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An Index to Creationist Claims

An Index to Creationist Claims

Afarensis: Anthropology, Evolution, and Science Get Answers Why should a Christian ministry maintain a list of arguments creationists should avoid? As a ministry, we want to honor God and represent Christ well when we defend His Word. This means using honest, intellectually sound arguments that are based in Scripture, logic, and scientific research. Because there are so many good arguments for a recent creation (which the Bible clearly teaches), we have no need to grasp at straws—arguments using questionable logic and tenuous or no evidence. Answers in Genesis is not willing to distort evidence or resort to bad logic to defend the Bible. Furthermore, there is little harm in avoiding questionable arguments—or, at least, stating that certain interpretations of evidence are doubtful—since there are plenty of valid arguments with well-documented evidences against molecules-to-man evolution, atheism, and the like. A final reason for avoiding flawed arguments is that it leads to faulty thinking. Arguments that should never be used

Can an omnipotent deity be omnibenevolent – Thoughts from Kansas Folks are talking about the problem of evil. John Wilkins takes on the problem of the problem of evil and Darwin, arguing that, for theologies where the problem of evil is a problem, evolution probably does less to exacerbate the issue than basic physics, or physiology, or first principles of ecology. And he’s right. But one sentence setting up this argument doesn’t work for me: Evil exists, so if you believe in a “tri-omni” deity (omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent), you had better find a reconciliation. This idea of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god is pretty common, but the more I consider those three properties, the harder it is to see how anything could be all of those at once. Consider: Stating than an omnipotent, omniscient deity is also omnibenevolent essentially restricts what that deity can do: it can’t do evil. But that objection (which is of the “can god make a rock so heavy even she can’t lift it?” And that’s how it ends.

Evil Bible Evolution Theory AND Fact The Panda's Thumb Why I Left Mormonism - the Mormon Church Documentation on my reasons for leaving Mormonism is listed at the beginning of my story. These links are here so that it is clear I left Mormonism because Mormonism is not what it claims to be. I did not leave due to hurt feelings or "sin". Documentation for those investigating Mormonism Documentation in a format for Mormons The reasons are numerous and difficult to confine to a few words in a post on this web site. This is a listing of what is in this post: Brief Background of My Life as a Mormon Leaving Mormonism and Some Experiences as a Mormon History of Joseph Smith Book of Mormon Book of Abraham The Temple Church Members Glad to be Out A Brief Background of My Years as a Mormon I joined the Mormon Church when I was 20 years old and living in Upper Michigan. Leaving Mormonism Leaving Mormonism was not a step I took lightly. When I studied my way out of Mormonism it occurred in distinct layers or stages. Another disturbing item was the Hofmann forgeries in the 1980s. LDS History Cities

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