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Alan Levine Barks Here

Alan Levine Barks Here
Related:  enlaces educacion

Telegraph - Super Simple Blogging Alan Levine's Cog Dog Blog is one of my absolute favorite blogs. I skip over many others in my Feedly list to read his posts first. I almost always learn something new when I read his blog. Yesterday, I learned about super simple publishing tool called gives you a simple place to publish your writing and pictures without the need to create an account on the site. Here are the shortcomings of Applications for could be a good tool for those teachers who are looking for a way for their students to share their writing online without the hassle of having them register for a blog or use the ugly interface of a publicly published Google Doc.

Privacy issue: Google Docs seems to not delete but only hide documents when the trash is emptied | Scharnetzki´s - line of reasoning We are going to demonstrate in this article that documents on Google Docs (in July 2007) are not deleted, even after the user asked to empty the trash. We are also going to show that there is an privacy issue with documents on Google Docs: parts of private documents on Google Docs can be accessed without having to enter any user-id and password. Video proof: The symptom: Maybe Google still has not fixed the issues while you are reading this article. Try for yourself the URL that was used in the video: If you are able to download the image by clicking on the URL then Google still has not fixed the deletion issue and the privacy issue. When we last checked the URL (at the time of this writing) 12 hours passed by since we “deleted” Document1 from Google Docs: 12 hours later we still can access the private document that we deleted and we can access it even without being asked to provide user-id or password! For further discussion please read the rest of this article.

Horizon Project Login or Create New Account Member Spotlights RIT Launches Nation’s First Minor in Free and Open Source Software and Free Culture Partner News NMC Partners with the Balboa Park Online Collaborative iTUNES U Ideas that Matter and More High Quality, Free EdTech Content Sparking innovation, learning and creativity. > NMC Horizon Project > NMC Horizon Reports > NMC Horizon Project Navigator > NMC Horizon EdTech Weekly App NMC Horizon Project The NMC Horizon Project charts the landscape of emerging technologies for teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. > Serve on a Horizon Project Expert Panel > Submit a Project for Inclusion in a Horizon Report Open Much of the work of the NMC Horizon Project takes place in a wiki where international experts across all different educational sectors openly exchange ideas and engage in insightful discourse. Global The most recent addition to the NMC Horizon Project is a new series of region-specific reports called NMC Technology Outlooks. NMC Horizon Reports › News

Three Free Online Whiteboards Students Can Use Together in Realtime Online whiteboards that let students communicate in realtime either by voice or text can be powerful tools to create a mathematics tutorial, create a diagram, or to brainstorm ideas for a project. The following three whiteboard tools can all be used by students for free. NoteBookCast is a free whiteboard tool that will work in the web browser on a laptop, iPad, Android tablet, and Windows tablet. NoteBookCast is a collaborative whiteboard tool. You can invite others to join your whiteboard by entering the code assigned to your whiteboard. You can chat while drawing on NoteBookCast whiteboards. Web Whiteboard makes it easy to include a whiteboard in your Google+ Hangout. Stoodle is a free collaborative whiteboard tool hosted by the CK12 Foundation.

How To Surf The Net Anonymously: A Mini-Guide - Robin Good's Latest News CogDog - Tour Stop 3: Sydney My location for the Sydney sessions may be hard to beat- we were in a new conference room in Harbourside Mall, overlooking a stunning sunny day on Darling Harbour. But more than 100 people stuck with my sessions from 12:30 to 2:45 PM doing as rapids as I could do versions of “Being There” and “Whats on Your Horizon?”. And with his subtle gentle nudging from Alexander Hayes, I expanded the running “demo” I had requested (a separate screen to have a version of TwitterCamp going during the sessions). No Alex took control of that screen and masterfully coordinated 3 external environments that highlight the notion of “Being There”. We had a plain view of my twitter account, with again, my followers responding to a shoutout to say helloWe also ran a live stream via from the camera on my MacBookPro – it was the first time I ever did a broadcast, it is drop dead easy to do. That is three different spaces this presentation ventured… but Alex had more up is sleeve. Like this:

Más, menos e igual: el curioso origen de los símbolos +, -, = - BBC Mundo Derechos de autor de la imagen iStock Vamos a jugar: Escoge un número de 4 dígitos en el que al menos 2 sean distintos Organízalo en orden ascendente y luego en orden descendente Al número mayor, réstale el menor Repite Eventualmente, siempre llegarás al número 6174, algo que se conoce como la constante de Kaprekar. A ver, tratemos con: 4321 - 1234 = 3087; entonces 8730 - 0378 = 8352; y ahora 8532 - 2358 = 6174. ¡Funciona! Interesante. Pero probablemente en lo que menos pensaste mientras hacíamos todo esto fue en los símbolos - o =. Sin embargo, junto con el +, también son interesantes y tienen su historia. Además, el + está cumpliendo 600 años yel =, 460 años. = nació del tedio El símbolo que utilizamos para indicar que estamos por revelar un resultado fue creado por un galés del siglo XVI que a los 14 años ya estaba estudiando en la Universidad de Oxford y a los 21 años enseñaba matemáticas ahí mientras estudiaba medicina. A los 48 años murió en la cárcel. ¿La razón? Se olvidó de las reglas

westwood » Effective Online Privacy 2006 Editors- Trey & Jordan 2007 Editors- Tayler, Sara Ann, Betsy, and Kaitlyn Being Private on the Web. If you think your are 100% safe when you're online, you are wrong. Even though you may not give out information about yourself, somebody or a web site may already have it. No one wants to wear one of these... So use the tips below. Video on Computer Privacy: This video is about how people can get your information and what you did the last time you were on the computer. Tips on using a public computer Don't save login informationDon't leave the computer unattended with personal information on the screenErase your tracksWatch for over the shoulder-snoopsDon't enter sensitive information into a public computer

22 Apps para gestionar el aula y organizar el nuevo curso 1. Idoceo: Es un cuaderno de notas potente y fácil de manejar. Aporta las siguientes opciones: diario, calendario, horario, agenda, plano de la clase, informes, tablón de anuncios, transferir y abrir diferentes archivos, recordatorios, etc. No requiere conexión a internet para utilizarse. El único "pero", su precio: 5,99 €. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. just the facts about online youth victimisation moral panic is well intentioned but ineffective the cornerstone belief that youth put themselves at risk by sharing their personal information (name, school etc.) on line is wrong other related beliefs about internet pedophiles lying about their ages, identities and motives, tricking kids into disclosing personal information and then stalking, abducting and raping those children also turn out to be vastly exaggerated what is the reality? there are almost no victims under the age of 13there is very little violence, abduction or deception involved in online sexual predatory behaviourthe offenders lure teens after weeks of conversation with them, they play on teens desire for romance, adventure, sexual information / understanding and they lure them to encounters that the teens know are sexual in nature, with people who are considerably older than themselvesDisclosing personal information on line does not put teens at risk. Update: (June 3, 2007)Targeting the Right Online BehaviorsMichele L.
