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Flower of Life

Flower of Life
Occurrences of the ornament[edit] The Flower of Life symbol drawn in red ochre Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt Abydos (Egypt)[edit] Possibly five patterns resembling the Flower of Life can be seen on one of the granite columns of the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt, and a further five on a column opposite of the building. They are drawn in red ochre and some are very faint and hard to distinguish.[3] As a New Age symbol[edit] The New York Times quoted a New Age artist as saying, "The Flower of Life has been found in sacred sites throughout the world. References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b Melchizedek, Drunvalo.

Crystal Grids and the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy Crystal Grids and Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy Merry Meet :)))) I try to only pass along websites that I absolutely adore. Hibiscus Moon is one of those websites for me. I consider her my gemstone goddess guru. :)))))) I found her by admiring her posts of the most beautiful crystals on Pinterest in the fall. So what in the world is a crystal grid? She is the Author of Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work. Hibiscus Moon Shop On the main page of her website you can sign up for a weekly newsletter from her. Sign Up For E-mail and Free Crystals & Our Sacred Spaces Kit I also recommend her free Crystal Goodness Page. Crystal Goodness Page I really hope you enjoy all this as much as I am. :))) I know you will love her energy and the way she presents her material. She also runs a Crystal Academy that is accepting enrollments right now. Love and Blessings, Jasmeine Moonsong

The Flower of Life The flower of life holds a secret through which one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe. This is the source of all that exists; it’s called the Fruit of Life. It contains 13 informational systems. Each one explains another aspect of reality. Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the galaxies. In the first system, for example, it’s possible to create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists in the universe. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points. The creator’s consciousness is said to exist within the sphere and the only thing that physically exists is the membrane of the sphere itself. This “first step” is not to be confused with the “first day”, the latter being in reference to the seven days of creation. The Egg of Life The Flower of Life Fruit of Life

Cómo utilizar la medicina natural para tratar el hipotiroidismo El hipotiroidismo ocurre cuando la glándula tiroides no produce suficiente cantidad de hormona tiroidea para sostener el cuerpo. Mientras que los tratamientos médicos tradicionales se encuentran disponibles para regular la hormona en tu cuerpo, la naturopatía ofrece algunos tratamientos alternativos de acuerdo con la teoría de que el cuerpo puede curarse a sí mismo si te vuelves a la naturaleza y eliminas los alimentos sobre procesados de tu dieta. Los médicos de la naturopatía utilizan una serie de ramas de la medicina alternativa para tratar el hipotiroidismo. Nivel de dificultad: Fácil Necesitarás Quelpo Algas Vitaminas del complejo B Acido fólico Vitamina C Acupuntura Lista completaMinimizar 1 Consulta a un médico para un diagnóstico inicial de hipotiroidismo. Consejos y advertencias La mayoría de la sal de mesa contiene oligoelementos de yodo y proporciona todo el yodo necesario para el funcionamiento normal de la hormona. Más galerías de fotos

Ontology Philosophical study of being and existence When used as a countable noun, the words ontology and ontologies refer not to the science of being but to theories within the science of being. Ontological theories can be divided into various types according to their theoretical commitments. Monocategorical ontologies hold that there is only one basic category, but polycategorical ontologies rejected this view. Hierarchical ontologies assert that some entities exist on a more fundamental level and that other entities depend on them. Etymology[edit] onto- (Greek: ὄν, on;[note 1] GEN. ὄντος, ontos, 'being' or 'that which is') and -logia (-λογία, 'logical discourse').[3][4] While the etymology is Greek, the oldest extant records of the word itself is a Neo-Latin form ontologia, which appeared in 1606 in the Ogdoas Scholastica by Jacob Lorhard (Lorhardus), and in 1613 in the Lexicon philosophicum by Rudolf Göckel (Goclenius). Overview[edit] Particulars and universals[edit] Abstract and concrete[edit] D.

Causas del dolor abdominal del lado derecho El dolor abdominal suele ser clasificado como un dolor sordo y continuo, una sensación de ardor o comezón, o fuertes puntadas en la zona del estómago. Aunque parezca que el dolor viene del estómago, en realidad éste es sólo uno de los órganos que puede estar siendo afectado cuando hay dolor abdominal. Otras posibilidades son el apéndice, el páncreas, los riñones, el intestino, y la vesícula. Para poder determinar si el dolor es algo serio, deberías consultar con un profesional médico. Causas posibles El dolor abdominal del lado derecho puede ser causado por muchas enfermedades, algunas serias y otras no. Síntomas adicionales Es importante identificar otros síntomas adicionales para poder determinar si tu dolor abdominal es serio. Evita los alimentos problemáticos Si sientes dolor abdominal inmediatamente después de comer, puede que se trate de un tema digestivo. Período de tiempo Cuidado: dolor abdominal del lado derecho Más galerías de fotos

Derinkuyu Underground City In Derinkuyu Turkey there is an underground city with 11 levels. It's able to hold up to potentially 20 THOUSAND people. It has wine cellars, stables for livestock, and even what appear to be chapels. The openings to each level are guarded by a huge circular rock door that can be shut by a single person from the inside to keep people out. The opening in the center acts as a peep hole. "Derinkuyu Underground City is an ancient multi-level underground city of the Median Empire in the Derinkuyu district in Nevşehir Province, Turkey. They say it was built/ dug in the 6th or 7th century BC. I don't know about you but this is crazy to me! "First built in the soft volcanic rock of the Cappadocia region, possibly by the Phrygians in the 8th–7th centuries B.C. according to the Turkish Department of Culture, the underground city at Derinkuyu may have been enlarged in the Byzantine era. The most intriguing thing to me isn't what we've found, it's what we haven't.

