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13 Small Choices That Can Change Your Life In Great Ways

13 Small Choices That Can Change Your Life In Great Ways
While practicing neuropsychiatry and studying neuroscience for 40 years, my interest expanded from the human brain to include evidence of mind throughout nature—in animals, plants, microbes, and other cells. Amazingly, even plants and cells have intelligence, which means that science isn't all we've been taught to believe. From my decades of research, there are simple important things that I wish everyone knew. Some of these small choices and new ways of looking at the world could change your life in great ways. 1. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is more important than most people realize. 2. Napping can increase memory and creativity. 3. Memory is not fixed. 4. If there is one magic bullet for increased body and brain health, including increased memory, it is sensible regular exercise. 5. When eating certain foods (including processed foods, sugar, and unnatural ingredients), our hormones and neurons react strongly, as if exposed to a drug. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

10 Reasons Sex Makes You Beautiful Do you find yourself spending lots of money on beauty treatments? Although eating well, exercising and feeling good are great ways to boost your beauty quotient, I have another solution for you. It’s free. It’s fun. It’s natural. It’s orgasms. Sex is the consummate beauty enhancer. 1. Your hair gets shinier and your skin becomes luminous. 2. Frequent sex makes you look younger. 3. You release serotonin and DHEA at climax. 4. Pheromones make you more attractive to the opposite sex. 5. Breasts swell up to 25% during sex, according to Dr. 6. A huge dose of oxytocin is released at the point of orgasm. 7. Having increased cortisol in your system contributes to that “paunch” around your belly. 8. All the feel-good chemicals released in the ascent to orgasm, at orgasm and in afterglow, elevate you. 9. Sex isn't just good for the belly, it's good for your whole body. 10. People who know what they want are attractive. All through an orgasm.

11 Productivity Hacks to Boost Your Mental Focus Making a dent in the universe requires focus. So we've collated 11 simple and easy to use tips on improving your mental concentration. Most of it is a basic stuff that I tried myself, so I selected what got me the best results. What works for me may not work for you but the best way to find out is to keep testing new ideas all the time ( and eventually adopt what works and move on from what doesn't )! #1. Lack of sleep decreases production of chemicals such as dopamine or adrenaline that regulate your attention. Our tip: Have a fixed time to wake up and go to bed when your body gets tired. - This way you let your body regulate how much sleep it needs. #2. Simple carbs digest very quickly and cause insulin spike which pulls excess glucose out of your bloodstream. Complex carbs take longer to digest delivering your brain a steady supply of energy. Our tip: Eat complex carbs while working. #3. Our tip: Track your energy / focus and mood levels every hour for a week or two. #4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How To Break Any Bad Habit Learning to understand the self is a lot like stirring water in a glass. If we don’t stir, sentiments stay at the bottom of the glass and our water stays polluted. Take a simple goal: Eat better. For me, eating always starts with a craving. First, the feeling. I imagine what I’m craving. Then I become obsessed with this image. Reasoning turns into deals. It’s on. On the way home, I feel guilty about myself and the pizza is never as good as I imagined it. If I take this process and apply it to other areas of my life, is it the same? Study patterns in your thoughts and behavior around fitness and nutrition. Filtering your cloudy water means breaking patterns you believe are unhealthy. Now, if you’re able to get stronger at rewiring your thoughts and behavior with food cravings and exercise habits, including all the fears you hit while working out, can you apply those new muscles to breaking patterns in other areas of your life? I believe you can. Here’s how. 1. Usually it’s from a feeling. 2.

Music Training and Neuroplasticity With our multi sensory brain, music harnesses powers of nature, culture, and mind. How much is the brain changed by the effects of music training and neuroplasticity? Music is one of the most demanding cognitive and neural challenges, requiring very accurate timing of multiple actions, precise interval control of pitch not involved in language, and multiple different ways of producing sound. Auditory and motor actions influence each other in a constant interplay, which is largely unknown. Brain Lesion Effects on Music All brain imaging is done in a time scale of seconds, but the brain functions in the scale of milliseconds. A lesion in the auditory cortex causes “amusia” where a patient can speak and understand everyday sounds, but cannot notice wrong notes in tunes, or remember melodies.Another case, a 71-year-old cellist, had encephalitis and lost ordinary memory, but remembers music. But, recent research shows that when studying infants these differences do not necessarily exist.

