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Time Zones St. Petersburg College Critical Thinking Gateway Journals | Articles | Library Online | eBooks | Newsletters | Mental Organizers | RSS Journals The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching Miami University A peer-reviewed journal to increase student learning through effective teaching, interest in and enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and communication among faculty about their classroom experiences. Current Issue: Teaching So Everyone Learns MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching A peer-reviewed, open access, online publication addressing the scholarly use of multimedia resources in online education. -Top- Articles Achieving Critical Mass Linda Elder This should be the age of reason but we are failing to foster the intellectual skills that could liberate student minds. Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts Peter A. Critical Thinking: A New Approach to Patient Care David L. Library Online

Student-directed learning pays off for Naperville students When Josh Stumpenhorst started teaching sixth-grade language arts and social studies eight years ago at Lincoln Junior High School in Naperville, he'd give out late slips and detentions when students didn't turn in their homework on time. He doesn't do that anymore. Stumpenhorst has become a convert to what he calls student-directed learning. "Kids aren't motivated by grades. They're motivated by learning," he said. Stumpenhorst saw the strength of the student-driven learning approach in March when all of Lincoln's sixth-graders participated in an Innovation Day. Borrowing the concept from another teacher, Stumpenhorst said the whole day was devoted to letting each student pursue a self-chosen project. "We had kids composing music. One girl was so into her project that she wanted to return the next day to finish it. "When do you have a kid say, 'I'll come in on Saturday and do work?' "It's not just hang out and have fun. Growth as a teacher "I was like a dentist. Relationships rule

Parent Letter for Twitter Use MOOCs and the stock university course #plenk2010 | Morgan's Log A first consideration of adapting MOOC techniques to the stock university situation. Have a look at these notes on Stephen Downes’s presentation. The more I’m immersed in the PLENK course and material, the more possibilities I see for driving MOOC teaching techniques and approaches into the stock university courses I teach. For instance, we have new a sophomore level Argument and Exposition course (A&E. Gotta like the double joke in that course title) for learning research practices. Downes’s example of how to find a niche and set up a PLE suggests that I can adapt MOOC practices into a course project. Students will be on their own when it comes to the kinds of activities they take on, the kind of artifacts they create. What’s in it for us? What’s needed? As Stephen mentions, The Daily is vital to the movement and maintaining participation in the course. What else is needed? Seems worth it so far.

How to use graphic organizers for teaching writing, learning, and understanding across the curriculum. Graphic organizers guide learners’ thinking as they fill in and build upon a visual map or diagram. Graphic organizers are some of the most effective visual learning strategies for students and are applied across the curriculum to enhance learning and understanding of subject matter content. In a variety of formats dependent upon the task, graphic organizers facilitate students’ learning by helping them identify areas of focus within a broad topic, such as a novel or article. Because they help the learner make connections and structure thinking, students often turn to graphic organizers for writing projects. In addition to helping students organize their thinking and writing process, graphic organizers can act as instructional tools. Graphic Organizer Example Definition of a Graphic Organizer A graphic organizer is a visual display that demonstrates relationships between facts, concepts or ideas. Types of Graphic Organizers Concept Maps Concept Map Example Web Example Mind Map Example

10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About – 2011 Update These Technologies Are Changing Education. Are You Familiar With Them? It’s been nearly two and half years since the publication of the first “10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about” article on this site and given the fast paced evolution of technology it’s time for an update. The start of new school year is the perfect time to refresh this list! Below you will find updated information for 5 of the technologies from the original posting, and 5 new technologies that have earned their rightful place in the list (displacing 5 other types of tech, that while still worthy, are not quite as relevant today, IMHO). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Another important education technology trend is the exploding use of mobile devices. Well, there you have it – ten technologies that teachers, administrators, and educational technologists should be keeping an eye on and considering for their schools and classrooms, if they aren’t already using them. About Kelly Walsh

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Voicethread Beginning with email and instant messages and stretching to texting and synchronous video web conferencing, digital dialogue has gradually become a common element of everyday life for today's students—another opportunity to “gather.” The kinds of personal relationships shaped on the playground in an earlier era are now developed in MySpace and Facebook. While the format may be different, the purpose remains the same: Our students are crafting identities and are driven to connect. Unrelenting Desire to Interact This innate and unrelenting desire to interact was probably best defined Danah Boyd—a PhD student at the University of California-Berkeley studying the networks developing between digital youth—in a 2008 blog post when she wrote: School is one of the few times when they can get together with their friends and they use every unscheduled moment to socialize - passing time, when the teacher's back is turned, lunch, bathroom breaks, etc. Sounds a lot like your own students, doesn’t it!

Jenny Connected: PLEs and Learner Autonomy
