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Tracking & privacy Not all tracking is bad. Many services rely on user data to provide relevant content and enhance your online experience. But tracking can happen without the user’s knowledge. Explore the database In the Lightbeam database, you will be able to browse first and third-party connection data uploaded by donors who use the Lightbeam add-on. Related:  Net, espace de liberté surveillée

Tell Google: Stop Reading Our Email to Spam Us Name not displayed, MO Apr 22, 10:37 Mrs. Apr 21, 23:24 Google is used by almost everyone at some point in their computer experience. send a green star Mr. Apr 19, 08:11 The content of my e-mails is my business, not yours. send a green star Mr. Apr 17, 08:31 What you duing is awfull, spying, spying EVRYWHERE. send a green star Name not displayed, Italy Apr 17, 07:33 Name not displayed, Netherlands Apr 17, 02:45 Mr. Apr 16, 19:19 Google should stop reading email to spam them because if they spam them, more ads could pop up, and only offers 100% ad-free guarantee. send a green star Name not displayed, IL Apr 16, 11:00 Name not displayed, Czech Republic Apr 16, 11:26 Its illegal, we no longer live in middleage !!!! Mr. Apr 16, 01:19 Get off NSA's payroll and start taking customer's privacy seriously! send a green star Name not displayed, Germany Apr 15, 16:55 Apr 15, 12:53 Mr. Apr 15, 11:10 Why would you scan my private emails? send a green star Apr 15, 10:41 Mr. Apr 15, 10:22 Please stop following me. Mr.

bgStretcher jQuery Plugin Allows to Add Background Image to Page and Proportionally Resize it to Fill Entire Window Area. — Framework: jQuery Listed in: Effects bgStretcher 2011 (Background Stretcher) is a jQuery plug-in which allows you to add a large image (or a set of images) to the background of your web page and will proportionally resize the image(s) to fill the entire window area. The plug-in will work as a slideshow if multiple images mode is used (the speed and duration for the slideshow is configurable). bgStretcher 2011 has tons of new features suggested by our users. We appreciate all your feedback, and you will see below that we have implemented many new features and functions requested. Please continue to help us improve it by leaving suggestions in our comments area or you may contact us directly. Unobtrusive script, simple to setupWorks with all modern browsersSupports single and multiple images 1. 2. 3. And if you want to initialize plugin for custom div use next: 4. <body><div class="classname-of-div"> Your content goes here... That’s it ;) Click the Demo button to see it in action. Tested in:

Git Reference git reset is probably the most confusing command written by humans, but it can be very useful once you get the hang of it. There are three specific invocations of it that are generally helpful. git reset HEAD unstage files from index and reset pointer to HEAD First, you can use it to unstage something that has been accidentally staged. Let's say that you have modified two files and want to record them into two different commits. You should stage and commit one, then stage and commit the other. Let's see what it looks like to unstage something. $ git status -s M README M hello.rb $ git add .$ git status -sM README M hello.rb $ git reset HEAD -- hello.rb Unstaged changes after reset: M hello.rb $ git status -sM README M hello.rb Now you can run a git commit which will just record the changes to the README file, not the now unstaged hello.rb. If you want to be able to just run git unstage, you can easily setup an alias in Git.

La totalité de nos communications espionnées par un supercalculateur Enquête. La DGSE collecte et stocke l'ensemble des mails, SMS, relevés d'appels téléphoniques, accès à Facebook, Twitter..., en dehors de tout contrôle. Si les révélations sur le programme d'espionnage américain Prism ont provoqué un concert d'indignation en Europe, la France, elle, n'a que faiblement protesté. Le Monde est en mesure de révéler que la Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (DGSE, les services spéciaux) collecte systématiquement les signaux électromagnétiques émis par les ordinateurs ou les téléphones en France, tout comme les flux entre les Français et l'étranger : la totalité de nos communications sont espionnées. Si cette immense base de données n'était utilisée que par la DGSE qui n'officie que hors des frontières françaises, l'affaire serait déjà illégale. > Lire aussi : "Tous les services de renseignement occidentaux s'espionnent" Un dispositif clandestin Ce Big Brother français, petit frère des services américains, est clandestin. La cible : les "métadonnées"

Turn.js: Make a flipbook with HTML5 Installation/OS Specific Notes/Installing Amanda on Mac OS X From The Open Source Backup Wiki (Amanda, MySQL Backup, BackupPC) Amanda has been tested on Mac OS X Panther (10.3), Tiger (10.4), Leopard (10.5) and Snow Leopard (10.6). With Panther, the built-in tar does not record extended filesystem attributes (resource forks, finder flags, ACLs, and so on), so users who want to be able to restore those attributes will need to do some extra work (see below). This page is summarized from writeups by Steven Karel and Dustin's work on Amanda. Prerequisites Upcoming versions of Amanda (those incorporating the Device API) will require that glib2 version 2.2.0 or later be installed. sudo port install glib2 which will pull in the various dependencies of this library. Set Up 'amandabackup' User On 10.3 and 10.4 The following steps use 'niutil' to set up Amanda in the netinfo database, and then creae a home directory for the new user. Replace in the above with the name of your amanda server. On 10.5+ Download and untar Amanda, then run . .

