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ColorPic, The Desktop ColorPicker Software

ColorPic, The Desktop ColorPicker Software
Color Picker Download for Windows Color Palette Creation is a Breeze With ColorPic Ever tried using a color picker tool on a high resolution monitor? It's impossible. That's why this color picker has a magnifier attached. Grab palettes of up to 16 colors at once and use four advanced color mixers to select a spectrum of possibilities. ColorPic Features ColorPic in Use Selecting Colors Click to Enlarge To the left you can see ColorPic in use selecting colors, but don't just take our word for it: writes "...few have pulled all the right functionality together as usefully and elegantly as Nico Westerdale's ColorPic." writes "Tout web designer qui se respecte se doit de l'avoir sous la main." in its French review of ColorPic. writes "Ein geniales kleines Programm!"

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