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5 LinkedIn Company Page Tips to Enhance Your Marketing

5 LinkedIn Company Page Tips to Enhance Your Marketing
Do you use LinkedIn for business? Do you have a LinkedIn company page? In this article, I’ll show you how to get the most from your LinkedIn company page, in five easy steps. Why a LinkedIn Company Page? The benefits of a well-oiled LinkedIn company page include engaging followers with company news, updates, events and relevant content. There’s also the improved search engine rankings as LinkedIn pages often perform well in company searches. In fact, research shows that 50% of LinkedIn members are more likely to purchase from companies when they engage with them on LinkedIn. Here’s how to make your LinkedIn company page work for you: #1: Optimize Your LinkedIn Page Showcase what your business has to offer. Use this page to tell members what you do best and give them compelling reasons to follow you. Remember that you can link to just about anything from your products and services page, including your latest and greatest white papers, case studies or how-to content. #2: Engage Your Audience

Best Practices for Linkedin Group Management Linkedin groups can be a powerful way to connect with other business people in a meaningful way. People are just discovering the potential, and there aren’t a lot of guides to group management on Linkedin, so I came up with some tips that would be useful for beginning community managers as well as experienced ones just learning the ins and outs of Linkedin groups. Remember, creating the group is only the first step. Manage The most important thing is to be an active manager. Engage Share When new features are added to Linkedin, share how to use them with the group, ask for success stories and examplesMake connections and suggest connections between users where appropriateTake the time to point out new features on Linkedin and how to use them for best advantageCreate a way for users to showcase their talents. Promote Have fun.

What Not to Do on LinkedIn Groups: Advice for Sales and Marketing A version of this article originally appeared on the AdMarco blog. You can view it here. This is a warning and some sage advice from someone who has been burned by making some of the mistakes listed below. The industry is rife with consultants offering best practices on LinkedIn and selling services around helping you get started and leveraging the power of the network. This is not one of those articles and I have nothing to sell. The fact that the HubSpot-LinkedIn combination is so powerful and convenient comes with some warnings and a few things to consider when you start up. 1) It’s okay to be a member of 40 groups, but as a rule, your blog posts will be relevant to only a handful of groups. 2) Quality, not quantity, is the rule. 3) Don't post to Alumni groups, unless it's relevant to the group. 6) The best way to engage on LinkedIn when getting started is to read and comment on others' posts and ask questions. 11) Beware of trolls.

LinkedIn: 11 Tips to Find the Best Groups A friend of mine landed his last six clients as a direct result of his participation in LinkedIn Groups. Another sees his groups as a natural extension of his social-media marketing efforts. And believe it or not (I still find it hard to believe), a third somehow managed to meet her fiancé in an HR-focused group. LinkedIn groups are informal communities formed around industries, professions, themes, niche topics, etc. Find and join the right groups, and it's easy to keep up with news and trends, make connections, ask and answer questions, land new clients--even start a romance. Here's how to find the right groups for you: Set your goals. Because groups are relatively focused, one group probably can't meet all your needs. If you're new to groups, start with one primary goal. Then search. Go to the Groups Directory page and enter search terms related to your goal. And sift. You can refine your search by using the check boxes on the left-hand side of the page. And borrow ideas. Join a few groups.

8 Tips for Managing a LinkedIn Group Jessica Faye Carter is an award-winning author and columnist. Her company, Nette Media develops social media technologies for women and multicultural communities, and she blogs at Technicultr. With over 50 million users, LinkedIn continues to be among the most popular social networking sites for business professionals, offering a variety of features for its users. One such feature, Groups, allows members the opportunity to create and manage groups focused on a wide range of business-related subjects, and some of the largest groups have hundreds of thousands of members and rival many niche social networks outside of LinkedIn in terms of size and activity. Groups offer valuable networking opportunities for their participants, who gain access to resources and information that can be beneficial for their careers. If you are considering starting a LinkedIn group or want to increase the effectiveness or reach of your current group, the 8 tips below can help. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

5 Important LinkedIn Settings You May Have Missed To access your account settings, place your cursor over your name on the top toolbar and select Settings (old version top toolbar) or scroll over your picture on the far right of your top toolbar and select Privacy & Settings (new version top toolbar). Here are the five settings I’m asked about most frequently and find most useful. 1. ”I don’t want to be bothered with all those group emails” Yes, you have full control over which groups you receive email notifications from and the frequency with which you receive them. How: Settings > Groups, Companies & Applications > Set the frequency of group digest emails 2. ”This guy is driving me nuts with his silly status updates” We all have some people in our network who are essentially using their status updates like a Twitter account or they don’t understand that on LinkedIn we don’t want to be sold to on a daily basis. How: When you view one of their status updates on your home page, move the cursor to the top right of the update and click “Hide.”

