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Human anatomy

Human anatomy
"Physiologies" redirects here. For other uses, see Physiology. The study of the human body involves anatomy and physiology. Structure[edit] The human body has several body cavities the largest of which is the abdominopelvic cavity. Composition[edit] The main elements that compose the human body are shown from most abundant to least abundant. The average adult body contains between 5 and 5½ litres of blood and approximately 10 litres of interstitial fluid. The composition of the human body can be referred to in terms of its water content, elements content, tissue types or material types. The vast majority of cells in the human body are not human at all; rather they are of bacteria, archaea, and methanogens such as Methanobrevibacter smithii. The proportions of the elements of the body can be referred to in terms of the main elements, minor ones and trace elements. Human anatomy[edit] Anatomical study by Leonardo da Vinci Anatomical variations[edit] Human physiology[edit] Systems[edit]

Muscular System Anatomy, Diagram & Function Without muscle, humans could not live. The primary job of muscle is to move the bones of the skeleton, but muscles also enable the heart to beat and constitute the walls of other important hollow organs. There are three types of muscle tissue: Skeletal muscle: This type of muscle creates movement in the body. Muscle movement happens when neurological signals produce electrical changes in muscle cells. Muscle pain is a common issue that can signal numerous problems, even if it’s something as simple as overuse. Muscle pain Sprains and strains Bruising Cramping Myopathy Muscular dystrophy Parkinson’s disease Fibromyalgia Multiple sclerosis Proper nutrition and exercise is important to keeping all muscles healthy, whether they are cardiac, smooth, or skeletal.

Waivers (NHL) Waivers is a National Hockey League (NHL) labor management procedure by which an NHL team makes a professional ice hockey player’s contract and rights available to all other NHL teams. The term "waivers" refers to a concept wherein other NHL teams 'waive' any claim to a player designated for assignment in the AHL or designated for release. The process is typically referred to as 'being placed on waivers.' In the NHL, each player signs what is, or is a variation of, a standard NHL player's contract. After a player has been designated for assignment, the other 29 NHL teams can put in a claim or waive their claim for that player. When a player clears waivers and is sent down and then is called up again, he does not have to clear waivers to be sent down again unless he has played ten games or has been "up" for 30 days.[5] The 2005 NHL-NHLPA collective bargaining agreement introduced re-entry waivers. The 2013 collective bargaining agreement eliminated re-entry waivers.

Anatomy of the Human Heart - Texas Heart Institute Heart Information Center Click here for non-Flash version of this illustration of anatomy of the heart. Your heart is located between your lungs in the middle of your chest, behind and slightly to the left of your breastbone (sternum). A double-layered membrane called the pericardium surrounds your heart like a sac. The outer layer of the pericardium surrounds the roots of your heart's major blood vessels and is attached by ligaments to your spinal column, diaphragm, and other parts of your body. The inner layer of the pericardium is attached to the heart muscle. Your heart has 4 chambers. The Heart Valves (illustration) Four types of valves regulate blood flow through your heart: The tricuspid valve regulates blood flow between the right atrium and right ventricle. See also on this site: The Heartbeat The Conduction System (illustration) Electrical impulses from your heart muscle (the myocardium) cause your heart to contract. The Circulatory System (illustration) See also on this site:

Windows Phone 7: the complete guide After Windows Phone 7's grand unveiling at Barcelona's Mobile World Congress last month, Microsoft has circled back during GDC and its own MIX10 conference to fill in many of the holes in this story -- in particular, details around the app development ecosystem and how third parties can take full advantage of it have been focal points. Of course, it makes sense: a modern smartphone is only as good as its software catalog, and Redmond's clearly keen to show that it knows how very true that is. XNA -- the technology that underpins Zune games and a host of Xbox content -- figures prominently into the equation, but Silverlight is a huge, unavoidable component as well, making development for WP7 devices a starkly different experience for studios and independent code monkeys than in versions prior. The basic facts Windows Phone 7 is the successor to Microsoft's line of Windows Mobile phone operating systems. Gallery | 48 Photos Windows Phone 7 Series live gallery + See all 48 Hardware

