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NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained

NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained
Two factors opened the way for the rapid expansion of surveillance over the past decade: the fear of terrorism created by the 9/11 attacks and the digital revolution that led to an explosion in cell phone and internet use. But along with these technologies came an extension in the NSA’s reach few in the early 1990s could have imagined. Details that in the past might have remained private were suddenly there for the taking. Chris Soghoian Principal technologist, ACLU NSA is helped by the fact that much of the world’s communications traffic passes through the US or its close ally the UK – what the agencies refer to as “home-field advantage”. The Snowden documents show that the NSA runs these surveillance programs through “partnerships” with major US telecom and internet companies. The division inside the NSA that deals with collection programs that focus on private companies is Special Source Operations, described by Snowden as the “crown jewels” of the NSA. Jeremy Scahill Fiber-optic cable Related:  MULTIMEDIAS _ INTERACTIF ET LONGFORMAT HYBRIDE

Chasing Bonnie & Clyde, Long format & puzzle, « Apprendre à coder », disent-ils , Autoportrait du journaliste belge … La semaine Il ne faut pas écouter les augures qui annoncent la fin du journalisme. Il n’a sans doute jamais été aussi vivant. Un projet comme Chasing Bonnie & Clyde en est l’illustration, tous comme le sont les magnifiques sujets multimédias proposés par le New York Times, PBS et L’Équipe. Avec Explore, le site sportif montre qu’il est possible d’être ambitieux et innovant avec des budgets maîtrisés. Le sommaire de la semaine 1. Le point de départ t est le mythique couple Bonnie Parker et Clyde Barrow, spécialisé dans l’attaque à main armée de banques dans les années 1930. Les deux journalistes derrière le projet ne sont pas des novices, puisque ce sont eux qui avaient produit et réalisé, il y a quelques années, Brèves de Trottoir ainsi qu’un web-documentaire, La Nuit oubliée, diffusé notamment par, consacré au massacre perpétré par la police parisienne dans la nuit du 17 octobre 1961, lors d’une manifestation organisée par le FLN. et en bonus le nouveau trailer Retour au sommaire2. Notes

NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained | World news Two factors opened the way for the rapid expansion of surveillance over the past decade: the fear of terrorism created by the 9/11 attacks and the digital revolution that led to an explosion in cell phone and internet use. But along with these technologies came an extension in the NSA’s reach few in the early 1990s could have imagined. Details that in the past might have remained private were suddenly there for the taking. Chris Soghoian Principal technologist, ACLU NSA is helped by the fact that much of the world’s communications traffic passes through the US or its close ally the UK – what the agencies refer to as “home-field advantage”. The Snowden documents show that the NSA runs these surveillance programs through “partnerships” with major US telecom and internet companies. The division inside the NSA that deals with collection programs that focus on private companies is Special Source Operations, described by Snowden as the “crown jewels” of the NSA. Jeremy Scahill Fiber-optic cable

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Type:Rider, le jeu vidéo de Arte The witness : un ARG pour 13th street → En 2010, la chaîne allemande TV 13th Street et l’agence Jung Von Matt dévoilaient le premier film d’horreur intéractif, Last Call, invitant l’audience des cinémas allemands à prendre part dans l’intrigue d’une bande-annonce. En […] Un atelier Transmédia organisé par la mairie de Bordeaux et Cap Sciences → La Mairie de Bordeaux et Cap Sciences mettent en place, pour la deuxième année consécutive L’Atelier : Les imaginaires du savoir. Le Transmédia investit le secteur culturel et entre dans les musées → L’approche Transmédia n’est pas réservée à un secteur d’activité en particulier comme le cinéma, les jeux vidéo ou la télévision, même si ces secteurs contribuent largement à son développement. Cross Vidéo Night sur le thème du Transmédia → Rendez-vous, mardi 11 décembre à 19h30 à La Cantine pour les Cross Video Nights #3 consacrées au Transmedia !

Guido Carli | Complotti Occorre adesso introdurre un lungo discorso su Enrico Cuccia, per studiare le diverse strade che imboccarono lui e Raffaele Mattioli e scandagliare meglio le loro personalità. Mattioli era un fautore del “capitalismo ordinato”, come lo chiama Giorgio Galli, Cuccia invece era fautore di un capitalismo “proteso verso la rivincita”. Sia Mediobanca (Cuccia) che Comit (Mattioli) dipendono dall’IRI, vale a dire dallo Stato. Cuccia riesce a portare nel suo “salotto”, oltre al fior fiore dell’imprenditorialità italiana (dagli Agnelli ai Pirelli), la potentissima Banque Lazard che opera lungo l’asse Parigi-Londra-New York, mettendo a profitto l’amicizia che ha stretto durante la famosa missione del ‘42 con il grande banchiere ebreo Andrè Meyer. Mattioli e Cuccia sono agli antipodi per quanto riguarda la loro attitudine nei confronti delle grandi famiglie imprenditoriali. Il Galli scrive: “Enrico Cuccia è stato di volta in volta dipinto come un angelo o un demonio. La vita La missione a Lisbona