La France aussi a son système d’espionnage à grande échelle Le Monde révèle ce jeudi que la France possède un programme d’espionnage à grande échelle, similaire à celui des Etats-Unis révélé par Edward Snowden. Tout y passe: relevés téléphoniques, SMS, mails, connexion à Facebook ou Twitter, fax. L’ensemble des communications «électromagnétiques émis par les ordinateurs ou les téléphones en France, tout comme les flux entre les Français et l'étranger» sont collectés et stockés systématiquement pendant des années par la Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (DGSE), explique le quotidien. Un système exploité «en toute discrétion, en marge de la légalité et hors de tout contrôle sérieux», non seulement par la DGSE mais aussi par les sept autres services de renseignement français. Recréer un journal intime numérique C’est moins le «contenu» qui est visé par les recherches que le «contenant» par ce système baptisé sobrement «infrastructure de mutualisation». Un système «a-légal» Mais officiellement, le son de cloche est bien différent.

This is Centratissimo: all centered and auto-resizable layout with some jQuery experiments by “Do Not Track” Google And Facebook Ignore your Privacy! | A-D-W-O-R-D-S “Do Not Track” Google And Facebook Ignore your Privacy! Claim They Confuse Consumers! During a Wednesday session at the annual RSA security conference in San Francisco, spokespeople from Google and Facebook explained that they are not responding to “do not track” requests because it isn’t clear that consumers know what “do not track” means. Erin Egan, the chief privacy officer of Facebook, said she also wasn’t sure that a “do not track” setting on a browser actually reflected a user’s desire not to be tracked, especially in cases where a company like Facebook was tracking users in order to customize their web experience! Read the full story at Forbes : Here Do Google and Facebook think consumers are stupid? If I turn my settings to “Do Not Track”, I not want be tracked by them that’s all and Google and Facebook have to respect my decision! But as ever they work with your privacy to get more money and respecting once more not the law! Don’t accept this! “Do Not Track means Respect my Privacy”

ESPN - OTL: The Long, Strange Trip of Dock Ellis - E-ticket In the mid-1990s, Pierce was invited to work at an old-timers' baseball fantasy camp in Reno, Nev. Ellis was there. So was Blue, who did end up starting against Ellis in the 1971 All-Star Game. Every day, the routine was the same: Under the blue desert sky, the old ballplayers would meet with the campers, run drills, play games. "Dock," Pierce asked one day. "Dan, let me tell you something," Ellis said. Ellis mentioned a road trip to St. "That's how stupid we were," Ellis said. Before the LSD no-hitter, there was "the Dungeon," a basement room in Ellis' Pittsburgh home, a place to get high, close the door and listen to Iron Butterfly. Ellis took his first drink as a toddler, mistaking his grandfather's vodka for water. "Instead of him just getting up and going to the bathroom, he was the kind of guy who would throw up between the mattresses and then go about his business," said Rambo, who attended the school with Ellis. Professional baseball brought pressure. Ellis was not. *Alcohol.

A Toulouse, un autre internet, solidaire et non-commercial, c'est possible ! 6 mois, 12 000 euros, des antennes-relais, 300 mètres de fibre optique et un courrier à l’Arcep (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes). Voilà ce qu’il a fallu à l’association pour lancer son propre fournisseur d’accès à internet (FAI) à Toulouse en 2011. « Devenir opérateur, c’est une formalité », affirme Laurent Guerby, président de l’association. Pour déployer son réseau, Tetaneutral a installé quelques antennes radios [1] sur les points hauts de la ville, et sur les toits ou les balcons des premiers abonnés. Progressivement, 230 boîtiers ont été posés, permettant à 162 foyers de Toulouse et des environs de surfer sur la toile sans passer par Orange, SFR ou Free. Vide juridique et possibilité de bloquer des sites web L’objectif de l’association « n’est pas tant de fournir un accès à internet que d’expliquer les enjeux sociaux, économiques et politiques qui se cachent derrière », insiste Laurent Guerby. Défendre la « neutralité du net »
