’re talking about when we say “beatblog.” Our definition. What’s a Beat Blog? A beat blog in the expansive sense is any blog that sticks to a well-defined beat or coverage area, whether it is the work of a single person or a team, whether it is authored by a pro or an amateur journalist. A beat blog can be part of a large site, or it could stand on its own. Content-wise, a beat blog presents a regular flow of reporting and commentary in a focused area the beat covers; it provides links and online resources in that area, and it tracks the subject over time. When beat blogs are part of a pro reporters work, the best ones are not incidental to the reporter’s work but an integral part of it; sometimes the blog is the main platform for the beat. What We Look For: The mission of is not simply to celebrate the form--another beat blog, fantastico–but to find people who do it well and look carefully at what they’re doing. What You Can Do to Help: Tell us about beatblogs we may not know about but should.

The Year’s Best Social Media Tools for Journalists | Mediashift It’s no surprise that social media are on the rise. For example, 59 percent of journalists across 15 countries use Twitter in 2013, compared to 47 percent last year, according to the Oriella Digital Journalism Study. The more that journalists use social media, the more tools pop up to help them search multiple platforms at once, showcase content in a new way, follow social media chatter by location and more. Here are IJNet’s top picks of social media tools we’ve covered this year: 1. RebelMouse is a social media aggregator that culls content from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Tumblr, RSS feeds and more, organized on your own RebelMouse page. Newsrooms like Al Jazeera America, the Guardian and NBC News have used the tool to feature user-generated content, live-blog breaking news, engage with their communities, build personal portfolios and showcase a more personal side of the newsroom. 2. 3. 4. Related

Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web Muck Rack - Journalists on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and social media Search for Montreal | Quebec All results shown I'm a Canadian singer songwriter & musician. I do a mixture of pop world music mixed with new age, jazz & ambient voices. My name is pronounced Marko-may. Follow Followers: 83,412 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Je suis une Spécialiste Web dans WordPress, les Réseaux Sociaux et la Formation Web. Registered Followers: 19,328 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada I have 16 years experience in the dental health field. Followers: 13,086 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Followers: 15,191 Location: Montreal, Quebec Create audio/video - trouble-shoot & repair websites. Followers: 10,339 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Rockin' since Feb. 9, 2004 Followers: 11,472 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Gift me one of these clothes or shoes. Followers: 9,542 Location: Montreal, Quebec The official twitter des Expos de Montréal. Followers: 11,297 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Professional Dreamcatcher. Followers: 8,120 Location: Montreal, Quebec Analyst, writer, startup accelerant.
