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30 Of The Most Powerful Images Ever

30 Of The Most Powerful Images Ever
A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are created equal. The pictures we usually feature on Bored Panda can be cute, beautiful, funny, or enchanting, but these pictures are powerful. They are gripping and unforgettable because of the volumes they speak about the human condition – about some of the best and worst moments of contemporary human existence. [Read more...] We should warn our readers that some of these pictures may upset them, while others may fill them with joy. But that’s precisely because these images reflect some of the best and worst parts of the human experience and world events. Some of these photographs may mean more to some of our readers than to others. P.S: we always try our best to credit each and every photographer, but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. 1. Image credits: Mike Wells 2. Image credits: kligon5 3. Image credits: James Stanfield 4. Image credits: Vojage-Vojage 5. Image credits: 6. 7. 8.

RETORNO DE LA REVISTA DIAFRAGMA | la paz vanguardia la paz vanguardia Filed Under: La Paz Vanguardia by admin — Deja un comentario febrero 7, 2012 Comments RSS feed Leave a Comment: Enter your comments here... Powered by WordPress | Hosting y Programación: eSolutions Bolivia. [ Volver arriba ] Photo Extremist: Creative Photography Tutorials, Photoshop Tutorials, Instructional Videos Fuck. Comment choisir son objectif photo ? Quel dommage de manquer de temps pour dompter votre matériel photo. Ne pensez-vous pas qu'il est temps de réagir ? Après avoir lu cet article, vous apprendrez à réussir des photos dont vous êtes fier sans perdre une minute sur vos journées bien remplies. Mon conseil pour bien choisir l'objectif de son reflex (ou même d'un APN compact) : il faut partir des photos tout simplement. Comment établir les priorités entre tous ces critères ? Traduits dans vos photos, ces critères déterminent la composition, le cadrage, la profondeur de champ, le flou de bougé, la perspective. L'édito poursuit la discussion sur la première vidéo payante de Déclencheur et vous présente l'état actuel de ma réflexion. Les trois segments de l'épisode sont (entre parenthèse, le début du segment concerné) : A écouter pour aller plus loin Liens de l'épisode Mise à jour : mon expérience des 18-200mm se limite au Nikkor croisé lors de la rencontre photo à Charleroi. Photo : copyright 2007, Rudolf Schuba. Déclencheur Gold

Trick Photography and Special Effects by Evan Sharboneau Believe it or not, you don't have to own super expensive equipment or be some kind of camera wiz to take high quality camera shots like these… … but all those hotdog pro photographers out there will NEVER reveal their secrets to you… … so I'm about to do it for you. Don't take my word for that though - here's what just one person had to say: If you've ever wanted to: Take breathtaking special effects shots with just your regular camera…Finally know how to create "light painting" images that are simply out of this world…Improve your "regular" photography skills and take better photos immediately… Then you need to keep reading because everything's going to be revealed on this page… … and here's the best part: Because of the practical shortcut secrets you're about to find out, you'll quickly be able to skip the "amateur photographer" stage that usually takes years to get past… and you'll be a much better photographer from the very next time you take a shot. From: Evan Sharboneau Dear Photographer,

HD Wallpapers Gerhard Richter - Web Magazine informations pratiques : Fragmente einer Geschichte/Particules d'Histoire, de Gerhard Richter à Markus Sixay Artistes allemands des années 1970 - 2000 Au LAAC, 28 juin - 28 octobre 2007 (1500 m² d'exposition) Vernissage le 28 juin à 18h30 Exposition réalisée à partir des collections du Frac Nord/Pas-de-Calais, du LAAC, du musée de Krefeld - ville jumelée avec Dunkerque (avec un principe d'aller-retour entre ces collections possédant certaines similitudes) et complétée par les collections du SMAK de Gand (Musée d'Art Contemporain de la ville).

Average faces of women from around the world The results of a recent experiment have been published by Experimental psychologists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland have combined the faces of women around the world to approximate the “average face” of each country. Multiple images of faces are aligned and composited together to form the final result using a modern version of the technique that Sir Francis Galton pioneered in the 1800′s. There is already controversy surrounding the results. Some people feel that the average is “too attractive.” No conclusive evidence, however, on Polish women’s propensity for bangs. Via fstoppers
