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Agile Project Management Solution - Mingle

Agile Project Management Solution - Mingle

Comparing Open Source Agile Project Management Tools Comparing Open Source Agile Project Management Tools There are many project management tools designed to support Agile methodologies such as Scrum and eXtreme Programming (XP), including several open source options. This article compares the most compelling open source options on the following criteria: Feature setUsabilityViabilitySuitability for large projects and products Background Agile development methods, including Scrum, XP, Crystal, FDD, and DSDM, have gained widespread adoption and acceptance in recent years. Agile software and open source have enjoyed a tight relationship through the years, with several open source projects being inspired by and integral to the agile movement. Unit testing: XUnit (JUnit, NUnit, etc.), various Mock Objects frameworksAcceptance testing: Fit and FitNesse, HttpUnit, etc.Integration tools: Cruise Control, HudsonBehavior driven development tools… Contenders AgilefantIceScrumAgiloeXPlainPMTXPlanner* Comparison Summary Legend: √ Feature is included Notes: Agilo

Agile Academy - Home Andreas Schliep - Scrum Coaching & Training Web Sticky Notes Scrum Fibel SmartQ: Visual Project-Management That Conforms to You When it comes to project management, most web apps offer the same basic features: a group of to-do lists, some kind of messaging board, a few gigs of file storage, shared document-editing, a calendar of some sort, and if you’re lucky, a set of reports. But what most don’t offer is the ability to develop a project-management workflow that conforms to the way your team already works, and without this customization, you lose precious time trying to get everybody up to speed on the new way of doing things. In my experience, that ramp-up time usually results in project members abandoning the app and reverting to project management by email. Enter SmartQ. Overview SmartQ provides a visual representation of your workflow SmartQ is a project-management app based on the Kanban production system developed in the 1940s by Toyota. Getting Started with SmartQ This is where the fun comes in. What makes SmartQ different from other project-management apps is the “Workflow Designer” attached to each project.

Willkommen bei Scrum Scrum versucht, das Management der Komplexität durch drei Säulen zu strukturieren: [1] Dabei muss verstanden werden, dass die Komplexität der Aufgabe an sich nicht reduziert wird. Ziel ist die schnelle, kostengünstige und qualitativ hochwertige Fertigstellung eines Produktes, das einer zu Beginn formulierten Vision entsprechen soll. Die Umsetzung der Vision in das fertige Produkt erfolgt nicht durch die Aufstellung möglichst detaillierter Anforderungslisten (vgl. Geschichte und Grundlegendes[Bearbeiten] Die Anfänge von Scrum lassen sich auf Ikujirō Nonaka[3][4][5] zurückverfolgen. 2001 veröffentlichten Ken Schwaber und Mike Beedle[8] mit „Agile Software Development with Scrum“ das erste Buch über Scrum. 2003 folgte Schwabers „Agile Project Management with Scrum“. 2003 war auch das Jahr, in dem die ersten zertifizierten Scrum Master von Schwaber ausgebildet wurden. 2007 erschien schließlich Ken Schwabers drittes Buch, „The Enterprise and Scrum“. Rollen[Bearbeiten] Product Owner[Bearbeiten]
