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Helping Nonprofits Make Smart Software Decisions

Helping Nonprofits Make Smart Software Decisions
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Non-profit technology Nonprofit technology is the deliberative use of technology by nonprofit organizations to maximize potential in numerous areas, primarily in supporting the organization mission and meeting reporting requirements to funders and regulators. Types of technology do not differ between nonprofit and for profit organizations. Nonprofit technology is differentiated by specific strategies and purposes. Numerous nonprofit organizations approach technology with an emphasis on cost effectiveness due to limited budgets. Definitional Issues[edit] Due to the topic's inherent breadth of reach and the constantly changing nature of technology in general, the sphere of nonprofit technology is somewhat difficult to define. Technology use associated with nonprofits is not dedicated in nature, that is, technologies and specific uses of such technology by nonprofits cannot be linked solely to the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit technology uses[edit] Benefits of Technology[edit] Social Media[edit] Resources[edit]

lifehack If you have taken a glass or two of wine at bedtime in the past and felt a little guilty about it — rejoice! New research has found that this ritual might actually be good for your health — and even help you achieve your weight loss goals. What the Studies Found Two separate studies, one from Washington University and one from Harvard, both found a link between regular, moderate alcohol consumption and a healthy body weight. In the study out of Harvard, scientists looked at almost 20,000 women who were of a healthy body weight for 13 years and studied them for factors like weight gain, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. The Washington University study, which was performed on overweight female mice, found that the mice who were given extract of resveratrol, an active ingredient in red wine, produced more “brown” fat cells; these fat cells, as opposed to white fat cells, make it easier to lose weight and keep it off. The Studies in Context Other Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Info: Resources for Nonprofit Organizations The resources listed below are a streamlined collection of information for nonprofit organizations and people who work, volunteer, and care for them. We encourage you to send us any suggestions you have for additions or improvements to this resource by using the Contact link at the top of this page. On these resource pages you'll find an overview of key topics for consideration by people who work for, lead, or support nonprofit organizations in the United States. The subject is vast; you should be able to find books about running nonprofits at your public library, and there are lots of other websites that provide other perspectives on the topic. Our goal is to touch on the basics and point toward some of these other resources. These pages were prepared by Idealist staffer Putnam Barber. Nonprofits: What are we talking about anyway? He says "nonprofit." Have a look at some other notes on the basic facts about nonprofit organizations. Where do they come from? Managing nonprofit organizations

Uwaga! Przygotuj się na nowe sprawozdania finansowe! Alina Gałązka, – Jakie są konsekwencje dla stowarzyszeń i fundacji uchylenia rozporządzenia o szczególnych zasadach rachunkowości dla podmiotów nieprowadzących działalności gospodarczej? Ewa Kolankiewicz, Krzysztof Śliwiński: – Sprawozdania za 2014 rok muszą być sporządzone według zasad określonych bezpośrednio w ustawie o rachunkowości. Co to oznacza? Organizacje pozarządowe mają do wyboru dwa tryby sporządzania sprawozdań. Pierwszy to znany już od lat wzór sprawozdania, którego już teraz używają organizacje-przedsiębiorcy (czyli prowadzące działalność gospodarczą). Skąd się wziął pomysł na jednostkę mikro? E.K., K. Co to znaczy jednostka mikro? E.K., K. Te warunki to po pierwsze: półtora miliona złotych sumy aktywów podmiotu, czyli półtora miliona złotych wartości posiadanego majątku. Czyli i tak spora część organizacji, które prowadzą działalność gospodarczą, może być jednostkami mikro. Jak stać się jednostką mikro? E.K., K. E.K., K. E.K., K. E.K., K. Możecie to wyjaśnić?

Academic Phrasebank Nonprofit Technology | Technology Nonprofit | Nonprofit Software | Fundraising Software I Fund Accounting Software Email programs and support Financial Accounting for NPOs Although there are few laws or regulations that directly state how nonprofit organizations must operate their finances internally, there are many that have a strong indirect impact. These indirect influences include IRS reporting requirements and the accounting standards most funding agencies require supported organizations to follow. In practical terms, these "recommended" standards all but demand certain accounting and other financial practices be followed by nearly all nonprofit organizations. This text provides only a preliminary introduction to some major issues in nonprofit financial accounting regulations and practices, specifically in the context of legal requirements. This page is still in its initial draft form, and will always be subject to change based on new developments in NPO accounting practices and regulation. Legal Regulations IRS Reporting Links to online IRS resources are given below. State Reporting Requirements for Grant Recipients Published Guidelines Revenue Expenses

Jak pracować z (info)grafikami w organizacji pozarządowej? Organizacje pozarządowe nie mają łatwego zadania jeśli chodzi popularyzację zagadnień, którymi się zajmują. Złożoność problemów zderza się z małymi budżetami i często skromną wiedzą z zagadnień architektury informacji, projektowania graficznego czy wizualizacji danych. Mimo tych braków coraz częściej chcemy sięgać po efektowną, ale skomplikowaną formę infografik. Dlaczego? Charles Minard, 1969 r. wykres przedstawiający liczebność armii podczas rosyjskiej kampanii Napoleona, domena publiczna, źródło Wikimedia Commons O infografikach Po co je projektujemy? Takie podejście pozwala oderwać się od myślenia, że wszystkie dane i informacje które posiadamy są równie ważne. Zaraz obok pytania o cel i odbiorców warto postawić sobie pytanie jak materiały, który projektujemy będzie wykorzystywany? Upraszczając: dobra infografika to taka, która opowiada jakąś historię swoim odbiorcom, a dane którymi się posługuje to narzędzia mające tę historię uwiarygodnić i ubarwić. Mapowanie problemu dane – np. 1.

The Connected Cause | Converging technologies. Helping nonprofits. CRM & Social Media for NonProfits Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Blog :: A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits How to Get Unlimited Free Trials Using a "Real" Fake Credit Card Number « Null Byte How to Get Unlimited Free Trials Using a "Real" Fake Credit Card Number When I see the words "free trial," I know I'm probably going to have to whip out my credit card and enter in the number to "not get charged." Then I end up forgetting about the trial and want to kick myself in the ass when I see my statement at the end of the month. In order to avoid that rigmarole, you can actually use fake credit numbers instead of your own, and you can do that using the site, which can generate up to 9,999 credit card numbers at a time, or just one. Now, to be completely clear, these numbers cannot be used to purchase any item. How Does It Work? The credit card number generator uses a system based off of the Luhn Algorithm, which has been used to validate numbers for decades. Getting a Card Number on Android There's also an Android application for getting fake card numbers called CardGen, available for free in the Play Store. Credit card image via Shutterstock
