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The Elder Scrolls Online BESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswyBESbswy Dreamlords Those that can listen to the wakes and vibrations of the Primordial Ocean have sensed it... but it does not take much wisdom to understand that the events that have unfolded so far, with increased presence of monsters and death, are pointing towards a dark future. The skies are being tainted with the fires of war, and the ground will soon be decorated with a crimson carpet of corpses. And among them, scattered lone survivors, crying in despair, trembling into the core of their brittle bones at the sight of a landscape of slaughtered loved ones, of grotesque abominations slowly feasting on the dead... ...and at the sight of what is coming... The end starts here. During the last days of the Era, you will be able to take on eight quests on your Patria of varying difficulty, from a level of 35 up to 59.

ESO Craglorn Beta Skill Calculator (patch 1.1) | TESO Life Elder Scrolls patch 1.1 that will introduce a new zone Craglorn is currently in beta testing on the Public Test Server (PTS). Patch introduces a lot of bug fixes and changes to current skills. We wanted to give a picture of what the players can expect with this patch by providing you with a skill calculator for all classes with updated skill numbers/descriptions. Bellow you will find the skill calculator to help you browse through updated skills (click on the buttons to see the calculator for different classes), but we also compiled a list of changes we manged to see while building the calculator. We couldn’t gather all the changes so best use our live ESO skill calculator in parallel with the one bellow to see all the changes for yourself. Let us know what you think about the changes in the comment section at the bottom of the article. NOTE: These changes are in BETA testing. Skill changelog is bellow the calculator so scroll down the page to read the changes General changes DragonKnight

Does Gaming Promote Reading? (4/2008, The Shifted Librarian) The State of Libraries: ‘Fund­ing Down, but Gam­ing Up” “Are we really doing any­thing to tie video gam­ing and lit­er­acy together? I haven’t seen it; I’ve sim­ply seen us hold­ing gam­ing ses­sions because that’s what gets teens — boys in par­tic­u­lar — excited enough to come in and par­tic­i­pate in a library-sponsored activ­ity, thus rack­ing up the num­bers we need for our monthly stats.Librar­i­ans who are fans of gam­ing pro­grams keep say­ing that teens are lured in by gam­ing, and once they’re through the door, those teens use the library in more tra­di­tional ways. But is there any doc­u­men­ta­tion for this claim? All I keep see­ing are anec­dotes. Walter’s con­cerns are under­stand­able, but there is indeed evi­dence that kids who come to the library for gam­ing also use the book col­lec­tion more. And yes, there is also a lot of anec­do­tal evi­dence from lead­ers such as Eli Neiburger, Aaron Schmidt, Kelly Czar­necki, and oth­ers. Gamers Can Play It By the Books

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