Le web-documentaire Raconter la réalité Raconter la réalité avec les moyens mis à disposition par les nouvelles technologies est un privilège que peu encore ont su mettre à profit. Le web-documentaire est un genre qui n’est pas encore défini, qui est multiple et qui dépasse au niveau de la narration tous les médias précédemment utilisés. Aspects généraux Le web-documentaire puisqu’il n’est pas clairement défini est certainement un exercice né avec le web. Les principales caractéristiques identifiées pour les web- documentaires sont tout d’abord une audace dans le sujet abordé. Aspects logistiques Modèle économique De la même manière que le documentaire classique, le web-documentaire n’est pas très facile à financer. Questions techniques Le web-documentaire, par sa complexité d’association de différents medium (sons, images, vidéos, graphiques) rend l’utilisation de Flash souvent obligatoire.

Dal libro di Roberto Fabiani Dal libro di Roberto Fabiani I Massoni in Italia Editoriale l'Espresso L'unificazione fra le obbedienze di Palazzo Giustiniani e Piazza del Gesù Eppure come nel primo triennio della sua gran maestranza aveva colto il frutto maturo del riconoscimento da parte della Gran Loggia Unita d'Inghilterra, anche all'inizio del secondo triennio Salvini realizzò un grosso successo che aveva tutte le caratteristiche per essere definito storico: la riunificazione con la Massoneria Universale di piazza del Gesù. In pochi anni Bellantonio aveva fatto dimenticare la controversia circa la legittimità storica del suo gruppo e aveva messo insieme 3.500 fratelli distribuiti in circa 200 logge. Può sembrare un particolare poco importante, ma non è così.

12 wonderful examples of immersive online storytelling In the late 1990s the Philadelphia Inquirer published a series on “the dramatic raid of Mogadishu”. It evolved into a book and a movie called, as you may have already guessed, ‘Black Hawk Down’. The initial extended feature first made its debut in print, and was then pushed onto the website, where video, audio, maps, photos and related links helped bring the story to life. The site, which is still available online, looks like this: This was one of the first mainstream media attempts to use the web to enhance long form content, and while the page might not look terribly pretty, all of the right kind of functionality is there. Since then things have moved on considerably, and in an age of HTML5 I have seen some stunning examples of what can be achieved with online storytelling. Let's start with the obvious... The New York Times’ ‘Snowfall’ The chap who put this together won a Pulitzer for feature writing, and Snowfall has inspired a New York Times redesign (here’s a preview). ESPN’s Grantland

“POLITICO”, LA BIBBIA DI WASHINGTON, SI BUTTA SULLA CARTA! IL SITO PUBBLICHERÀ UN BIMESTRALE Piero Vietti per "Il Foglio" Politico, "la bibbia digitale per drogati di politica" - secondo la definizione di Usa Today - ha deciso di stupire ancora una volta l'asfittico mondo delle news lanciando un magazine di carta che uscirà ogni due mesi in 40.000 copie. Il primo numero verrà distribuito il 15 novembre, e dal giorno precedente sarà online anche il sito web della rivista, che - aggiornato quotidianamente - anticiperà temi e approfondimenti del cartaceo. Nato appena sette anni fa come piccolo sito di informazione politica statunitense, Politico è diventato in breve strumento imprescindibile per chiunque voglia sapere cosa succede nelle stanze del potere a Washington Dc. JIM VandeHei Credibilità, autorevolezza, fonti informatissime, capacità di sintesi, di analisi e rapidità, ne hanno fatto una corazzata dell'informazione politica americana. Così è nata l'idea del magazine, in controtendenza rispetto a quello che il mercato delle news predica da anni.

L'Equipe Explore - Born to Climb 1971 Tour de France, Orcières-Merlette to Marseilles stage, on which Luis Ocaña, in the yellow jersey, lost ground to Eddy Merckx. It was the turn of the 1970s. The two men hated each other so much that they would not even greet each other. When he talked about his rival, Ocaña called him “The Cannibal” or “that stupid twat”, and he even christened one of his dogs after the Belgian, just for the pleasure of being able to call “Heel, Merckx! Lie down, Merckx!” On the 1971 Tour, Merckx got a first warning on the Puy de Dôme, where Ocaña took several seconds off him. Three days later, the shake-up he had predicted came to pass during another Alpine stage on the boiling road to Orcières-Merlette. It looked like the Tour was over and history made. Eddy Merckx talking about the 1971 Tour de France and his duel with Luis Ocaña. © Source ASO (1997) Merckx amazed him. The Col du Portillon is a highly symbolic pass between France and Spain.

