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Teaching with Google Earth

Teaching with Google Earth
Created by Glenn A. Richard, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University A Complete Guide to Using Google Earth in the Geoscience Classroom What is Google Earth? Classroom Activities: Ready-to-use Ready to get started teaching with Google Earth? Contribute a Teaching Activity If you have a Google Earth activity you would like to share with the community, please use our Contribute an Activity form to upload your materials. More Google Earth Pedagogy from On the Cutting Edge Teaching Geologic Map Interpretation with Google Earth This module includes a new approach to teaching map interpretation and locations for teaching structural geology, a gallery of instructional images.Google Earth and Geoscience Education - a summary of Google Earth and its application in the geoscience classroom.

Parcours David Friedman Photography: Blog: Inventors Archives It’s been way too long since I’ve posted one of these. This is my portrait of Steven Sasson, inventor of the digital camera. He was the 32nd inventor in my project. I shot him in October at Kodak’s headquarters in Rochester, just a couple weeks before President Obama awarded him the National Medal of Technology. When he initially mentioned that the first digital camera held 30 pictures, I assumed that was due to the storage capacity of the digital tape. Here are a couple photos from our shoot, as seen in the video: Update: A few people have commented on the upholstery, so I thought I’d expound on that a little bit: The only room made available to me for shooting at Kodak was the lobby, which wasn’t very inspiring.

Google Earth Library » Google Earth Network Links Explained Network Links are a very powerful, but very simple, feature of Google Earth that every Google Earth user should understand. Also, EVERY Google Earth content developer that hosts KML/KMZ files online should understand Network Links and make use of them when it makes sense. So take a couple minutes and read below to learn how to make use of this powerful feature of Google Earth. Background: Normally when you add custom KML content to you My Places, all of the data included with that custom KML file gets added to your main myplaces.kml file (saved under Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Google\GoogleEarth\myplaces.kml). If instead, you decide to use a Network Link, some important things will happen: Instead of your myplaces.kml file becoming 15 megabytes larger, it will only become 1-2 kilobytes larger. How does all this happen? Creating a Network Link: If your still reading, then I must have convinced you Network Links are a good thing. Content Developers: That’s it.

Fiche 26: Préparer et annoter la lecture d’image satellite Pedago-TIC s’associe au CERTNEF pour vous proposer hebdomadairement une fiche technique de découverte d’un outil informatique logiciel ou internet et son application pédagogique. Vous pourrez retrouver chaque mardi une fiche d’identité du produit, sa description, les caractéristiques et apports pédagogiques possibles et enfin un scénario pédagogique utilisant cet outil. Ce mardi 15 mars 2011 retrouvez la vingt-sixième fiche. Préparer et annoter la lecture d’image satellite Ressources complémentaires Tutoriel Google Earth : Fichier PDFGoogle Earth sur Wikipedia : Article Wikipédia Télécharger Google Earth gratuitement Pour rappel Toutes ces fiches vous sont proposées sous licence Creative commons BY-NC : Vous êtes donc libres de reproduire, distribuer et communiquer cette création au public, de modifier cette création selon les conditions suivantes :

8 Jules Verne Inventions That Came True (Pictures) Google Earth en Hist Géo : Présentation 1-PRESENTATION GOOGLE EARTH 2-LES CONCURRENTS ? 3-COMPARAISON avec le GEOPORTAIL -Pourquoi un produit gratuit ? En réalité, il existe plusieurs versions : -version de base gratuite -versions payantes -Quelles informations sont disponibles ? Tout dépend de l'espace à visualiser ! Pour l'Europe et l'Asie, la résolution actuelle suffit pour visualiser des quartiers ou rues des (très) grandes villes, ainsi que pour se rendre compte des paysages. Attention toutefois, beaucoup d'espaces ne sont pas disponibles en haute résolution et le zoom sera... flou ! Google indique que sa priorité actuelle serait de couvrir l'Europe... -Puis-je utiliser Google earth ? Tout dépend - du matériel utilisé : l'application nécessite un ordinateur puissant (donc récent) avec windows XP, un processeur de type pentium 4 à 3,5 Ghz, avec 512 Mo de mémoire vive, une carte graphique 3D avec32 Mo de vram et 2Go de libre sur le disque dur. -Comment fonctionne-t-il ? -Comment l'installer ? -Est-ce difficile à utiliser ?

Video: Roiling Sun Captured From All Angles | Wired Science When it comes to solar storms, there’s no longer any place to hide. For the first time, solar scientists have obtained simultaneous views of the entire sun, both the front and back sides. The unprecedented 360-degree panorama, released by NASA on Feb. 6, combines sharp images of the sun’s front side recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory with those from NASA’s twin Stereo spacecraft, which have just begun an eight-year exploration of the rotating sun’s far side. The images can also capture eruptions on the back side so short-lived that they disappear before that region of the sun rotates into view, says Stereo scientist Joseph Gurman of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The new Stereo images resolve features on the sun about 2,400 kilometers [1,500 miles] across. Video: This solar portrait captures the far side of the sun, hidden from Earth’s view, as een by NASA’s twin Stereo spacecraft. See Also:

Science Tricks - Video, Clip - ROFL.TO Eine spannende Mischung aus Musikvideos, alten und neuen Filmen, spannenden Fernsehserien der ProSiebenSat.1-Gruppe und lustigen Videos bietet die Internet-Community MyVideo. So wie verschiedene Medienunternehmen urheberrechtlich geschützte Filme und Serien kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen, können auch Mitglieder bei MyVideo eigene Fun Videos kostenlos hochladen und mit anderen teilen. Zur leichteren sprachlichen und regionalen Verständigung steht MyVideo in verschiedenen Sprachen und Webauftritten zur Verfügung. Zusammengefasst: Mit Funny Videos Spaß haben auf MyVideo Unbegrenzt: Riesige Auswahl an Musik, TV und Filmen Auf der MyVideo Webseite versammeln sich alle beliebten Medien wie Musik, TV und Filme aller Art. Einzigartig: Eigene Fun Videos hochladen und teilen Neben Musik, Filmen und Serien nehmen vor allem beliebte Videos aller Art eine tragende Rolle im MyVideo-Angebot ein. Mitgemacht: Mittendrin bei MyVideo und Facebook Empfehlenswert: Lustige Videos sehen mit der MyVideo App

Science News: Nanoguitar Photo by D. Carr and H. Craighead, Cornell. The world's smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long -- about the size of a single cell -- with six strings each about 50 nanometers, or 100 atoms, wide. Made by Cornell University researchers from crystalline silicon, it demonstrates a new technology for a new generation of electromechanical devices. The world's smallest guitar -- carved out of crystalline silicon and no larger than a single cell -- has been made at Cornell University to demonstrate a new technology that could have a variety of uses in fiber optics, displays, sensors and electronics. The "nanoguitar" -- made for fun to illustrate the technology -- is just one of several structures that Cornell researchers believe are the world's smallest silicon mechanical devices. "We have a new technology for building the smallest mechanical devices," said Harold G. The guitar has six strings, each string about 50 nanometers wide, the width of about 100 atoms. Photo by D. Photo by D.
