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Online social networks as formal learning environments: Learner experiences and activities | Veletsianos George Veletsianos and Cesar C. Navarrete University of Texas at Austin, USA Abstract While the potential of social networking sites to contribute to educational endeavors is highlighted by researchers and practitioners alike, empirical evidence on the use of such sites for formal online learning is scant. Keywords: Online learning; learner experience; online learning environments; online social networks; social networking sites; Elgg Introduction Social networking sites (SNSs) have the potential to facilitate interaction, communication, and collaboration, and as a result have been prominently featured in discussions centering on the use of technology to support and amplify educational endeavors (Greenhow, Robelia, & Hughes, 2009; Veletsianos, in press). Historically, distance education (DE) has been plagued by feelings of learner isolation and alienation (Galusha, 1997), lack of participant interaction (both student-student and student-instructor), and high dropout rates (Peters, 1992).

Digital Storytelling – Part I  Storytelling has been a great part of our school year, which is already winding down. From… telling about our and Jose, the travel bear ‘s adventurous stories live while in Egyptoutfitting EVERY classroom in our school with their own digital cameras, so teachers and students could create a visual of their daily activities or create a visual of a learning conceptcreating a collective knowledge story across grade level and subject areas demonstrating what students have learnedLife ‘Round Here project, where students assumed the point of view of an object and narratedCreating printed books that narrate the daily life in the classroom, special visits and fieldtrips and the physical and academic growth of the students throughout the year. …to Professional Development in Technology for VoiceThread , Mixbook , PhotoStory , Audacity , and MovieMaker . Image by CaptPiper The National Storytelling Network defines: Storytelling as an ancient art form and a valuable form of human expression Daniel H.

Prodageo Digital Literacies for Writing in Social Media The following is a shortened version of a talk I gave at the "Engaging the Public" symposium held at Washington & Jefferson College on Oct. 1. According to Cathy Davidson's Now You See It, 65 percent of students entering school today will have careers in fields that haven't been invented yet. While #IDontHaveFactsToBackThisUp, I'm willing to make the following prediction about writing: a full 100% of these students, at some point in their lives, will be required to use writing technologies that haven't been invented yet. Consider this: as recently as four years ago, who would have imagined that major companies would have employees whose jobs were to interact with customers on Twitter, or that someone could make a career out of writing for Facebook? The question we are faced with, then, is this: how do we prepare our students to write effectively in environments that don't yet exist? Kairos of Digital Media Every media has different needs with regard to the timing of communication.

Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve: Quand 6 000 km séparent professeurs et étudiants LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - Les nouvelles technologies permettent de revoir la manière de donner cours. L’UCL a présenté trois expériences d’e-learning. Qui dit cours d’université pense à un amphithéâtre où un professeur, seul devant une centaine d’étudiants, dispense son savoir. Si cette image est bien réelle, les universités ne restent cependant pas aveugles aux nouvelles technologies. L’UCL, avant une après-midi présentant son offre de masters (ce mercredi 28 mars à l’Aula Magna, de 15 h 30 à 19 h 30), le deuxième cycle d’études, a présenté trois expériences d’e-learning, soit d’apprentissage à distance. 1. « Le résultat de cette expérience est enthousiasmant, assure Francis Zech, qui a revu son jugement.Car les étudiants ne désertent pas les auditoires et ils consultent, via le web, les cours. 2. De retour en Belgique, Emmanuelle Rassart continue de donner ce cours à distance. 3.

The Twitter Essay | Twitter Consider the tangible violence technology has wrought upon grammar. We rely on automated grammar and spell-check tools in word-processing software (so much that they’ve become a crutch). E-mail shorthand fails to live up to the grammatical standards of typed or handwritten letters. And many believe our language is being perverted by the shortcuts (and concision nearly to the point of indifference) we’ve become accustomed to writing and reading in text messages and tweets. For many teachers and writing pedagogues, this is a travesty, a torturous fact of modern life that we all must contend with and defend against in our classrooms. However, I would argue that we are at a moment in the history of the English language where the capacity for something wondrous is upon us. The evolution of written language is speeding up at an exponential rate, and this necessitates that we, as writing teachers, reconsider the way we work with language in our classrooms. What is the posthuman? 1. 2.