Cómo estimular la producción de colágeno y elastina en el cuerpo El colágeno y la elastina son dos proteínas que trabajan de la mano en el cuerpo para darle a los tejidos conjuntivos su estructura. El colágeno le brinda a los tejidos del cuerpo firmeza, mientras que la elastina les brinda flexibilidad. Cuando las personas empiezan a envejecer, sus cuerpos comienzan a producir menos cantidad de estas proteínas. Los resultados se ven en la piel, la cual empieza a perder su humedad y se empieza a deshidratar. Nivel de dificultad: Fácil Necesitarás Alimentos ricos en antioxidantes Alimentos que contengan vitamina C Alimentos ricos en zinc Crema con vitamina A Crema con vitamina C Exfoliante Lista completaMinimizar 1 Incluye alimentos antioxidantes en tu dieta. 1 Aplica diariamente sobre tu cara cremas que contengan vitamina A (retinol) y vitamina C. Consejos y advertencias Deja de fumar. Más galerías de fotos Read this article in English: How to Stimulate Collagen & Elastin Production in the Body

History - Ancient History in depth: The Story of Carbon Dating Taller de Yoga para embarazadas en Yoga Kai Argentina Entrevista a José Maureira en el diario la Nación edición impresa el día 19 de Octubre 2010 Om / Por Luis Aubele Para alcanzar mejoría en la salud y evolución espiritual, ahí están esas poderosas palabras en sánscrito que calman la mente, equilibran el sistema nervioso y ayudan al metabolismo Martes 19 de octubre de 2010 | Publicado en edición impresa Lo que escucharon los yoguis. Tarareando una canción. Om . Japamantra . Ajapa-japa . José F. Comentarios Adicionales El artículo publicado en el Diario la Nación con la entrevista a José Maureira dedica en el inicio una importante cantidad de párrafos explicando la diferencias entre símbolo y signo ya que los mantras se describían justamente como “Símbolos sonoros”. Sobre los sonidos de los planetas: Inclusive se ha descubierto el sonido de Big Bang motivo por el cual los científicos Arno Penzias y Robert Wilson recibieron el premio Nobel de ciencia Otros Sonidos del Universo

Livius. Articles on Ancient History Salvia - Propiedades antibióticas | Salud | ( 49 Votos ) Una planta con propiedades casi mágicas La salvia es un género de plantas perennes, es decir, que viven más de dos años, originarias de la región mediterránea. La planta de salvia más conocida, y con la que se asocia en general el nombre salvia, es la Salvia officinalis. De hecho la planta de salvia era tan importante para ellos, que tenían protocolos para utilizarla, desde su plantación hasta su consumo; por ejemplo, vestían ropas especiales y usaban cuchillos exclusivos en las épocas cuando cosechaban esta planta. Los efectos y propiedades de la salvia, que los antiguos creían que producía sobre el cuerpo, eran diversos e iban desde la inducción de tranquilidad y la estimulación de la buena memoria, la cura de males estomacales o de garganta, hasta la solución para alejar a los demonios y atraer la buena suerte. Para qué sirve la salvia? No es difícil imaginar porqué los antiguos creían que se trataba de una planta mágica. Formidable fuente de Vitamina C y A

Ancient China - The Ancient Chinese Civilization Chinese Historical Accounts the Forbidden City, the home of the Chinese emperors until the last dynasty was overthrown in the 20th century Chinese history, until the twentieth century, was written mostly by members of the ruling scholar-official class and was meant to provide the ruler with precedents to guide or justify his policies. Of the consistent traits identified by independent historians, a salient one has been the capacity of the Chinese to absorb the people of surrounding areas into their own civilization. Sun-Tzu, the realist writer of the the influential "Art of War" Chinese civilization, as described in mythology, begins with Pangu , the creator of the universe, and a succession of legendary sage-emperors and culture heroes (among them are Huang Di , Yao, and Shun) who taught the ancient Chinese to communicate and to find sustenance, clothing, and shelter. The first prehistoric dynasty is said to be Xia , from about the twenty-first to the sixteenth century B.C.

Natural Insect Pest Control: Safe, Non-Toxic Methods & Solutions Wasps Eartheasy has a separate page about natural wasp control. See Natural Wasp Control Moths Cedar chips in a cheesecloth square, or cedar oil in an absorbant cloth will repel moths. The cedar should be 'aromatic cedar', also referred to as juniper in some areas. Homemade moth-repelling sachets can also be made using any of the following: bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, cloves, eucalyptus leaves, lavender, pepper corns or wormwood. Dried lemon peels are also a natural moth deterrent - simply toss into clothes chest, or tie in cheesecloth and hang in the closet. Natural attractant pheromones have been developed for controlling moths, and are now available as clothes moth traps and pantry moth traps. Earwigs Diatomaceous earth is a safe and effective way to control earwigs in the home. To trap earwigs, spray a newspaper lightly with water, roll it up loosely and secure with a string or rubber band. Nontoxic silverfish traps are also commercially available.