5 LinkedIn Privacy Control Settings You Should Know About | Intero Advisory Have you ever wondered why some of your connections blow up the activity feed on your LinkedIn home page? You know what I’m referring to: You see Jack Smith started following 20 companies, updated six sections on his profile and gave four recommendations all within two hours. Does it make you feel the same as when someone EMAILS YOU IN ALL CAPS!?!?! It’s loud, obnoxious and surely not necessary. It’s likely that Jack doesn’t realize what’s happening when he makes all these adjustments. How to Set Up a LinkedIn Company Page A LinkedIn Company Page serves as a hub where members can learn more about your company and its products and services. This is the primary way for a company to have a presence in LinkedIn. Three basic steps are involved in setting up a Company Page: Create a company profile;Add a “Products and Services” tab;Request customer recommendations. Create a Company Profile Step 1: To set up a Company Page, log into LinkedIn, click “Interests” in the navigation bar, and click “Companies.” Click “Interests” then “Companies” to begin the process. Step 2: Click the “Add a Company” link in the upper right-hand corner of the Companies page. Click the “Add a Company” link located on the Companies page. Step 3: Enter your company name and email address. Insert your company name and email address. Click the check box to verify that you are an official representative of the company and that you have the right to act on its behalf. Complete the Company Page overview to set up your profile. Conclusion

Six reasons why LinkedIn is still the hottest social network for entrepreneurs LinkedIn is way more than just your online resume and Rolodex. LinkedIn is now a go-to source of business news, a content publishing platform and a contact relationship manager (CRM). Find out why LinkedIn is the best social media platform for start-ups, hands-down. 1. Back before LinkedIn we’d all keep a Rolodex or maybe an online database of contacts, but if that person changed jobs or businesses, we’d lose contact when their details changed. 2. Since the recent rollout of ‘contacts’ functionality, you can now tag contacts, add notes and reminders, and record how you met them. Note: you can install this new functionality on your LinkedIn for free, but it doesn’t happen automatically. 3.

Why LinkedIn is More Important than Facebook or Twitter The fact that LinkedIn is the most important network to people is interesting as the average user only logs on 2.9 times per month. Compare this to Facebook where the average user logs in every day. Another interesting fact is that LinkedIn never actually call themselves a ‘social network’, they prefer the term ‘professional network’. We also learn from the study that respondents with ‘active’ LinkedIn accounts (i.e. not signed up and forgot about it completely), half of them visit the professional networking site once a week and a fifth log on daily. My 10 Reasons LinkedIn is the Winner There are quite a few reasons LinkedIn has passed Facebook in this department: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Top 7 Advantages of using LinkedIn | Social Media Topics Top 7 Advantages of using LinkedIn | How to Social Networking with Linkedin | Today we will discuss about advantages of using LinkedIn which is one of the largest professional networking site with more than 170+ million users. LinkedIn started in the year 2003 and it is basically used for professional networking. The main USP of LinkedIn is its target audience is professionals and not like twitter or Facebook generic users. We even covered in our previous blog posting that LinkedIn is one of the website where your business presence is important to improvise your social media networking. Professional Connections : One of the main advantages of using LinkedIn is getting connected with Professionals who are in the similar industry. Opinions : Another advantage of using LinkedIn is the opinion which comes from various professionals. Discussions : With LinkedIn you do discussion to the point and you get answers for what actually you might be searching for.

Is it worth upgrading to LinkedIn Premium? 2.1K Flares Twitter 1.8K Facebook 62 Google+ 23 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 2 2 LinkedIn 118 inShare118 Email -- Email to a friend Buffer 53 2.1K Flares × There’s no doubt in my mind that LinkedIn is an incredibly useful social network that constantly brings in great results – traffic, great connections, and engagement and leads. But is it worth upgrading to LinkedIn Premium, will it help you get even better results? Most social media users are definitely not used to the idea of having to pay to have access to certain features or benefits. There are five different types of premium accounts that you can choose from, so that you get the most out of the features that you need: - Business – for general business users - Job Seeker – for job seekers - Sales Navigator – for sales professionals - Talent Finder – for individual recruiters and employers - Recruiter – for enterprise recruiters You can make further comparisons between the different account types here. InMail Messages Profile Organizer Lilach

12 things NOT to do on LinkedIn | The Mike Ames Business Development Blog The more people you’re connected to the easier business development becomes! We all know that LinkedIn is an enormously powerful business tool and has now matured away from its “online CV” origins but are there any obvious bear-traps the hapless user can fall into? Yes there are and here’s 12 of the most likely. 1) Don’t only talk about your company on your profile I’m going to be brutal with you… no one cares about your company. If I wanted to know about your company then I would go to your company page. 2) Don’t be out of date Don’t have awards on there that you won in 1999 or quotes from customers that you had in 2001. 3) Don’t use the common ‘buzzwords’ It’s the same as a CV. 4) Don’t send out the LinkedIn text Never, and I mean NEVER, send out the text that LinkedIn automatically gives you, whether it be for an invitation to connect or a request for a Recommendation, people know this text and will not respond warmly to you. 5) Don’t automatically recommend those who recommend you