Jézégou Abstract L’auteure de cet article propose un modèle de la présence en e-learning. Ce modèle comporte quelques similitudes avec le modèle de community of inquiry en e-learning (Garrison & Anderson, 2003) mais également des différences importantes. En effet, il aborde la notion de présence sous un autre angle, la caractérise et la décline différemment. Abstract This article proposes a model of presence in e-learning that has some similarities with but also some important distinctions from the model of community of inquiry in e-learning (Garrison & Anderson, 2003). Keywords e-learning, collaboration contradictoire, transaction, presence, presence socio-cognitive, presence socio-affective, présence pédagogique

We Who Are About To Die Tweeting is not often viewed as an intellectual pursuit. But Twitter can actually improve the English language. A new wave of high school teachers and writing professors have adapted their methods to demand concise writing. At John Jay College, Andy Selsberg makes his English students write typical five-page essays. For teachers hip to the 140-character form, Twitter is a way to sharpen their students grasp of language as a tool–and a tool that gets to the point. Ernest Hemingway once said that all a writer needs is a “built-in, shock-proof, shit detector.” Twitter is a worthy challenge. The LOLification of modern Enlgish makes it easy to dismiss the literary value of Twitter. Internet shorthand is part of the evolution (or demolition) of the language as it syncs with the evolution of technology. Hemingway once wrote a six-word story: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Literary legend holds that the story was the result of a bar bet. It can be told in six words. Didion does not Tweet.

Les TIC à l’université, qu’en pensent les étudiants? | Quel est l'impact de la technologie dans le monde de l'enseignement Les TIC font maintenant partie du quotidien des universitaires canadiens. Tous les jours sur les campus il s’échange des millions voir des milliards de messages, il se fait des milliers de présentations et il s’ouvre une infinité de pages web. La technologie (Internet, logiciels, courriers électroniques, plates-formes intégrées) a apporté des changements importants dans les méthodes d’enseignement mais aussi dans les méthodes d’étude. Dans certains cas, enseignants et étudiants ont complètement abandonné papiers et crayons pour ne s’en remettre qu’aux bits et aux octets! Dans les dernières années plusieurs études ont été menées dans le but de connaitre l’opinion des universitaires par rapport aux TIC. a) Les technologies les plus utilisées par les étudiants ; b) Les outils préférés pour la réalisation des travaux ; c) La perception des avantages pédagogiques liés à l’utilisation des TIC à l’université. »4 Mais qu’en pensent réellement les étudiants…? Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Aimer :

Digital Is Les étudiants préfèrent l’hybride En 2012, pas facile pour les facultés de savoir sur quel pied danser. Entre la culture traditionnelle qui abhorre tous les gadgets technologiques et celle du tout en ligne, il y a un monde. Même aux États-Unis, où le discours techno-enthousiaste est répandu, les autorités universitaires cherchent toujours la place des TIC dans les institutions. Et les étudiants, qu'en pensent-ils ? On pourrait croire que cette génération, dite numérique, aurait un penchant pour les solutions entièrement informatisées et en ligne. Pourtant, les sondés ont affirmé que c'est l'apprentissage hybride qui les intéresse le plus. - les cours et ateliers en présence et en petits groupes, avec quelques éléments en ligne (36%), - les cours en présence augmentés d'éléments en ligne, utilisables à volonté et sans obligation (22%), - les cours magistraux avec quelques éléments en ligne (16%). Pas si fous de technologie En revanche, l’accès au réseau Wi-Fi leur est très important à leurs yeux. Et les réseaux sociaux?
