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Brain Atlas - Introduction The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord, immersed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Weighing about 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms), the brain consists of three main structures: the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brainstem. Cerebrum - divided into two hemispheres (left and right), each consists of four lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal). – closely packed neuron cell bodies form the grey matter of the brain. Cerebellum – responsible for psychomotor function, the cerebellum co-ordinates sensory input from the inner ear and the muscles to provide accurate control of position and movement. Brainstem – found at the base of the brain, it forms the link between the cerebral cortex, white matter and the spinal cord. Other important areas in the brain include the basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, ventricles, limbic system, and the reticular activating system. Basal Ganglia Thalamus and Hypothalamus Ventricles Limbic System Reticular Activating System Glia

Tay-Sachs Disease Information Page: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) What is Tay-Sachs Disease? Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal genetic lipid storage disorder in which harmful quantities of a fatty substance called ganglioside GM2 build up in tissues and nerve cells in the brain. The condition is caused by insufficient activity of an enzyme called beta-hexosaminidase A that catalyzes the biodegradation of acidic fatty materials known as gangliosides. Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few months of life. Is there any treatment? Presently there is no treatment for Tay-Sachs disease. What is the prognosis? Even with the best of care, children with Tay-Sachs disease usually die by age 4, from recurring infection. What research is being done? The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), conducts research about Tay-Sachs disease in laboratories at the NIH and also supports additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.

B vitamins List of B vitamins[edit] Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)Vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide)Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, or pyridoxamine, or pyridoxine hydrochloride)Vitamin B7 (biotin)Vitamin B9 (folic acid)Vitamin B12 (various cobalamins; commonly cyanocobalamin in vitamin supplements) B vitamin molecular functions[edit] B vitamin deficiency[edit] Several named vitamin deficiency diseases may result from the lack of sufficient B-vitamins. B vitamin side effects[edit] Because water-soluble B vitamins are eliminated in the urine, taking large doses of certain B vitamins may produce transient effects. B vitamin sources[edit] B vitamins are found in whole unprocessed foods. The B12 vitamin is of note because it is not available from plant products, making B12 deficiency a legitimate concern for vegans. Another popular means of increasing one's vitamin B intake is through the use of dietary supplements. Related nutrients[edit] References[edit]

Aivot eivät ole elin vaan kaikkea ohjaava elimistö, siksi ne ymmärretään usein väärin, kertoo Kai Kaila Aivotutkimuksen kehitys on ollut huimaa, mutta olemme vasta matkan alussa, Kai Kaila sanoo. Sitä paitsi aivot ymmärretään yleensä väärin. Yliopiston sääntöjen mukaan 70-vuotiaan tutkijan pitäisi olla jo eläkkeellä. Kai Kailasta ajatus on ahdistava, jopa loukkaava. Suomen menestyneimpiin kuuluva neurobiologian tutkija jatkaakin sitkeästi tutkimusta ja opettamista. ”Olen luvannut kuristaa jokaisen opiskelijani tai työtoverini, joka kutsuu minua emeritukseksi”, Kaila toteaa pilke silmäkulmassa. Tieteellinen uteliaisuus ei ole hellittänyt. Neuroinflammaatio liittyy esimerkiksi vakavaan masennukseen, epilepsiaan ja myös niin sanottuun ”pitkään” koronasairauteen, jossa on paljon neuropsykiatrista oireilua ja uupumusta. ”Minulla voi olla tutkijana aikaa 20 vuotta tai kaksi vuotta. Asenne ei varmasti yllätä Kailaa tuntevia. Maailmanlaajuista huomiota hän sai 1980-luvulta alkaen, ensin selvittäessään aivojen hermosolujen välistä viestintää. Tahti on välillä hämmentänyt kollegoja. Kai Kaila

Anatomy and Physiology animations Listed below are a collection of physiology animations and anatomy animations. These animations are intended to support text or lecture and it is important that they are not seen as stand-alone reference material. Notes: If you or your students discover any factual errors in the animations please let me know: Some of the animations can only be accessed from the university network - please contact Liz Hodgson in the LDU if you would like them on WebCT so that students can access them externally. Visual detail in Flash animations can often be magnified (click on the animation with the right mouse button and use the zoom control) Here are some animations of organs/organ systems: Cranial nerves (No text version) Cranial nerves (Customised version)) Anatomical directions and sections. Central and Peripheral Nervous System Vertebrae: meninges etc. Brain: meninges cerebrospinal fluid etc. Primary motor and somatosensory Cortices (Homunculus) Skin turgor Stomach, liver etc.

Pulmonary and Critical Care - Department of Medicine - School of Medicine - Stanford Medicine The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry - Dietary supplements of mixtures of indispensable amino acids lacking threonine, phenylalanine or histidine increase the activity of hepatic threonine dehydrogenase, phenylalanine hydroxylase or histidase, respecti Received 18 July 2000; received in revised form 4 January 2001; accepted 9 January 2001. Experiments were carried out to determine whether the addition of a mixture of indispensable amino acids (IAA) lacking in threonine, phenylalanine or histidine, respectively, to a nutritionally complete diet would increase the hepatic activities of the rate-limiting enzymes for catabolism of threonine, phenylalanine or histidine and prevent the adverse effects of the amino acid on growth when the dietary level of the amino acid is excessive. Week old Leghorn chicks were fed semi-purified diets containing 19% crude protein to which were added no IAA supplement or 10% crude protein from an IAA mix and 5 graded levels of either L-threonine, L-phenylalanine or L-histidine in a 2 × 5 factorial arrangement of treatments. Each amino acid was investigated in a separate experiment involving four replicate pens (seven chicks each) per diet.

Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden arviointi Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden arvioinnissa on huomioitava, että kuntoutus ei pysty itsenäisesti aiheuttamaan kuntoutujan toimintakyvyn muutosta. Prosessi edellyttää tarkkaa kuntoutumistarpeen juurisyiden tunnistamista, yksilöllisten tavoitteiden määrittämistä ja kuntoutujan motivaatiota sekä harjoitteiden tai toimintamallin muutoksen toteutukseen sitouttavaa ammatillista ohjausta ja seurantaa. Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden tutkimus edellyttää usein monimenetelmäistä lähestymistä, jossa huomioidaan niin kuntoutumisen mahdollistavat kuin sitä estävät tai hidastavat tekijät. Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden arviointi kliinisessä työssä edellyttää, että kuntoutujan toimintakyky, kuntoutuksen yksilöllinen tavoite ja sen sisältö ovat tarkkaan kirjatut. Lääketieteellisen hoitopäätöksen tulisi integroida paras tutkimusnäyttö, kliininen kokemus, potilaan arvot ja käytettävissä olevat voimavarat. Tässä katsauksessa keskityn kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden arvioinnin erityispiirteisiin. Kuva 1. Kuva 2. Lopuksi