Scanadu Raises $2M: “Check Your Body As Often As Your Email” Meet Scanadu, an innovative health tech startup I daresay you’ll be hearing a lot more from in the future. It’s not the easiest of tasks explaining what the company is building at this point, but let’s call it a personal, mobile, auto-diagnostics product – they refer to it as a Medical Tricorder. Founded in January 2011 by a team of entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds, the roots of Scanadu actually go way back. One of the company’s founders, and its chief executive officer, is Walter De Brouwer – something of a legend here in Belgian entrepreneurial circles, and beyond. He says he had the basic idea for a personal health monitoring service back in 1999 when he was working at the renowned Starlab research institute, which he jump-started alongside MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte. “Sci-fi stories are business plans in disguise,” De Brouwer tells me, referring to the invention of the mobile phone, which was inspired by the Star Trek communicator.

Richard Avedon Richard Avedon (May 15, 1923 – October 1, 2004) was an American fashion and portrait photographer. An obituary published in The New York Times said that "his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America's image of style, beauty and culture for the last half-century".[1] Early life and education[edit] Photography career[edit] In 1944, Avedon began working as an advertising photographer for a department store, but was quickly endorsed by Alexey Brodovitch, the art director for the fashion magazine Harper's Bazaar. In addition to his continuing fashion work, by the 1960s Avedon had turned his energies toward making studio portraits of civil rights workers, politicians and cultural dissidents of various stripes in an America fissured by discord and violence.[10] He began to branch out and photographed patients of mental hospitals, the Civil Rights Movement in 1963, protesters of the Vietnam War, and later the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the American West[edit] Exhibitions[edit]

Philippe Starck Philippe Starck is a French designer[1] who has become widely known since the start of his career in the 1980s[2] for his interior, product, industrial and architectural design work. Career[edit] The son of an aeronautical engineer, Starck studied at the École Camondo in Paris. An inflatable structure he imagined in 1969 was a first incursion into questions of materiality, and an early indicator of Starck's interest in where and how people live. Starck's iconoclastic designs brought him to the attention of Pierre Cardin who offered him a job as artistic director of his publishing house. A year later he designed the Asahi Beer Hall in Tokyo, a building topped with a golden spermatozoon. Alhondiga, Bilbao, 2010 For the past thirty years Philippe Starck has been designing hotels all over the world, including the Royalton in New York in 1988, the Delano in Miami in 1995, the Mondrian in Los Angeles, the St Martin's Lane in London in 1999, and the Sanderson, also in London, in 2000.

Restaurants & Bars in New York City VentureBeat | Tech. People. Money. Apartment List - Suggestions The Bare Essentials to Call NYC Home What's it Gonna Cost? No matter where your apartment hunt takes you, there are a few things we recommend you have handy. Of them, the most important has to be some cold, hard, cash. New Yorkers should expect to spend ¼ of their annual income on rent. Landlords like to see that your annual salary is at least 40 to 50 times the cost of your monthly rent. Be Prepared: To get into just about any place, you’ll need at least first month’s rent and security deposit in the form of a cashier’s or bank check. Getting Your Priorities Straight: Chances are that you, like most New Yorkers, probably won’t have everything you desire in your immediate vicinity. Do I Need a Broker? Leaving Expectations at the Door: Usually, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Manhattan Many people move to the Big Apple with images of Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha’s “Sex and the City” pads floating in their heads. Your New York options are truly endless!

Zygote | 3D Human Anatomy for Animation, Illustration, CAD and Software Development NEWS | Evidence Design Inside Endeavour March 21st, 2014 This week our friends at the California Science Center opened up Endeavour, climbing through the hatch to reconfigure some payload bay items and repopulate the middeck with lockers seats, cargo bags, and the escape pole. Now to fill that payload bay… Nerd Alert! February 25th, 2014 BuzzFeed named Science Storms at the Museum of Science and Industry Chicago a must-see for science geeks! Endeavour Lights Up December 11th, 2013 Last week, our colleagues on the exhibition team at the California Science Center performed an internal lighting test inside Endeavour’s flight deck. Endeavour’s Anniversary October 11th, 2013 This week the California Science Center is celebrating Endeavour’s one year anniversary in the Samuel Oschin Pavilion.