9 Everyday Ab Exercises To Develop Core Strength You don’t need to spend hours, or even minutes, at the gym doing ab workouts to get a six-pack. You’d be surprised by how often you can tone your six-pack in everyday life. If you use the following core strength tips to pay close attention to how you move throughout the day, you'll see amazing changes in your abs. Below is a list of simple tips that will help you tone your core: 1. Stand evenly on two feet. How you bear your body weight is critical to attaining flat abs. 2. When you finish eating, battle your core’s desire to lapse into an inactive food coma. 3. When you’re at work, eating a meal, or watching a movie, try to sit in a cross-legged position. 4. When you’re picking up your kids, pets, boxes, or lifting work-related heavy loads, use your core strength for power rather than that of your legs or back. 5. You'll immediately grow taller and slimmer as the crown of your head rises and your gait becomes lighter. 6. 7. 8. 9. Photo Credit:

Hacking Habits: How To Make New Behaviors Last For Good In the workplace and in life, we are little more than the sum of our habits. Who we are and what we accomplish depends largely on a vast network of routines and behaviors that we carry out with little to no thought whatsoever. As neuroscientist David Eagleman writes in Incognito, “Brains are in the business of gathering information and steering behavior appropriately. It doesn’t matter whether consciousness is involved in the decision making. And most of the time, it’s not.” Habits are the brain’s own internal productivity drivers. In The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, writer Charles Duhigg does a deep dive into the science of habits to explain how they work and how we can change them. How Habits Get Formed. When we first engage in a new task, our brains are working hard—processing tons of new information as we find our way. How Habit Loops Work. Habits consist of a simple, but extremely powerful, three-step loop. Both of those rewards are valid and necessary.

How To Stick To Your Path When Friends & Family Just Don't Get It If you'd asked me when I was 25 years old what my life plan was, it was this: to marry my then boyfriend, buy a house in my hometown in Connecticut, have babies, finish my MBA, and work my way up the corporate ladder. If you'd told me that instead, I’d leave my Manhattan finance job to study yoga while traveling the world and wind up living by the Caribbean in Mexico, I wouldn’t have believed you. But a series of life events encouraged me to take a long hard look at my life and I found out that while I was on my way to my “plan,” I wasn’t happy. Maybe you, too, got a glimpse that those societal “check-marks” and “things” don’t guarantee happiness. Of course with that life of freedom, love and service, you still want financial abundance, an amazing partner and babies, and to live in a place that fuels your creativity. The issue with this can be when most of the people around you don’t understand it. So, how do you stay off the beaten path and forge your own way? 1. 2. 3.

30 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Die {Via studioflowerpower on etsy} “Rather than money, than fame, than love…give me truth.” ~ Thoreau I woke up this morning and my life clock marked 30. My first sleep-deprived idea was to pack a small suitcase, get on the first train, move to another country, change my name, change my hair color (or get plastic surgery if needed), and start from scratch. When I don’t know how to deal with life, I hide sometimes. By now, I’m good at both: fighting and disappearing. A true warrior doesn’t feel forced to do either, but moves through and with and for life, like water. So after I washed my face and considered the costs of running and those of fighting, I decided to do neither and have some juice instead. {Alkaline Espresso / Click for recipe.} We are a constant process, an event, we’re change. As such, our smaller houses, our temporary homes can only be made of cards. Loving the questions means to love yourself. So here is an exercise we can do together: a tweak to your usual bucket list. You.

