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GOUTANOU how to make curd or dahi or yogurt | homemade curd recipe how to make curd or dahi or yogurt at home with tips and step by step photos. a couple of requests on how to make curd/dahi at home and how to make cottage cheese/paneer…. and thus this post on making curd at home. summers are the best time to have curd (yogurt) just plain or sweetened or in kadhis, lassis, shrikhands or a simple raita. yogurt based dishes are cooling and ideal for summers. i won’t be going into the food science of making curd and the fermentation process. will just keep it simple with a few tips to keep in mind whilst making curd at home. handy tips to make good curd or dahi at home: step by step process of making curd or dahi or yogurt at home: 1: first keep the milk to boil. 2: let the milk come to a boil. simmer for a minute or two and then close the burner. 3: cool the milk at room temperature till it becomes warm. 5: so now you have a nice well set homemade curd. 6: curd or dahi can be had plain or sweetened or can be made into a dessert, drink or any dish of your choice.

Marmiton : 55000 recettes de cuisine ! Recettes commentées et notées pour toutes les cuisines. Recette de cuisine. - Accueil - how to make curd or dahi at home (thick curd recipe) how to make curd or dahi at home with step by step photos I really wonder why many people buy curd instead of making it at home. It’s just an easy to do task, which requires no experience. I have grown up enjoying farm fresh milk and yogurt while I was in India. how to make curd or dahi at home with step by step photos Read the recipe below for clear instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. find curd or dahi recipe below how to make curd or dahi at home (thick curd recipe) Total time Learn how to make curd or yogurt Author: Swasthi Yield / Serves: 1 liter Ingredients (240 ml cup used) 1 liter full fat milk (whole milk) 1 tsp of curd/ dahi/ yogurt as starter (increase to ¾ to 1 tbsp. if it is gelatin based or you are making this in winters) 1 broken red chili (optional) Instructions Rinse a pot or handi well. Notes

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La cuisine de Mimine
