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Mapping Controversies

Mapping Controversies

MACOSPOL Risk Controversies visualized Last Update: Oct. 5th 2011 New brochure (german version) available online. Download PDF (2MB) The aim of the reseach project is to develop an internet based visualisation of risk related controversies as argumentation maps on the basis of two exemplary case studies: dietary supplements and nanoscale particles. These argumentation maps will be developed by an interdisciplinary research team of sociologists, natural scientists, computer scientists as well as partners and advisors from industry, poltics and academia. The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) within the social ecological research (SÖF) programme "Strategies to Cope with Systemic Risks". Since 2008 the Risk-Cartography is part of the far reaching EU-Project MACOSPOL - Mapping Controversies on Science for Politics .

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