12 Little Known Laws of Karma (That Will Change Your Life) What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton's law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. To stop being afraid and to start being empowered in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here is what you need to know about karmic laws. THE GREAT LAW - "As you sow, so shall you reap". Sources:Bliss Returned and Raven Emrys Learn More:

Weather Bucureşti Here we display the weather development for the next 7 days. Click on a tab to view a detailed day forecast. You can also use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate through the days, or if you use a touch screen, you can use the swipe function. Each tab includes a pictogram with the weather condition, maximal and minimal temperature, dominant wind speed and wind direction, the precipitation amount for 24h in mm and the sunshine hours. If you move your mouse over the logo for sunrise and sunset, also the current UV index is displayed. Normally, the maximum temperature is expected at late afternoon and the minimum at late night. The 3-hour overview shows a more detailed forecast for the selected day: The top-left shows sun and moon rise and set times. Click on additional parameters to extend the forecast by the following parameters: The 3-hour values are extended by felt temperature, wind gusts and relative humidity.

How To Capture The Miracle Of Being Alive Inspired by Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts, in which she transforms her depression and anxiety into fullness and joy by devoting herself to a practice of noticing and writing down every moment of wonder, I decided to try it myself. What would I notice inside if, all day long, I jotted down the small moments that brought a smile to my soul? My first morning went like this: A warm bed on a cold autumn morning A striped kitten staring at me when I wake up A tiny brown foot pressed against a furry paw A 4-year old leg slung across my belly And there, just like when I write a poem, I noticed a glimmering of joy. After several weeks of praising, of carrying around a little notebook and writing down the poet-moments, I realized that a path of praise trains us to become artists of life. Each moment carries something praiseworthy if only we can clear our eyes of the silt of routine and see the world with the freshness of a child. We can become poets of experience. 42. 57. You might touch pain.

A Mini-Guide To Help You Become More Emotionally Savvy Most of us don't have an easy time when it comes to feelings. Men, you've been taught to hide your feelings away; to pretend like they don't exist. I can't imagine what it must be like to get the message that crying is associated with weakness? And women, we've been taught that our tendency to be emotional is a flaw — something to hide, feel ashamed of, and bury. It's time for us to find acceptance for our feelings! Feelings connect us to what's real. When we suppress our emotional selves, we suppress ALL of our emotions. In an effort to become more emotionally savvy, here is mini-guide to help you feel your difficult feelings as they come up. Step 1: Stop The first thing to do when you feel an emotion coming on is stop. It's common for us to get busier when an emotion arises. Instead of turning to a coping mechanism to get out of the uncomfortable state, just stop and let the feeling flow. Step 2: Feel If only it were that easy! We don't want to feel the feeling — it doesn't feel good!

The Highest Teachings of Mind Reality The Highest Teachings of Mind Reality Mind Reality says that the Two Most Important Things are Intelligence and Alignment: ==> Abraham Hicks (Collective Consciousness of Light Beings in Nonphysical Reality) says that Wisdom comes from Alignment. Mind Reality says that Alignment/Wellbeing is the precedence of Intelligence. Abraham Hicks defines Enlightenment as “The Vortex”. It is a place of pure positive thought and pure positive energy where you are most connected with Source. Definition of “Vortex” based on the Teachings of Abraham Hicks: Vortex = A vibrational place of pure positive energy in motion (E-motion) where all cooperative components to manifesting a desired reality are drawn in. A place of non-resistance. There is only one thing you need to do everyday in creating your perfect reality. If you wish to learn more about “The Vortex” I recommend reading the book “The Vortex” by Abraham Hicks.

How To Figure Out What You Want Out Of Life You may have heard friends talk about creating vision boards or attending manifestation workshops, both which aim to help people achieve their goals or life dreams. But what do you do when you aren’t even sure what it is that you want out of life? Read on to discover some simple but powerful exercises to fire your imagination and engage your heart and soul as co-creators in your future. Although these exercises can be broken apart and done in individual sessions, if you do break it up, be sure to begin each session with a 20-minute meditation. If you are unaccustomed to meditation, you don’t have to make this too difficult. If that posture is too intense for your knees, then you can relocate to a straight-back chair, grounding your feet solidly on the floor. After this, simply observe your breath for the duration of the 20-minute period. After your meditation, open a spiral bound notebook or word processing program on your computer. Once completed, keep your writing exercises accessible.
