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CS is Fun
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A Great New Tool to Teach Kids Coding September 23, 2014 Code Studio is a newly released platform geared towards helping students from kindergarten to high school learn the different coding concepts. Code Studio which is a product of the popular nonprofit group known for its relentless efforts to make coding part of the curricula. Code Studio, as is explained in this excellent review, provides a variety of features that set it apart from other coding platforms. Watch this video to learn more

Teaching kids how to write computer programs, by Marshall Brain by Marshall Brain Quick Intro - If you are looking for a quick and easy way to teach your kid a real programming language, without downloading anything or buying anything, try these Python tutorials. Your kid will be writing and modifying code in just a few minutes. Marshall Brain's quick and easy Python tutorials Let's say that you have children, and you would like to help them learn computer programming at a youngish age. Let's start with a something important: Every kid is different. The second thing to realize is that real analytical skills often don't start appearing until age 11 or 12 or 13 in many kids, so expecting huge breakthroughs prior to that may be unrealistic. That being said, there are lots of fun things you can try as early as five or six... Games Let's start with a few games. Magic Pen (wait a few seconds to see the word "play", then click the word "Play") Fantastic Contraption Auditorium (Drag the circle-with-arrow-in-it around. I love Light Bot. Python for Kids RoboMind

9 Websites to Learn Coding As Compiled by TED May 15, 2014 Learning how to code has become an essential skill for the 21st century students. The importance of coding lies in the fact that it enables students to learn a slew of other important skills all along the way. In his popular TED talk " Let's Teach Kids to Code", Mitch Resnick of MIT Media Lab outlined a set of skills that students get to learn from coding . Code Racer that is featured in TED article has become Treehouse which brings the number of websites to 9. 1- Code Academy This by far the most popular of them all. 2- Girl Develop It One of many programs geared toward females who want to code, Girl Develop It is an international nonprofit that provides mentorship and instruction. 3- Udacity Computer Science Course ( not free) Stanford University’s Udacity is one of many sites that make college courses—including Introduction to Computer Science—available online for free. 4- Teamtreehouse 5-The Computer Club House

Code Monster from Crunchzilla <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming. It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Monster use Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want the play with the Code Monster. Otherwise, Code Monster will not be able to play with you. </p><p></h2> I'm Code Monster! Getting Started Lesson 1 BACK How to Play | Lesson Sections | About | FAQ | Terms of Use | Privacy | Contact | © 2015 How to Play Code Monster teaches kids and adults a little about Javascript programming! It's easy to play. Click on the Reset button if you really mess up your code and want to start over on a lesson. Code Monster saves what lesson you are on, so feel free to stop at any time and come back later. Have fun! About Code Monster from Crunchzilla is an interactive tutorial for kids that focuses on action. Projects start with simple boxes and colors, rapidly progressing into exciting experiments with simple animation and fractals. Sure! Terms of Use Oh my.

3D RAD - Free 3D Game Maker | Learn How To Make a 3D Game FAST! Welcome :: CheckiO HTML5 Semantic Elements KIDware Software : Offering computer programming tutorials for kids, teens and adults Le CSS - Tutoriel HTML & CSS La syntaxe Un fichier CSS permet de changer radicalement l'affichage de plusieurs pages HTML. La structure d'un fichier CSS est simple (plus que celle d'un fichier HTML). Un fichier CSS est composé de plusieurs règles. Expliquons cette structure avec quelques définitions : Chaque règle CSS sert à appliquer des styles à une balise HTML, certaines balises, ou un groupe de balises ; Chaque règle d'un fichier CSS débute par un sélecteur. Pour illustrer ce que nous venons de voir, nous allons voir comment centrer le titre de niveau 1 de nos pages Web. Si maintenant nous voulons une couleur bleue pour ce même titre, nous devons appliquer une seconde déclaration (couple "propriété: valeur") pour le même sélecteur h1 : il s'agit de la propriété "color", et nous lui donnons la valeur "blue". Avant de commencer la lecture, et pour vous donner l'envie d'apprendre, Découvrez Snaky 360, le jeu de serpent addictif réalisé par l'auteur de ce tutoriel... Lier le CSS au HTML <! <! Les sélecteurs <! Le contenu

Download Sandbox Want to keep updated with new releases of D.’s Sandbox and Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker? Old Releases are available here! IMPORTANT NOTE TO EDUCATORS: As per the license, if you are using Sandbox in schools please e-mail me! We’d also really like you to post your experiences here if possible. I would really like to keep an accurate list of what schools are using Sandbox. In addition if possible please put a link on your school page to Sandbox. D.’s Sandbox, soon featuring Princess Rainbowface D.’s Sandbox Alpha 1-30-2016 Modern City Builder Edition Downloads:4795 Currently Windows only but can be run on Linux, Mac and Android as well. D.’s Sandbox Alpha 12-30-2015 Edition Downloads:3807 As a note the mods must be enabled, I don’t have it set up yet to load them automatically. Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker 2.8.2 (1/19/2013) School Edition Windows Download 424mb – Downloads:113780 Water Wars Edition Windows Download 424mb – Downloads:56258
