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30 Examples of Stunning iPad App Interface Design

30 Examples of Stunning iPad App Interface Design
The iPhone ushered in an era of beautiful interface design unlike anything we’d ever seen on a mobile device. This trend is now being revived and pushed further than ever on the iPad’s larger screen and the results are amazing. We’ve combed through the App Store to bring you 30 iPad apps with gorgeous interfaces. Keep in mind that the screenshots rarely do the apps justice and that you really should try a few out for yourself. Flipboard “Flipboard is a fast, beautiful way to flip through the news, photos and updates your friends are sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Price: Free Flipboard AmpliTube “With AmpliTube for iPad, you’ll have an entire guitar/bass rig at your fingertips, comprised of 4 simultaneous stompbox effects, an amp-head plus cabinet and a microphone. Price: $19.99 AmpliTube Weather HD “Weather HD, the most beautiful way to check for weather information on the iPad and the iPhone. Price: $0.99 Weather HD iStudiez Pro Price: $2.99 iStudiez Pro Nota Price: $7.99 Nota Price: $1.99 iOrgel HD

iBearMoney | Top Finance App: iPad & iPhone 40 Useful iPad Apps With Beautiful Interfaces May 7th, 2010 40 Useful iPad Apps With Beautiful Interfaces If you have an iPad, you are probably wondering what apps you should load up your iPad with. If you don’t have an iPad, bookmark this post and come back later when you get yours. I received my iPad a few weeks ago and the first time I got it, I surfed around looking for iPad app round ups. Below are 40 carefully handpicked iPad apps that I find useful and well designed. Enjoy! Weather Station Pro [$1.99 | Website | iTunes Link] Turn your iPad into a weather station and check weather conditions and forecasts at your current location and other locations worldwide. NewsRack [$4.99 | Website | iTunes Link] NewsRack is a full-featured RSS reader for your iPhone and iPad. Evernote [Free | Website | iTunes LInk] Evernote is the popular note taking app you should have known by now. Articles [$0.99 | Website | iTunes LInk] With Articles, you can easily read and discover Wikipedia articles on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. SoundPaper Ego Instapaper

All things iPod, iPhone, iPad and Beyond Reeder Please read: The Future of Reeder follow us on twitter Reeder Google Reader, for iPad 14 brilliant examples of brands using interactive offline advertising Digital marketing, communications and advertising isn’t now just restricted to the internet, especially as online channels continue to develop and merge into offline ones. For example, we’re seeing traditional advertising space, such as television and outdoor display evolving into digitally-driven platforms, like connected TV and electric billboards. Here are 14 truly great examples of where technology acts as the glue between digital and traditional advertising space... Adobe Adobe makes a great effort to use an interactive billboard to reflect the possibilities of its CS3 product. Barclays Building an interactive, 34-metre long walkway in an airport is no mean feat, but Barclays managed to pull it off effortlessly. Chanel Even luxury brands are getting in on the action, with Chanel opting for an interactive window in one of its storefronts. Coca-Cola FMCGs are heavy brand advertisers and by creating an interactive kiosk, Coke is entering exciting new territory. Diesel Footlocker/Nike Nestlé Nike

An iPad in Every Classroom: Teacher Tested, Student Approved! « Wired Educator We’ve moved! Wired Educator’s new site is: really want you to see the new site. It looks better, reads better, and contains our most recent articles.Please consider:• Subscribing to our email updates at the new site.• Bookmarking our new site address.• Adding our RSS to your feed.• Recommending our new site to a friend. On opening day I stood in line at my nearest Apple Store for the release of the iPad. Sure, I was anxious to experience the latest and greatest from Cupertino, but I also wanted to test its capabilities in the classroom. •Where does the iPad fit in education? First and foremost, the iPad is a great addition to any classroom. Fast and Easy to Use: When I passed my iPad around the room there was absolutely no instruction needed. Great Content Viewer: The iPad is an incredible device for viewing content. The Best eReader Available: I have read books on a Kindle, on my computer, and even on my iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s on INSTANTLY!

Gourmet Live Design You Trust – Design and Beyond! Learning and Teaching with iPads Il Treccani, il più completo dizionario della lingua italiana arriva su iPad! - iPad Italia – Il blog italiano sull'Apple iPad Ultimo ma non ultimo dopo Zanichelli ed altri, ecco arrivare su iPad un altro dizionario della lingua italiana, in questo caso il migliore, secondo lo sviluppatore: Il Treccani! L’applicazione contiene il testo integrale del Vocabolario della lingua italiana e del Dizionario dei Sinonimi e Contrari pubblicato dall’Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani. Su uno schermo come quello dell’iPad e con il touchscreen che come sempre aiuta, e non poco, Il Treccani è un’esperienza d’uso senza precedenti, soprattutto per la completezza dell’opera, che integra, come detto, sia il dizionario vero e proprio, che quello dei sinonimi e contrari. Ma vediamo le caratteristiche ufficiali dell’opera: Ovviamente l’applicazione è consultabile offline e non è richiesta alcuna connessione internet. Il Treccani è disponibile da oggi in AppStore al prezzo di 4,99€ [link-AppStore]

iPadevice - Il blog italiano sull'Apple iPad - iPad Italia Weather Station - Our mission At Bigsool we try to take ourselves not too seriously. We're more focused on taking the solutions for your needs and requirements serious, and spend a large amount of time making sure we do what we do best: finding simple and elegant solutions to complex problems, using a perfect mix of innovative design, user experience, and code. Our means Our offices are located in Sophia Antipolis, at the CICA. Our goal We try to make the best apps, for the web and mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android. It is not our intent to become a large multinational firm. Interaction Design User interaction expert, having received the honors from Apple via two "Pomme d'Or" (Golden Apple Awards), Mic shapes the way we conceive our products and orients the realisation of user interfaces to be simple and intuitive, always adpated to the problem at hand. New technologies Passionate photographer, David regularly shares his greatest shots with us. Design
